jeudi 17 février 2022

28°VER - 20220217

Ils sont nés un 17 février
Philippe Candeloro, David Douillet, Andre Dussolier, Charles Webster Leadbeater,  Ramakrishna.

Sun enters the next Sabian symbol 17/02 at 17:56 h (chart)
Aquarius 29-30° – Sabian symbol 330
"The field of Ardath in bloom"

Jeudi 17 f�vrier :

- Libration minimale en latitude pour la Lune (B = -6,51�)

Demain :

- Libration minimale en longitude pour la Lune (L = -4,99�)

- Mercure passe au noeud descendant de son orbite, � 14h54

Chart Style
February 17, 2022
3:49:00 PM  GMT +1:00
48° 52' N · 2° 20' E
Paris, FR
 – 0° 18' – a
 – 1° 23' – a
 – 1° 28' – a
 – 1° 59' – s
Ds – 0° 54' – a
 – 0° 09' – sp
 – 0° 01' – sp
 – 2° 02' – a
 – 0° 10' – sp
 – 1° 53' – a
 – 0° 05' – ap
Ax – 2° 19' – a
Ds – 2° 53' – a
 Sun28  54' 42" +1.008900 N 00331° 03'11 S 528
 Moon09  44' 11" +12.95404 N 50163° 09'12 N 242
 North Node26 46  R0.224100 N 00054° 28'19 N 2711
 South Node26  46  R0.224100 N 00234° 28'19 S 275
 Mercury02  39 +1.034400 N 10304° 54'19 S 256
 Venus17  29 +0.601205 N 27288° 13'16 S 546
 Mars17  38 +0.738600 S 42289° 12'22 S 596
 Jupiter11  07 +0.239100 S 58342° 57'08 S 188
 Saturn17  28 +0.118200 S 52320° 12'16 S 267
 Uranus11 12 +0.025500 S 23038° 54'14 N 5010
 Neptune21  59 +0.035701 S 07353° 05'04 S 139
 Pluto27  28 +0.029101 S 48299° 55'22 S 276
 Proserpina17  43  R0.001600 N 47225° 29'16 S 224
 Chiron09 58 +0.047102 N 02008° 22'05 N 499
 Ceres01 31 +0.196800 N 31059° 17'20 N 5911
 Pallas01 12 +0.357610 S 03005° 08'08 S 449
 Juno06  14 +0.397807 N 50306° 39'11 S 077
 Vesta19  31 +0.507001 N 05290° 58'20 S 576
 True Lilith18 42 +2.449801 N 52077° 33'24 N 5011
 Mean Lilith23 45 +0.111002 N 19083° 04'25 N 3711
 Selena00  40 +0.140800 N 00302° 53'20 S 016
House CuspPlanets in House  
As03  34
226  46 
319  59
IC13  12 
519  59 
626  46 
Ds03  34 
826  46 
919  59 
MC13 12 
1119 59 
1226 46
Vx21  01Vertex
Ax21 01Anti-Vertex
14  23Part of Fortune
27 01Mean Lunar Node
GMT: 14:49:00 · February 17, 2022
Sidereal Time: 00:48:34
RAMC: 12° 08' 34"
ΔT: 70.0 sec

29th Degree of Aquarius
Sabian Symbol:
The beautifully winged insect has just come forth into glorious adult being on completion of its metamorphosis.

10th Degree of Virgo
Sabian Symbol:
As if in a moment of vision a man is seen possessed of two heads; both of these look out and beyond the shadows.

3rd Degree of Aquarius
Sabian Symbol:
A deserter from the navy stands suddenly aware of the dawning truth that freedom is never the result of compromise.

18th Degree of Capricorn
Sabian Symbol:
From the proud new warship of Britannia in token of her maritime power flies the Union Jack in calm dignity.

18th Degree of Capricorn
Sabian Symbol:
From the proud new warship of Britannia in token of her maritime power flies the Union Jack in calm dignity.

12th Degree of Pisces
Sabian Symbol:
A convocation of the Lodge of Initiates has brought the earth's glorious souls in spirit to examine candidates.

18th Degree of Aquarius
Sabian Symbol:
The masquerade has been long in progress and laughing young ladies at last have forced the final male to unmask.

12th Degree of Taurus
Sabian Symbol:
A quite youthful young couple is walking down a busy street, stopping to peer into every window with joyful glee.

22nd Degree of Pisces
Sabian Symbol:
Down the man-made mountain of industry in allegorical representation some the prophet with tablets of a new law.

28th Degree of Capricorn
Sabian Symbol:
A large aviary built as a wing to a rural mansion reveals a host of singing and contended feathered citizens.

1st Degree of Aquarius
Sabian Symbol:
An old adobe mission rests in the shelter of the California hills and seems as ancient as the mountains behind it.

2nd Degree of Aries
Sabian Symbol:
A comedian is entertaining a group of friends.

2nd Degree of Gemini
Sabian Symbol:
A nervous gentleman dressed in an elaborate Santa Clause costume is filling Christmas stockings furtively.



Sun28 Aqu 54' 39"
Moon09 Vir 43' 29"
Mercury02 Aqu 38' 46"
Venus17 Cap 29' 03"
Mars17 Cap 37' 56"
Jupiter11 Pis 07' 24"
Saturn17 Aqu 28' 16"
Uranus11 Tau 12' 26"
Neptune21 Pis 59' 11"
Pluto27 Cap 27' 39"
Chiron09 Ari 58' 09"
Lilith23 Gem 44' 38"
True Node26 Tau 45' 21" R

Current Planets
17-Feb-2022, 14:48 UT/GMT
Venus17Capricorn29' 3"
Chiron9Aries58' 9"

February 17th, 2022 (PT)
[S]The Sun is in Aquarius
phase de la Lune du jourThe Moon is in Virgo
The Full Moon is in Virgo: All day
[Hg]Next Mercury Retrograde Period
May 10 - Jun

Jupiter Hour07:5508:47Moon Hour18:1719:25
Mars Hour08:4709:38Saturn Hour19:2520:33
Sun Hour09:3810:30Jupiter Hour20:3321:41
Venus Hour10:3011:22Mars Hour21:4122:49
Mercury Hour11:2212:14Sun Hour22:4923:57
Moon Hour12:1413:06Venus Hour23:5701:05
Saturn Hour13:0613:58Mercury Hour01:0502:13
Jupiter Hour13:5814:50Moon Hour02:1303:21
Mars Hour14:5015:41Saturn Hour03:2104:29
Sun Hour15:4116:33Jupiter Hour04:2905:37
Venus Hour16:3317:25Mars Hour05:3706:45
Mercury Hour17:2518:17Sun Hour06:4507:53


How To Use This Page

First of all, planetary hours are location-specific, so make sure that you've selected the appropriate location.

If you are not familiar with the planets' symbols, click on a symbol, and a dialog with the planet's name plus some keywords for it will open.

You will find the indication of the Planetary Day ruler for the selected date in the table above this text and a list of Planetary Hours for the selected date - in the table to the left of this text.

Note that a Planetary Day starts at the moment of sunrise on the given date in the selected location and ends with the next sunrise in this location. So Planetary Days do not coincide with the common calendar days.

The length of a Planetary Hour is not equal to 60 minutes, in most cases.

For more information on this topic, please read About Planetary Hours And Days article.


Jeu, Fév 17, 2022

JEUDI17FÉVRIERSemaine 7 - Jour 48 | AlexisNPleine lune

Sunrise 07:53
Sunset 18:13
Twilight ends 19:59
begins 06:07

16-day old moon
Full Moon


16 days old

17th Lunar Day  19:03

This Lunar Day is propicious to good business deals, salary increase, reaping, but also ruse, deceit, intemperance.

Waning Gibbous

This period is intended to summarize and analyze errors. It is better not to begin new affairs at this time.

Moon in Virgo   5:42

Suitable energy for general and menial work, in particular jobs that require attention to details and great patience, crafts, knitting, sewing, cooking, mending, cleaning, nursing, volunteering, accounting, studying, researching, testing, purifying, collecting, classifying, putting order into chaos. Purchase of craft materials and tools, collectibles, pets.


February 17 2022
3:49 PM Time Zone is CET

Applying Moon Opposite Jupiter
Optimistic choices are made now. Situations may be over-rated; don’t forget reality. Evaluate critically, feelings may be misleading. Problems now have to do with overindulgence, overconfidence, and excesses. Pleasant and comfortable conditions, however, will probably be present.

Applying Mercury Square Uranus
Communications are interrupted and subject to breakdown. Transportation matters are unstable. Shocking news, attacks on authority figures, controversy, innovation, and protests may occur now.

Applying Venus Sextile Neptune
This transit stimulates compassion, artistic creativity, spiritual inclinations, and romantic interests.

Applying Mars Sextile Neptune
Actions are taken for reasons of ideology or beliefs. Leadership is dramatic and offers universal solutions to problems.

Applying Jupiter Sextile Uranus
This is a time when mostly positive developments, changes, and innovations are happening in many fields, including religion, law, and transportation.

Saturn void in Aquarius
Formalities are the rule; traditions are maintained. Groups of old friends, family, and comrades assemble to remember the past. Conservatism rules; experiments fail. At this time leaders are under pressure and laws are put into effect. It’s a time for staying with tradition and not experimenting with new forms of social behaviors. The past triumphs.

Uranus void in Taurus
Actions are unconventional, radical, or surprising. Not everyone agrees on how things should go, therefore there is discord within groups. Others, who have a specific agenda, persevere to make their point despite fierce opposition. Social conditions are volatile now. The bottom could fall out. It’s a time for experimentation and deviant behaviors. Sudden, unusual, and disruptive conditions occur now that reveal deep inequalities in society and culture.

Neptune void in Pisces
Trends are unclear. Not everything is known, there is much to suspect. The fabric of reality seems to be ripped asunder. Faith in leadership is low. Social and economic conditions are unstable and subject to devaluations. The future looks uncertain and no one is taking any chances. Beliefs about reality are challenged. Some feel overwhelmed, even flooded, literally and figuratively.

Pluto void in Capricorn
There is movement toward displaying outright power. Tolerance and patience are pushed aside in favor of drastic actions. Old wounds are reopened and confrontations forced. Power plays occur. Secret forces make their presence known. Some seek to act on their urges, others attempt to stop them. Deep secrets are revealed. A collective cleansing is in order.

SunSquareTrue Node2.16
PlutoTrineTrue Node0.71
True NodeSquareSun2.16
True NodeTrinePluto0.71

Jeudi 17 Fevrier 2022 15h49
jeu. 17 fev. 2022 13h TU
Ephemerides astro 17/02/2022 à 13h TU
jeudi 17 février 22
St Alexis
Bonne fête Alexane, Alexi, Alexian, Alexiane, Alexie, Alexy.

phase de la Lune du jourNouvelle Lune 01/02 05h49
premier quartier 08/02 13h51
Pleine Lune 16/02 16h59
second quartier 23/02 22h34
prochaine lunaison 02/03 17h38
Theme Astral
Horoscope astrologie

February 17, 2022Th
Re: none


A longer-term transit occurs today: Jupiter forms a sextile to Uranus, and it’s an enlightening one. We’re open to new energies, approaches, and attitudes under this influence. Fortunate events occur as a direct result of our willingness to entertain the unusual and think outside the box. This transit favors group activities, financial endeavors associated with groups or organizational efforts, online connections and ventures, educational pursuits, writing, publishing, speaking, and humanitarian efforts. Our outlook is positive and optimistic. During this transit, we tend to view change and activity as favorable. We’re less tolerant of repetition and routine, and we’re resistant to obligations or limits to our self-expression. Good luck or money can happen unexpectedly, appearing in the nick of time. With Jupiter in Pisces, we can be quite sentimental, but this aspect helps us detach somewhat from this so that we can embrace change. The Moon spends the day in Virgo, and we gravitate to practical activities and helping others. The Moon opposes Jupiter in Pisces early afternoon, however, and we could be tempted to go overboard to combat boredom.

**Conjunctions to Select Fixed Stars on February 17, 2021.**


Aspects to Moon 10°Vi54 +11°57′

 conjunct 11°Vi37 ZOSMA — A victim or a saviour

Aspects to Mercury 02°Aq44 -19°24′

 conjunct 02°Aq04 ALTAIR To explore, to be bold.

Aspects to Venus 17°Cp32 -16°52′

 conjunct 16°Cp56 RUKBAT Steadiness and strength.

Aspects to Mars 17°Cp41 -22°57′

 conjunct 16°Cp56 RUKBAT Steadiness and strength.

Aspects to Saturn 17°Aq28 -16°25′

 conjunct 17°Aq40 SUALOCIN Tantalising but naive.

Aspects to Ceres 01°Ge31 +20°58′

 conjunct 02°Ge23 MIRFAK Challenge-oriented.

Aspects to North Node 26°Ta44 +19°25′

 conjunct 26°Ta28 ALGOL— Female passion and intensity.

Astrology of Today – Thursday, February 17, 2022

Today’s Moon:

  • The Moon is in Virgo.
  • There is no void Moon period today.
  • The Moon is waning and in its Full phase.
  • The Full Moon occurred yesterday in the sign of Leo.


  • No major retrogrades.
  • Mercury is in its post-retrograde shadow until February 24th.
  • Venus is in its post-retrograde shadow until March 1st.

**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).

Date & Time: Feb 17 2022  0:00 am

Event: Moon in Virgo

Description: The Moon in Virgo

We crave organization and order, and are quickly disturbed by anything standing in the way of these things. This is a good time for chores, organizing, and tidying. It’s also a time for scheduling health appointments and checkups, starting new routines, and generally tending to details.

Date & Time: Feb 17 2022  3:08 am

Event: Tr-Tr Mon Qnx Jun

Description: Transiting Moon Quincunx Transiting Juno

There can be some inclination to manipulate others to further our own goals, which should be avoided. There may be indecision regarding feelings about a relationship. Alternatively, there can be a conundrum regarding family and a relationship.

Date & Time: Feb 17 2022  10:15 am

Event: Tr-Tr Mon Qnx Chi

Description: Transiting Moon Quincunx Transiting Chiron

Hurt feelings may be opportunities for healing. Now is the time for building bridges, not burning them.

Date & Time: Feb 17 2022  12:25 pm

Event: Tr-Tr Mon Opp Jup

Description: Transiting Moon Opposition Transiting Jupiter

We could be suffering the consequences of recent excesses. We might be stirred to make a promise or a statement, but it could be over the top or unrealistic. Differences of opinion could be an issue now. It can be difficult to be objective.

Date & Time: Feb 17 2022  12:32 pm

Event: Tr-Tr Mon Tri Ura

Description: Transiting Moon Trine Transiting Uranus

We are open to new ideas. A break in the routine is pleasing now. We could be experimenting with new ideas or feelings. There can be chance meetings, events that occur that open our minds or our awareness. 

Date & Time: Feb 17 2022  12:38 pm

Event: Tr-Tr Mon Cpl Sun

Description: Transiting Moon ContraParallel Transiting Sun

Date & Time: Feb 17 2022  2:51 pm

Event: Tr-Tr Mon Sqq Plu

Description: Transiting Moon SesquiSquare Transiting Pluto

Deeper feelings emerge suddenly, and possibly in a disruptive way. We may be over-reacting or going to extremes. Wait for the tension to subside before taking action.

Date & Time: Feb 17 2022  3:55 pm

Event: Tr-Tr Mon Cpl Jun

Description: Transiting Moon ContraParallel Transiting Juno

Date & Time: Feb 17 2022  7:12 pm

Event: Tr-Tr Jup Sxt Ura

Description: Transiting Jupiter Sextile Transiting Uranus

Life is like a roller coaster ride, full of surprising twists and turns which offer both fear and excitement.  Go with the flow.  Enjoy your new-found freedom.

Date & Time: Feb 17 2022  3:47 am

Event: Tr-Tr Ves Cpl Cer

Description: Transiting Vesta ContraParallel Transiting Ceres.


Meticulous, discriminating, pure, practical, health conscious, hard working. Can be hyper-critical, petty and perfectionistic.


Disciplined, responsible, reliable, industrious, conscientious, practical, achieving. Can be pessimistic, overly conventional, rigid, materialistic, callous.


Humanitarian, innovative, group conscious, progressive, serving others. Can be rebellious, eccentric, aloof, emotionally superficial, overly extroverted.


Today’s Elemental Balance



We are not very goal-oriented right now, or motivation to pursue our goals may be waning/lacking. Changes feel overwhelming. Enthusiasm may be low, we argue less, and we think more than we take action.


Earth signs are Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. We are especially in touch with the physical world. We consider what we’ve learned and experienced in the past in order to make the most of the present. We can be cautious, practical, and possibly unimaginative. We are deliberate and can pace ourselves well. We need hands-on experience and are not impressed with theory as much as we are with results. Routines are tolerable and comforting.


There may be some insensitivity or lack of empathy now. We may be out of touch with what we’re feeling or with our emotional needs. We may be tougher than usual now, and more inclined to follow mental or practical considerations than we are to listen to our intuition.


Today’s Modal Balance


The modes are balanced today.


Today’s Lunar Phase



Moon 180 to 135 degrees behind the Sun. 

We are concerned mainly with the nature of relationships and are made aware of recent imbalances. Something can come to fruition. Our concern is not limited to personal relationships, but relationships of all kinds. Our cards are on the table.


We have an emotional need for order with the Moon in Virgo. Diet, nutrition, health matters, work, and routines are in stronger focus. If we’re feeling out of sorts emotionally, we might also experience symptoms on a physical level now.


Part of Body: Falciform 

Sabian Symbol: A boy moulded in his mother’s aspirations for him.


TRINE VENUS  Orb 6°37′ Applying

We tend to seek out harmony, balance, and beauty. Love, romance, decorating, beauty treatments, the arts, creative pursuits, parties, dates, and recreation are generally favored now. There is increased sensitivity, affection, and warmth, but there could also be some appeasement, tact, and diplomacy.

TRINE MARS  Orb 6°47′ Applying

Feelings and desires seem to be in sync, making this a good time to take purposeful action. Healthy competition, resourcefulness, courage.

OPPOSITION JUPITER  Orb 0°13′ Applying

We may be going overboard or to excess now. Emotional restlessness, high expectations. Difficulties focusing on responsibilities; difficulties prioritzing. We are looking for fun or for something to celebrate, and turn to others to share our good feelings.

TRINE URANUS  Orb 0°17′ Applying

We are open to new ideas, ways of expressing ourselves and our feelings. A break in the routine is pleasing now. We could be experimenting with new ideas or feelings. There can be chance meetings, events that occur that open our hearts or our emotional awareness.

QUINCUNX CHIRON  Orb 0°56′ Separating

We could be misjudging our sensitivity levels and making poor choices as a result. Decisions made now may not reflect our hearts, and can be regrettable later on.



You are unconventional, friendly, unpredictable and innovative. You like originality and may become rebellious.


Part of Body: Connections in lower leg 

Sabian Symbol: Moon-lit fields, once babylon, are blooming white.



You are brimming with original and unique ideas. You enjoy exchanging ideas with other people, particularly friends and groups of people. You are an inventive thinker, and may rebel against old and traditional ideas.


Part of Body: Right fibula 

Sabian Symbol: A deserter from the navy.


CONJUNCTION PLUTO  Orb 5°16′ Separating

You have a probing mind. You avoid social chit-chat preferring deep and meaningful conversations. You are able to research topics of interest.



There can be some reticence about forming new connections, but when we do form them, they are longterm. Getting serious about our finances and boosting our relations with business partners and/or co-workers can be in focus. We value reliability. We take expressing our feelings seriously, and we take our time to  warm up to others. Our tastes are traditional.


Part of Body: Ligaments of right knee 

Sabian Symbol: The union jack flies from a new british destroyer.


CONJUNCTION MARS  Orb 0°09′ Separating

This is a passionate, lively, expressive influence. Social relations are impassioned, and perhaps demanding or combative. We may also feel compelled to do something creative or artistic. We have a chance to express our needs, passions, and desires now in effective ways. Venus can act to soften Mars’ aggressiveness, or Mars can make Venus’ romantic impulses more forceful and pressing. Some level of competition is present in our interactions. Impulsive purchases are possible.



This is a time for adopting a methodical, responsible, and structured approach to reaching our goals. We can be rigid and calculating under this influence, but also determined, focused, studied, deliberate, ambitious, smart, and realistic.


Part of Body: Ligaments of right knee 

Sabian Symbol: The union jack flies from a new british destroyer.



You are on an intuitive search for the truth. You are a champion of the underdog. You could be a spiritual or religious teacher.


Part of Body: Plantar artery of the right foot 

Sabian Symbol: An examination of initiates.


SEXTILE URANUS  Orb 0°03′ Applying

You have a chance to change much in this world. It may seem easy to you. You need to have patience with others who find it harder to change.



You have an ability to work well in groups. Your work is often original and innovative.


Part of Body: Spinal nervous system 

Sabian Symbol: A man unmasked.



(1934 – 1942) We approach money and personal possessions in new ways and learn how to free ourselves from certain material constraints. Innovative ways to make ourselves comfortable emerge. We’re less inhibited about expressing sensuality, self-love, body love, and pampering. We’re challenging what we previously valued. There can be abrupt changes with money, valuables, possessions, and income that lead to a reshuffling of priorities or values. Income might come from non-traditional sources or ventures. We’re bringing progressive ideas to the world of business. New ways of doing business, as well as making, viewing, and handling money are likely. Income and the energy we put into making money can be variable. (May 15, 2018, to November 6, 2018, then March 6, 2019, to July 7, 2025, and then November 7, 2025, to April 25, 2026). 


Part of Body: Cervical and brachial plexi 

Sabian Symbol: A young couple walk down main-street, window-shopping.



A long-term influence in which fantasy, imagination, compassion, and spirituality are in stronger focus. (April 4, 2011, to August 4, 2011, then February 3, 2012, to March 30, 2025, then October 22, 2025, to January 26, 2026)


Part of Body: Achilles tendon of the right foot 

Sabian Symbol: A man bringing down the new law from Sinai.



Tests of our boundaries; breaking down and rebuilding structures and rules. (From January 25, 2008, to June 14, 2008, then November 26, 2008, to March 23, 2023, then June 11, 2023, to January 20, 2024, then September 1, 2024, to November 19, 2024).


Part of Body: Right genicular arteries 

Sabian Symbol: A large aviary.


Your sense of being has been violated in some way and you may fear asserting yourself. You may also over-compensate by attempting to be the first at everything. Physically you may suffer head wounds. You may become a pioneer in a way that will be of service to humanity.


Part of Body: Eyeball 

Sabian Symbol: A scholar creates new forms for ancient symbols.


You place importance on structure and order in the workplace. You have great discipline and personal ambition, and can succeed in administrative and management positions. Workers will turn to you for a sense of stability and authority.


Part of Body: Tendons of right knee 

Sabian Symbol: A hidden choir singing.


You have a keen intellect with the ability to come up with exciting, new ideas. You are also happy to risk putting your new ideas into action.


Part of Body: Midbrain 

Sabian Symbol: A comedian entertaining the group.


You want the freedom to be your own person in your relationship. If this is not available you become rebellious and unreliable. You are unlikely to be comfortable in a traditional relationship.


Part of Body: Right saphenous veins 

Sabian Symbol: A child born of an eggshell.


You like those close to you to share their feelings and thoughts and to listen to you. You share information with your loved ones to show them you care. You will suffer when others refuse to talk.


Part of Body: Oesophagus 

Sabian Symbol: Santa clause filling stockings furtively.



Part of Body: Olecranon 

Sabian Symbol: Children skating on ice.



Part of Body: Zygomatic muscle 

Sabian Symbol: An open window and a net curtain blowing into a cornucopia.



This is a quest to overcome your distrust of change, to develop creative outlets for your intense emotions and to avoid hitting out at loved ones. These attributes plagued you in this life because of suffering and traumatic endings in past-lives which left you with deep emotional wounds and a feeling of being cheated. In learning this life’s lesson of trusting the process of change you will develop a newfound sense of peace and stability.


Part of Body: Atlas 

Sabian Symbol: A woman selling beads.



This is a quest to overcome your distrust of change, to develop creative outlets for your intense emotions and to avoid hitting out at loved ones. These attributes plagued you in this life because of suffering and traumatic endings in past-lives which left you with deep emotional wounds and a feeling of being cheated. In learning this life’s lesson of trusting the process of change you will develop a newfound sense of peace and stability.


Part of Body: Anus 

Sabian Symbol: A military band on the march.

Aujourd'hui / 13°

Risque de pluie : 96% - Humi. : 72%

Vent :Ouest - 32 km/h

Lever : 07:56 - Coucher : 18:15

     Légère averse de pluie

BELIER Aujourd'hui, vous ne manquez ni d'id�es ni de projets! Et m�me si vos amis vous qu�mandent, vous pr�f�rez avancer dans votre travail comme vous l'aviez pr�vu.BALANCE Si la solitude vous p�se, ouvrez votre coeur � la compassion et pensez � ceux qui sont beaucoup plus malheureux que vous... �a va mieux maintenant, n'est-ce pas ?
TAUREAU Vous avez beaucoup d'ambition, mais votre coeur est tout de m�me �pris de beaut� et de joie int�rieure. Exprimez tout cela de fa�on artistique.SCORPION On ne peut pas dire que le ciel vous tombe sur la t�te, en ce moment! Vous passez des joies familiales aux soir�es entre amis sans probl�me. Qui s'en plaindrait?
GEMEAUX Vous aimeriez emmener toute la famille en vacances mais votre budget actuel le permet-il? En revanche, il n'est pas impossible que vous partiez rapidement en week end...SAGITTAIRE C'est le moment de mettre en valeur votre capacit� � communiquer et d'en tirer profit. Avec de l'audace et de la d�termination, vous pouvez arriver aux buts fix�s.
CANCER Vous vous d�menez, vous vous affairez, vous prenez des contacts tout azimuts pour faire rentrer un maximum d'argent dans les caisses. Et vous y parvenez!CAPRICORNE Si vous �largissez votre horizon personnel, vous constaterez que bien des richesses s'y trouvent d�j�. Qu'attendez-vous pour briser la routine et changer de d�cor?
LION Votre partenaire ou vos collaborateurs sont au centre de vos pr�occupations. Mais vous y trouvez votre compte puisque vos finances s'am�liorent.VERSEAU N'h�sitez pas � faire valoir vos capacit�s et vos talents. D'autant qu'aujourd'hui vous avez le vent en poupe pour faire des affaires. Et de plus, on vous trouve sexy!
VIERGE Vous vivez en ce moment une p�riode o� le travail ou vos activit�s vous prennent parfois la t�te, et cela peut vous mettre de mauvaise humeur. Allez prendre l'air!POISSONS Bien que vous ayez tendance � vous isoler, votre partenaire ne vous laisse pas souvent ruminer tranquille! Et si vous lui parliez de ce qui vous passe par la t�te?


The Sun enters Pisces today, where it will transit until March 20th. During this cycle, altruistic feelings guide us. We are less motivated to take action than we are to feel, imagine, and dream. A “what will be, will be” attitude reigns, and a sense of universal correlations leads the way. Pisces rules empathy, selfless love, devotion, and wisdom. Its shadow side involves self-pity, a feeling of being victimized by life, passivity, and avoidance. We prefer to believe and trust, giving things/people the benefit of the doubt until they prove us wrong. We might often tune out problems or conflicts during this cycle rather than tackle them head-on, hoping they will iron themselves out. Prosperity flows when we’re connecting with our hearts, being kind, and helping others. The need to withdraw or retreat to restore our energy is strong from time to time. The Moon continues its transit of organized Virgo today until 10:51 PM EST, when it enters diplomatic Libra.

The void Moon occurs from 6:19 PM EST, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a trine to Pluto), until the Moon enters Libra at 10:51 PM EST.

This week: The Sun is in Aquarius to the 18th when the Sun enters Pisces; Mercury is in Capricorn until the 14th, when it enters Aquarius; Venus is in Capricorn; Mars is in Capricorn.

The Sun is in Aquarius from January 19-February 18. During this cycle, we are motivated by our hunger for knowledge, experience, and originality. Innovation is more important to us than convention. We become more aware of what is outdated in our lives, and strive to find new perspectives and new ways to do things. The class distinctions, structure, and order that Capricorn finds appealing now seem to be too rigid. The freedom of the individual becomes far more significant to us.

We strive to free ourselves from some of the restrictions, inhibitions, and limitations that now feel constraining rather than safe.

The Sun is in Pisces from February 18-March 20. With the Sun in Pisces, we are guided by altruistic feelings. We are less motivated to do than we are to feel, imagine, and dream. A “what will be, will be” attitude reigns, and we are guided by a sense of universal correlations. Pisces rules empathy, selfless love, devotion, and wisdom. Its shadow side can include self-pity, a feeling of being victimized by life, passivity, and elusiveness.

While we may not always verbalize our feelings and impressions during this cycle, they’re strong and motivating. We prefer to believe and trust, giving things/people the benefit of the doubt until they prove us wrong. We might often tune out problems or conflicts rather than tackle them head on, hoping they will iron themselves out. Prosperity flows when we’re connecting with our heart, being kind, and helping others. The need to withdraw or retreat to restore our energy is strong from time to time.

Mercury is in Capricorn from January 25-February 14. When Mercury is in Capricorn, our thinking is methodical and our focus is sober and practical. It is easier to concentrate on the task at hand under this influence. Our conversations may be quite realistic or focused on business/practical matters. Our thought patterns and communication styles become more logical, orderly, and organized.

We are more able to sort out what is relevant and essential. Realism enters the picture, our speech is no-nonsense, and precision becomes important to us. Our survival instincts are strong–we’re interested in what will benefit us in the long term.

We’re not interested in the fluff, preferring to get right to a point or the bottom line. Communication can be somewhat guarded or cautious, and similarly not very floral or expressive. We gravitate to concrete subjects and information that’s logical, useful, and well-organized. We may prefer a methodical approach to studying. Our fantasies may be well-considered and possible, with realistic overtones.

We need to be wary of becoming too rigid in our thinking. We may come across as cold or harsh. For some, there is a fine line between realism and pessimism. At times, we might lack humor, or we’re inclined toward sarcasm when joking. We can be quite stubborn with our ideas and methods.

We can use this period to make solid, realistic plans and get organized. It’s a favorable time to advise, teach, or guide. Generally, we’re more concerned than usual with our reputation or responsibilities. Our dependability can reap rewards. We love to plan ahead and map out our next steps. Changes of schedule can be most disconcerting during this cycle. Our reactions are sensible, cool, and level-headed while Mercury is in Capricorn.

Mercury is in Aquarius from February 14-March 9. When Mercury is in Aquarius, we are hungry for knowledge and open to new and original ideas. We begin to think outside of the box, and our thinking becomes more progressive and objective. Our communication and thought patterns are spontaneous, somewhat fragmented, reasonable, objective, and liberal. This is a time when inventive thinking is at a peak.

We’re reasonable, finding it easier to separate intellect and emotion when assessing a situation. Although progressive-minded and receptive to new studies and information, we are not quick to sway from our ideas and beliefs. During this cycle, we take more interest in thinking that’s daring or original. As we envision a better future, we can come up with truly interesting ideas and concepts.

Venus is in Capricorn from November 5, 2021-March 6, 2022. [This is longer than usual due to the Venus retrograde, occurring entirely in the sign of Capricorn, from December 19, 2021-January 29, 2022.] Getting serious about our finances and boosting our relations with business partners and/or co-workers will be easier than usual under this influence. Our talents for creating artistic structure and form are enhanced, and our ability to form connections with people who support our ambitions increases.

We value enduring connections, reliability, and faithfulness. We take expressing our feelings seriously, and we take our time to warm up to others. We generally keep our “cool” in relationships. We’re steadfast and seek genuine, perhaps old-fashioned connections. It’s not a time for PDA, and we can be somewhat guarded and reserved with expressing our feelings or revealing our relationships.

The underdog who works hard can have their time in the sun now. We value slow and steady effort and long-term prospects. Reliability in others is most attractive.

This cycle favors getting along well with higher-ups, conservative business goals and ventures, long-term investments, and matters related to pension.

Mars is in Capricorn from January 24-March 6. Mars in Capricorn is deliberate, persistent energy. We consider the future and the consequences before taking action during this cycle. Our energy is reliable and faithful. We are slow to anger, but can be quite cold if we are frustrated. The shadow side of Mars in Capricorn is rigidity.

Jupiter is in Pisces from December 28th, 2021, to May 10, 2022. Jupiter returned to Pisces on December 28th, 2021. This is part two–there will be another part to this 3-part act later in the year! Read more about the Jupiter in Pisces transit.

Saturn transits Aquarius from March 21 to July 1, 2020, and from December 17th, 2020, until March 7, 2023. Read about Saturn’s transit of Aquarius.

Uranus is in Taurus.

Uranus transits Taurus from May 15, 2018, to November 6, 2018, and then from March 6th, 2019, until 2025/6. We approach money and personal possessions in new ways and learn to free ourselves from certain material constraints. Innovative ways to make ourselves comfortable emerge. We’re less inhibited about expressing sensuality, self-love, body love, and pampering. Above all, we’re challenging what we previously valued during this cycle.

There can be abrupt changes with money, valuables, possessions, and income that lead to a reshuffling of priorities or values. Income might come from non-traditional sources or ventures. In general, we’re bringing progressive ideas to the world of business. New ways of doing business, as well as making, viewing, and handling money, are likely. Our income and the energy we put into making money can be variable.

Venus in Capricorn Marry for money and then learn to love ’em: that’s what your heart tells you now, as a new cycle gets underway in your life. Does that sound cynical? Maybe so – but it does reflect the yearning you feel for security and stability now, and it suggests the kind of compromises you may be willing to make to accomplish these objectives.

Venus parallel Saturn February 10. We may express our affection sparingly, but also responsibly and in practical ways. Relationships begun under this influence often feel burdensome over time, but they may last longer than most.

Venus conjunct Mars February 15-16. This is a passionate, warm, expressive, lively and sexy energy. We are now able to take the initiative to achieve harmony and sexual fulfillment. This influence brings satisfaction to the feelings. Our creativity and desire to make something beautiful is stimulated now. We are more able to combine warmth with energy. Social relations are impassioned, and perhaps demanding or extreme.

In some cases, this impulsive energy generates “love at first sight” scenarios or erotic interludes. Team work is more successful now. Some level of competition is present in our interactions, but it’s likely of a pleasurable and gently challenging kind. Impulsive purchases are possible.

Venus sextile Neptune February 23-24. Unusual attractions that add imagination, inspiration, and emotional “color” to our lives may occur now. We are attuned to the subtleties of human interaction, and we are more inclined to naturally cooperate with others. An imaginative, romantic time.

Venus trine North Node February 28. We are especially concerned with harmonizing and tend to be agreeable and cooperative. We could feel lucky in love, and we could meet someone who is good for us. Fortunate connections might be made now.

SunSemi-squareChiron Sun semi-square Chiron. The desire to learn and grow through experiences and through others is strong, but may be hampered by a lack of confidence or a fear of being different.

VenusConjunctionMars Venus conjunct Mars. This transit generates a passionate, warm, expressive, lively, and sexy energy. We are now able to take the initiative to achieve harmony and sexual fulfillment. Social relations are impassioned, and perhaps demanding or extreme. We may also feel compelled to do something creative or artistic. This is a time of balancing and integrating yin and yang energies within ourselves. We have a chance to express our needs, passions, and desires now in effective ways. Venus can act to soften Mars’ aggressiveness, or Mars can make Venus’ romantic impulses more forceful and pressing. Some level of competition is present in our interactions, but it’s likely of a pleasurable and gently challenging kind. Impulsive purchases are possible.

JupiterSextileUranus Jupiter sextile Uranus. We’re open to new energies, approaches, and attitudes under this influence. Fortunate events occur as a direct result of our willingness to entertain the unusual and to think outside of the box. Favors group activities, financial endeavors associated with groups or organizational efforts, educational pursuits, writing, publishing, speaking, and humanitarian efforts. The outlook is positive and optimistic.

Feb  1, 2022, 12:46 AM, Sun Conjunct Moon (New Moon)
Feb  8, 2022, 8:50 AM, Sun Square Moon (First Quarter Moon)
Feb 16, 2022, 11:56 AM, Sun Opposition Moon (Full Moon)
Feb 23, 2022, 5:32 PM, Sun Square Moon (Last Quarter Moon)
Mar  2, 2022, 12:35 PM, Sun Conjunct Moon (New Moon)

Void-of-course Moon on Monday, February 14th, from 5:28 AM EST, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (an opposition to Mercury), until the Moon enters Leo at 6:18 AM EST.

VOC Moon on Wednesday, February 16th, from 11:57 AM EST, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (an opposition to the Sun), until the Moon enters Virgo at 3:43 PM EST.

VOC Moon on Friday, February 18th, from 6:19 PM EST, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a trine to Pluto), until the Moon enters Libra at 10:51 PM EST.

Void Moon Dates & Times: Table for February 2022

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[more about void of course moon]
September 2018 – December 2023
[copy this↓] paste it > Google Calendar > Other calendars > From URL

Février 2022










MercuryConjunctionPluto 14:59 






MercurySign IngressAquarius 22:50 

PlutoTrineNorth Node 22:11 




SunSquareNorth Node 22:07 







VenusConjunctionMars 15:33 




JupiterSextileUranus 1:12 
SunSign IngressPisces 17:42 









MarsTrineNorth Nodein 4 wks Feb 28 2022 16:32 


VenusTrineNorth Nodein 4.1 wks Mar 01 2022 4:54 


MercuryConjunctionSaturnin 4.3 wks Mar 02 2022 17:31 Mer

SunSextileUranusin 4.2 wks Mar 02 2022 6:04 





 12:34The Moon's entry into a mansion (twenty eight of them). To learn more about the lunar mansions,
read this article: The Mansions of the Moon

1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  26  27  28

 12:34The start of a lunar day (29 or 30 of them, depending on the month). To learn more about the lunar days,
read this article: About the Lunar Days

1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  26  27  28  29  


MercuryStationary Directin 3.5 days Feb 04 2022 5:14 AM
MarsSextileJupiterin 3.9 days Feb 04 2022 14:37 
SunConjunctionSaturnin 4.1 days Feb 04 2022 20:04 

MarsSquareChironin 5.9 days Feb 06 2022 13:56 

MarsTrineUranusin 1.1 wks Feb 08 2022 15:56 

MercuryConjunctionPlutoin 1.6 wks Feb 11 2022 14:59 

MercuryTrineNorth Nodein 1.7 wks Feb 12 2022 7:36 

PlutoTrineNorth Nodein 2 wks Feb 14 2022 22:11 
MercurySign IngressAquariusin 2 wks Feb 14 2022 22:50 Lun

SunSquareNorth Nodein 2.2 wks Feb 15 2022 22:07 

VenusConjunctionMarsin 2.3 wks Feb 16 2022 15:33 

JupiterSextileUranusin 2.5 wks Feb 18 2022 1:12 
SunSign IngressPiscesin 2.6 wks Feb 18 2022 17:42 

MarsSextileNeptunein 3.3 wks Feb 23 2022 20:11 

MercurySextileChironin 3.4 wks Feb 24 2022 6:05 
VenusSextileNeptunein 3.4 wks Feb 24 2022 17:02 

MercurySquareUranusin 3.5 wks Feb 25 2022 3:20 

MarsTrineNorth Nodein 4 wks Feb 28 2022 16:32 

VenusTrineNorth Nodein 4.1 wks Mar 01 2022 4:54 
SunSextileUranusin 4.2 wks Mar 02 2022 6:04 
MercuryConjunctionSaturnin 4.3 wks Mar 02 2022 17:31 Mer


February 1, 2022Tu
 VOC 11:01 - 24:00
February 2, 2022We
 VOC 00:00 - 10:59
February 3, 2022Th
February 4, 2022Fr
 VOC 09:42 - 14:56
Re: none
February 5, 2022Sa
Re: none
February 6, 2022Su
 VOC 17:22 - 22:52
Re: none
February 7, 2022Mo
Re: none
February 8, 2022Tu
Re: none
February 9, 2022We
 VOC 04:49 - 10:26
Re: none
February 10, 2022Th
Re: none
February 11, 2022Fr
 VOC 08:24 - 23:26
Re: none
February 12, 2022Sa
Re: none
February 13, 2022Su
Re: none
February 14, 2022Mo
 VOC 10:28 - 11:16
Re: none
February 15, 2022Tu
Re: none
February 16, 2022We
 VOC 16:58 - 20:42
Re: none
February 17, 2022Th
Re: none
February 18, 2022Fr
 VOC 23:19 - 24:00
Re: none
February 19, 2022Sa
 VOC 00:00 - 03:50
Re: none
February 20, 2022Su
Re: none
February 21, 2022Mo
 VOC 05:03 - 09:18
Re: none
February 22, 2022Tu
Re: none
February 23, 2022We
 VOC 09:25 - 13:28
Re: none
February 24, 2022Th
Re: none
February 25, 2022Fr
 VOC 03:25 - 16:26
Re: none
February 26, 2022Sa
Re: none
February 27, 2022Su
 VOC 14:51 - 18:35
Re: none
February 28, 2022Mo
Re: none
1New Moon
219P/Borrelly at perihelion
Conjunction of the Moon and Jupiter
4Saturn at solar conjunction
5Close approach of Mars and M22
Asteroid 20 Massalia at opposition
7Close approach of the Moon and Uranus
Lunar occultation of Uranus
8α-Centaurid meteor shower 2022
Moon at First Quarter
NGC 2808 is well placed
9Venus at greatest brightness
11The Moon at apogee
Mercury at dichotomy
12Conjunction of Mercury and Pluto
13Conjunction of Venus and Mars
16Full Moon
16Mercury at highest altitude in morning sky
16Mercury at greatest elongation west
18The Moon at aphelion
19M81 is well placed
21NGC 3114 is well placed
23Moon at Last Quarter
26The Moon at perigee
27Conjunction of the Moon and Venus
Conjunction of the Moon and Mars
Close approach of the Moon and Mars
IC2581 is well placed
28Conjunction of the Moon and Mercury
The Moon at perihelion
Mercury at aphelion
13Venus at highest altitude in morning sky

Fêtes et Saints de fevrier

  • 1 Ella
  • 2 Présentation
  • 3 Blaise
  • 4 Véronique
  • 5 Agathe
  • 6 Gaston
  • 7 Eugènie
  • 8 Jacqueline
  • 9 Apolline
  • 10 Arnaud
  • 11 Notre Dame de Lourdes
  • 12 Félix
  • 13 Béatrice
  • 14 Valentin
  • 15 Claude
  • 16 Julienne
  • 17 Alexis
  • 18 Bernadette
  • 19 Gabin
  • 20 Aimée
  • 21 Damien
  • 22 Isabelle
  • 23 Lazare
  • 24 Modeste
  • 25 Roméo
  • 26 Nestor
  • 27 Honorine
  • 28 Romain

Feb 18, 2022    10:51 PM                     Moo enters Libra
Feb 21, 2022    12:01 AM               Moo Sqr Plu V/C
Feb 21, 2022     4:19 AM                     Moo enters Scorpio
Feb 23, 2022     4:24 AM               Moo Sxtil Plu V/C
Feb 23, 2022     8:29 AM                     Moo enters Sagittarius
Feb 24, 2022    10:24 PM               Moo Sqr Nep V/C
Feb 25, 2022    11:27 AM                     Moo enters Capricorn
Feb 27, 2022     9:49 AM               Moo Conj Plu V/C
Feb 27, 2022     1:35 PM                     Moo enters Aquarius
Feb 28, 2022     9:01 PM               Moo Conj Sat V/C
Mar  1, 2022     3:53 PM                     Moo enters Pisces
Mar  3, 2022     4:45 PM               Moo Sxtil Mar V/C
Mar  3, 2022     7:52 PM                     Moo enters Aries
Mar  5, 2022    11:01 PM               Moo Sqr Plu V/C
Mar  6, 2022     3:00 AM                     Moo enters Taurus
Mar  8, 2022     9:35 AM               Moo Trine Plu V/C
Mar  8, 2022     1:39 PM                     Moo enters Gemini
Mar 10, 2022    11:42 AM               Moo Sqr Nep V/C
Mar 11, 2022     2:24 AM                     Moo enters Cancer
*** Daylight Saving Time begins ***
Mar 13, 2022    11:44 AM               Moo Oppos Plu V/C
Mar 13, 2022     3:31 PM                     Moo enters Leo
Mar 15, 2022     6:56 AM               Moo Oppos Sat V/C
Mar 16, 2022    12:58 AM                     Moo enters Virgo
Mar 18, 2022     4:11 AM               Moo Trine Plu V/C
Mar 18, 2022     7:26 AM                     Moo enters Libra
Mar 20, 2022     8:40 AM               Moo Sqr Plu V/C
Mar 20, 2022    11:44 AM                     Moo enters Scorpio
Mar 22, 2022    12:00 PM               Moo Sxtil Plu V/C
Mar 22, 2022     2:59 PM                     Moo enters Sagittarius
Mar 24, 2022     8:59 AM               Moo Sqr Mer V/C
Mar 24, 2022     5:54 PM                     Moo enters Capricorn
Mar 26, 2022     7:51 PM               Moo Sxtil Mer V/C
Mar 26, 2022     8:55 PM                     Moo enters Aquarius
Mar 28, 2022    10:11 AM               Moo Conj Sat V/C
Mar 29, 2022    12:31 AM                     Moo enters Pisces
Mar 31, 2022     2:36 AM               Moo Sxtil Plu V/C
Mar 31, 2022     5:30 AM                     Moo enters Aries

Love & Money Calendar™

February, 2022

The dates below are the best (and worst) astrological days in February 2022 for the 17 important activities described (to read about the criteria we use in selecting these dates click here).

We finally have good news for all of us – February is a good month for natalizations.

But as always, please make certain you are not having bad transits when you make crucial natalizations. Even better, make sure you are having great transits when you natalize anything important because you are making your transits permanent when you complete a natalization.

That is the power of Magi Astrology – you can preserve good transits by natalizing something very important.

Our MagicalOracle Mobile Web App is the easiest way to know what kind of transits you have on any day and you can check it anywhere in the world at any time by using your iPhone or Android or tablet.

As for the best and worst days this month for money this month, they are:

Best: February 25, 26
Worst: February 20, 21

And the best and worst days this month for love and sex are:

Best: February 27, 28
Worst: February 4, 11, 19

Please also always remember that in addition to selecting good astrological days for crucial natalizations, you need to have good transits at the same time in order to create a natalization that will work very well for you.

If you are a member of the Magi Society, you may log onto our Members Only Website and view in advance an EXTRA MONTH of the Magi Society Love & Money Calendar. This allows our members to use the stars to plan ahead by an extra month. Members of the Magi Society may click here to begin the process of logging onto the new Members Only Website.
[Editor's Note: These days were chosen specifically as the best and worst days for the activities specified and you should not assume that a good day for one activity is a good day for anything and everything else. For example, a good day to get married is not a good day to get divorced.

Although the good and bad dates we provide you are applicable for everyone, just how good or bad each day is will vary depending on your individual transits. For example, if you are having several Cinderella Transits on one of our good days, then the day can be fabulous for you. Or if you are having Cinderella Transits on one of our bad days, then the day will not be as bad for you as it will be for most people because your transits are better than most.]

1. The best and worst astrological days this month to get married (Make sure your transits are also good!)February 9, 26, 27, 28February 3, 4, 5, 8, 11, 19, 20, 21
2. The best and worst astrological days this month to buy something simple like a toaster or clothesFebruary 9, 16, 17, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28February 3, 4, 5, 8, 11, 19, 20, 21
3. The best and worst astrological days this month to pay a bill for anything, such as rent, credit cards, utilities, department stores, etc.February 9, 16, 17, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28February 3, 4, 5, 8, 11, 19, 20, 21
4. The best and worst astrological days this month to sign a financial contract like a lease, tax return, car loan, etc.February 9, 26, 27, 28February 3, 4, 5, 8, 11, 19, 20, 21
5. The best and worst astrological days this month to make a business proposal and opening bank or brokerage accountsFebruary 9, 26, 27, 28February 3, 4, 5, 8, 11, 19, 20, 21
6. The best and worst astrological days this month to deposit money into financial accounts like your bank accountFebruary 9, 16, 17, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28February 3, 4, 5, 8, 11, 19, 20, 21
7. The best and worst astrological days this month to ask for a promotion or raise, go on a job interviewFebruary 9, 16, 17, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28February 3, 4, 5, 8, 11, 19, 20, 21
8. The best and worst astrological days this month to meet anyone new for financial purposes like a prospective clientFebruary 9, 16, 17, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28February 3, 4, 5, 8, 11, 19, 20, 21
9. The best and worst astrological days this month to go out on a first dateFebruary 9, 26, 27, 28February 3, 4, 5, 8, 11, 19, 20, 21
10. The best and worst astrological days this month to enjoy an especially romantic eveningFebruary 9, 26, 27, 28February 3, 4, 5, 8, 11, 19, 20, 21
11. The best and worst astrological days this month to look for or meet with that special person who will fulfill your dreamsFebruary 9, 26, 27, 28February 3, 4, 5, 8, 11, 19, 20, 21
12. The best and worst astrological days this month to ask for a commitment from a loved one, such as a promise to be more understandingFebruary 9, 26, 27, 28February 3, 4, 5, 8, 11, 19, 20, 21
13. The best and worst astrological days this month to ask for forgiveness and rekindle a relationship gone awryFebruary 9, 26, 27, 28February 3, 4, 5, 8, 11, 19, 20, 21
14. The best and worst astrological days this month to start a new medication or begin anything new related to your health, including having any dental work done.February 9, 26, 27, 28February 3, 4, 5, 8, 11, 19, 20, 21
15. The best and worst astrological days this month to initiate a new contact like emailing or calling someone you do not know and laying the groundwork for making a proposal later on, or having the first meeting with someone new like a doctor, lawyer, broker, etc.February 9, 16, 17, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28February 3, 4, 5, 8, 11, 19, 20, 21
16. The best and worst astrological days this month to install a new APP or update an operating system on your Smart Phone.February 9, 16, 17, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28February 3, 4, 5, 8, 11, 19, 20, 21
17. The best and worst astrological days this month to start a new job.February 9, 16, 17, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28February 3, 4, 5, 8, 11, 19, 20, 21

Click here for Best and Worst Astrological Days for February, 2022

Click here for Best and Worst Astrological Days for January, 2022

This is the Official website of the Magi Society and the only authorized website for Magi Astrology™



How different would your life be now if you had not made the three biggest mistakes of your life? 


  • If you hadn't gotten involved with the wrong person?
  • If you hadn't accepted the wrong job?
  • If you hadn't made that big change that turned into disaster?
  • If you hadn't taken that bad advice?
  • If you hadn't been so impulsive?
  • We have great news for you.


    The Magi Society has learned how we can each greatly reduce the number of big mistakes we make.


    Whether we succeed or fail depends not on what we do, but when we do it. Success or failure depends on the alignment of the planets at the time we take action.


    We have learned that we all make our biggest mistakes when the planets are making chaotic planetary alignments.  Therefore if we never did anything important when the planets are making chaotic alignments, we can avoid making big mistakes.


    The webpages below give you a free service that informs you when are the best astrological times to do important things, and when are the worst times to do them.


    To help you better understand how important this knowledge is, please read the information below.


    Reasons Why Doing Important Things
    On Good Astrological Days Helps Us A Lot


    Whenever we do something for the first time, we create a birth chart for what we did – the best example is when we get married to someone, we give birth to our marriage to that person and in so doing, we create a birth chart for the marriage.  The birth chart is the astrological chart of the time and place we exchanged marriage vows and were proclaimed to be husband and wife.


    In Magi Astrology, we refer to the creation of the marriage chart as a Natalization of the Marriage Chart.  When we marry we natalize a marriage chart.  The better the marriage chart, the better the marriage.


    When a person makes love to anyone for the first time, the two persons natalize a their Love Making Chart – how good or bad that astrological chart is will actually predetermine the course of the couple’s sex life with each other.  The better the Love Making Chart is, then the better the love making of the couple will be with each other.


    We also natalize a birth chart whenever we complete a single-step activity like buying anything or signing an agreement.   So when we purchase a smart phone, the act of purchasing the phone natalizes the birth chart of the phone ownership – if this chart is bad the phone will likely be lost or damaged or stop working prematurely.


    The purpose of the Magi Society’s Best and Worst Days is to help you know when are the best days each month to natalize important activities because this will greatly improve your life.


    Below are links that will give you the best and worst astrological days for every month since December 2002. The current month is available if you click the topmost link.

    KDO de NOEL !!!

    Un must have ... PAIX, AMOUR et surtout SANTE


    Cet ouvrage d’éphémérides est destiné aux astronomes, aux enseignants et aux étudiants.

    Le cœur de cet ouvrage présente, pour l’année en cours, les éphémérides tabulées du Temps sidéral, des variables liées aux nouveaux paradigmes de l’Union astronomique internationale sur les systèmes de référence et les coordonnées du Soleil, de la Lune et des planètes, de Pluton, Cérès, Pallas, Junon et Vesta ; il fournit également les quantités nécessaires au calcul des positions des satellites de Mars, des satellites galiléens de Jupiter, des huit premiers satellites de Saturne et des cinq principaux satellites d’Uranus.

    Un chapitre explicatif fournit les informations théoriques permettant de faire les calculs par soi-même ou d’utiliser le logiciel accompagnant l’ouvrage.

    Ce volume est le 344e d’une éphéméride créée en 1679 qui a paru sans interruption depuis sa création. Ancienne par sa conception, mais toujours moderne dans sa réalisation, la version actuelle s’appuie sur une partie des récents développements méthodologiques menés à l’IMCCE.

    Cet ouvrage est disponible gratuitement en version pdf : télécharger l’ouvrage. Il sera disponible très prochainement en version papier à la demande sur le site de la librairie BoD.

    Un logiciel de calcul d’éphémérides accompagne l’ouvrage :

    La tétrabible



    De Ptolémée (né vers 90 après J.-C. à Ptolémaïs d’Hermias, dans la Thébaïde d’Égypte, mort à Canope vers 170), on ne retient souvent que le système astronomique qui fait de la Terre le centre de l’Univers. Et pourtant, cinq siècles avant lui, Aristarque de Samos avait émis l’hypothèse que la terre tournait sur elle-même autour du soleil.

    Mais Ptolémée est d’abord un mathématicien. Les pages de sa Syntaxe mathématique, plus connue sous le nom d’Almageste (Le grand traité), reprennent partie les données et observations d’un autre astronome alexandrin, Hipparque de Nicée. Dans son Traité d’astrologie, Claude Ptolémée nous transmet le résultat de plus de sept siècles de science grecque.

    Le Tetrabiblos fut l’ouvrage le plus célèbre de l’Antiquité. Il exerça et exerce encore une grande influence dans l’étude des corps célestes de la sphère sublunaire.


    Calendrier Lunaire Février 2022

    La Lune en Février 2022

    Au jardin, pour les animaux, les cheveux …


    • Compostage avec la Lune

      Pour réaliser un compost ayant un bon échauffement choisissez la période du 4 au 7 ou du 14 au 16

    • Haies

      Taillez les charmilles entre le 17 et le 25 (évitez le 22 après-midi et le 23 ainsi que les périodes éventuelles de gel).

    • Faire de la bière avec la Lune

      Lancez la fabrication dans la période du 13 au 16

    • Le bois et la Lune

      Afin d’éviter les attaques de parasites et la pourriture, nous vous conseillons d’abattre les arbres le 16 ou le 17.

    • Les animaux et la Lune

      Si le temps le permet (pas de gel) parez les pieds des animaux le 26 ou le 27.
      Ces dates peuvent également être utilisées pour ferrer.

    • Notre bien être avec la Lune

      Faites-vous couper les cheveux, pour ralentir leur chute le 15 ou mieux, le 16.

    The Planets Were Aligned and America Was Born
    Click Here To Learn How Benjamin Franklin
    Used Astrology to Create the United States

    Rescuers scour for survivors after Brazil floods, landslides kill 94

    A man reacts after a mudslide in Petropolis, Brazil on February 16, 2022

    Petrópolis (Brazil) (AFP) - Rescue workers raced against the clock Wednesday searching for any remaining survivors among mud and wreckage after devastating flash floods and landslides hit the picturesque Brazilian city of Petropolis, killing at least 94 people.

    Streets were turned into torrential rivers and houses swept away Tuesday when heavy storms dumped a month’s worth of rain in three hours on the scenic tourist town in the hills north of Rio de Janeiro.

    With 35 people still reported missing, fears that the death toll could climb further sent firefighters and volunteers scrambling through the remains of houses washed away in torrents of mud, many of them in impoverished hillside slums.

    It is the latest in a series of deadly storms to hit Brazil in the past three months, which experts say are being made worse by climate change.

    The state government said at least 24 people had been rescued alive, as it reported the latest death toll Wednesday evening.

    Using dogs, excavators and helicopters, rescue workers were urgently searching for more before it was too late, with the Rio Public Prosecutor’s office reporting that the 35 missing people had been registered on its missing persons list.

    Around 300 people were being housed in shelters, mostly in schools, officials said. Charities called for donations of mattresses, food, water, clothing and face masks for victims.

    Wendel Pio Lourenco, a 24-year-old resident, was walking through the street with a television in his arms, heading to a local church in search of shelter.

    People lift rubble to look for survivors in a mudslide in Petropolis, Brazil on February 16, 2022

    He said he was trying to save a few possessions, after spending a sleepless night helping search for victims.

    “I found a girl who was buried alive,” he said.

    “Everyone is saying it looks like a war zone.”

    Governor Claudio Castro said much the same after visiting the scene.

    “It looks like a scene from a war. It’s incredible,” he said, adding that it was the worst rain since 1932.

    He praised rescue workers for managing “to save a large number of people before it was too late.”

    Videos posted on social media from Tuesday’s rains showed streets in Petropolis, the 19th-century summer capital of the Brazilian empire, fill with violent floods that swept away cars, trees and nearly everything else in their paths.

    Many shops were completely inundated by the rising water, which gushed down the streets of the historic city center, leaving jumbled piles of overturned cars in its wake.

    Officials said more than 180 firefighters and other rescue workers were responding to the emergency, aided by 400 soldiers sent in as reinforcements.

    City hall declared a “state of disaster” in the city of 300,000 people, which sits 68 kilometers (42 miles) north of Rio.

    The city council declared three days of mourning for victims.

    - ‘Tragedy’ -

    View after a mudslide in Petropolis, Brazil on February 16, 2022

    Petropolis is a popular destination for tourists fleeing the summer heat of Rio.

    The area is known for its leafy streets, stately homes, imperial palace – today a museum – and the natural beauty of the surrounding mountains.

    Tuesday’s storms dumped 258 millimeters (10 inches) of rain on the city in three hours, nearly equal to all the rainfall from the previous month, the mayor’s office said.

    The heaviest downpour had passed, but more moderate rain was expected to continue on and off for several days, authorities said.

    President Jair Bolsonaro, on an official trip to Russia, said on Twitter he was keeping abreast of the “tragedy.”

    “Thank you for your words of solidarity with the people of Petropolis,” he told President Vladimir Putin after meeting the Russian leader.

    “May God comfort (the victims’) families.”

    Brazil has been swept by heavy rains since December that have caused a series of deadly floods and landslides.

    Experts say rainy season downpours are being augmented by La Nina – the cyclical cooling of the Pacific Ocean – and by the impact of climate change.

    Because a warmer atmosphere holds more water, global warming increases the risk and intensity of flooding from extreme rainfall.

    Last month, torrential rain triggered floods and landslides that killed at least 28 people in southeastern Brazil, mostly in Sao Paulo state.

    There have also been heavy rains in the northeastern state of Bahia, where 24 people died in December.

    Petropolis and the surrounding region were previously hit by severe storms in January 2011, when more than 900 people died in flooding and landslides.

    Agence France-Presse

    AFP journalists cover wars, conflicts, politics, science, health, the environment, technology, fashion, entertainment, the offbeat, sports and a whole lot more in text, photographs, video, graphics and online.

    © 2022 AFP

    Anger in UK over Prince Andrew's '£12 mn' settlement

    Virginia Giuffre's lawyer said she and Prince Andrew had 'reached an out-of-court settlement', without revealing the financial terms

    London (AFP) - Disgraced British royal Prince Andrew was urged Wednesday to disappear forever from public life after settling a sexual assault lawsuit at vast cost, as Queen Elizabeth II suffered further indignity in her Platinum Jubilee year.

    The 95-year-old monarch, who is reportedly helping to foot the bill for the cash-strapped Andrew’s settlement, also saw her elder son and heir Prince Charles embroiled in fresh controversy over a “cash for honours” scandal.

    Police in London said they were investigating claims that an aide to Charles offered UK honours and even citizenship to a Saudi tycoon, in return for donations to Charles’s charitable foundation.

    The office of the Prince of Wales reiterated that he “had no knowledge of the alleged offer” by Michael Fawcett, who for decades was one of Charles’s closest confidants.

    Factfile on developments in the civil case by Virginia Giuffre against Britain's Prince Andrew.

    The revelation came a day after Charles’s younger brother Andrew settled the lawsuit brought by US accuser Virginia Giuffre, sparing him the public humiliation of a trial.

    Details of the deal were not made public, and Andrew’s representatives told AFP they would not comment on the contents.

    The Daily Telegraph put the settlement at a whopping £12 million ($16.3 million, 14.3 million euros) – £10 million for Giuffre and £2 million to a charity for victims of sex trafficking.

    The newspaper said the money would come from one of the private estates belonging to Queen Elizabeth. Commentators demanded transparency on the source, in case the British taxpayer ends up on the hook.

    - ‘Swept under the carpet’ -

    “I just think it’s awful that it’s all been swept under the carpet, as if it never even happened,” Yasmine Ollive, a 34-year-old account manager, said in London.

    After other controversies over Prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle, she said that if the royals “keep on carrying on with the things that they’re doing, then it could be the end of them”.

    Giuffre, 38, has said she had sex with Andrew when she was 17 and a minor under US law, after meeting him through US financier Jeffrey Epstein. He took his own life in prison while awaiting trial for sex crimes.

    The prince, 61, has not been criminally charged and has denied the allegations.

    Mark Stephens, a media specialist at law firm Howard Kennedy, told AFP that Andrew had “preserved some measure of dignity for the wider royal family” by agreeing to settle.

    But, Stephens added, “he’s not going to see the light of day in public service ever again”.

    The scandal hanging over Andrew has threatened to overshadow the queen’s Platinum Jubilee this year, marking her 70 years on the throne. Any jury trial could have coincided with nationwide jubilee celebrations due to take place in the summer.

    The queen on Wednesday resumed in-person meetings, having isolated for a week after Charles and his wife both tested positive for Covid-19, suggesting she has avoided the disease.

    - ‘No way back’ -

    British media called on Andrew to withdraw entirely from public life, after he was already stripped of his honorary military ranks and the title of “His Royal Highness”.

    “Andrew is finished – undone by his insufferable arrogance, entitlement and staggering naivety,” popular tabloid The Sun said in its editorial.

    “He must retreat entirely from public life and live out his retirement in ignominy.”

    Opposition Labour MP Rachael Maskell demanded that Andrew also lose his Duke of York title to show “respect” for the people of the northern English city, which she represents.

    Andrew's lawyers have questioned the authenticity of a photo showing the prince with Giuffre and Ghislaine Maxwell

    The staunchly royalist Daily Mail said in its front-page headline that there was “no way back” for Andrew, who withdrew from royal duties in 2019 after a widely panned BBC interview.

    Inside, the paper slammed Andrew for a “vile smear campaign” against Giuffre.

    British commentators and social media users also mocked Andrew for claiming he had never met Giuffre, querying why he had agreed in that case to settle for such an apparently large amount.

    Many pointed to a photograph of the pair together when she was 17. His lawyers had questioned the authenticity of the photo, which also showed socialite and Epstein friend Ghislaine Maxwell.

    In December, Maxwell was convicted of recruiting and grooming young girls to be sexually abused by Epstein.

    Agence France-Presse

    AFP journalists cover wars, conflicts, politics, science, health, the environment, technology, fashion, entertainment, the offbeat, sports and a whole lot more in text, photographs, video, graphics and online.

    © 2022 AFP

    France to pull troops from Mali after decade-long jihadist fight

    Senegal's President Macky Sall, left, with French President Emmanuel Macron at the Elysee Palace in Paris on Thursday.

    Paris (AFP) - France announced Thursday that it would withdraw its troops from Mali over a breakdown in relations with the country’s ruling junta, after nearly 10 years of fighting a jihadist insurgency that still poses a major threat to the West African nation and beyond.

    The deployment has been fraught with problems for France – of the 53 French soldiers killed serving in West Africa’s Sahel region, 48 died in Mali.

    “Multiple obstructions” by the military junta that took power in August 2020 meant the conditions were no longer in place to operate in Mali, said a statement signed by France and its African and European allies.

    The decision applies to both the 2,400 French troops in Mali, where France first deployed in 2013, and a smaller European force of several hundred soldiers, called Takuba, that was created in 2020 with the aim of taking the burden off French forces.

    France committed thousands of troops in its decade-long fight against jihadists in Mali

    “We cannot remain militarily engaged alongside de facto authorities whose strategy and hidden aims we do not share,” President Emmanuel Macron told a news conference, saying that he “completely” rejected the idea that France had failed its mission in the country.

    He said that France’s bases in Gossi, Menaka and Gao in Mali would be closed within the next four to six months.

    The withdrawal would be carried out in an “orderly” manner, he vowed.

    Malian junta leader Colonel Assimi Goita

    The announcement comes at a critical time for Macron, just days before he is expected to make a long-awaited declaration that he will stand for a second term at elections in April.

    Macron’s priority will now be to ensure that the withdrawal does not invite comparisons with the chaotic US departure from Afghanistan last year.

    - ‘Collapse of state’ -

    France first deployed the troops at Mali’s request in 2013, and while the insurgents were prevented from reaching the capital Bamako, the insurgency was never fully quelled.

    Two years later the rebels regrouped and moved into the centre of Mali, an ethnic powder keg, before launching raids on neighbouring Burkina Faso and Niger.

    Now, new fears have emerged of a jihadist push toward the Gulf of Guinea.

    “It is an inglorious end to an armed intervention that began in euphoria and which ends, nine years later, against a backdrop of crisis between Mali and France,” wrote French daily Le Monde.

    Macron denied that the intervention had been in vain.

    “What would have happened in 2013 if France had not chosen to intervene? You would for sure have had the collapse of the Malian state,” he said, hailing the decision of his predecessor Francois Hollande to deploy troops.

    France and its allies vowed to remain engaged in fighting terror in the region, including in Niger and the Gulf of Guinea, he said, adding that the outline of this action would be made clear in June.

    Macron warned that Al-Qaeda and the Islamic State group had made the Sahel and the Gulf of Guinea nations “a priority for their strategy of expansion,” and said the Takuba forces in Mali would be shifted to neighbouring Niger.

    Speaking alongside Macron, Senegalese President Macky Sall said fighting “terrorism in the Sahel cannot be the business of African countries alone.”

    The announcement on Mali came ahead of a two-day summit of EU and African leaders in Brussels starting Thursday, which seeks to strengthen ties with pledges of new investments for a continent where China and Russia are making inroads.

    - Wider impact -

    Around 25,000 foreign troops are currently deployed in the Sahel.

    Violence in Mali since 2013

    They include around 4,600 French soldiers in the mission known as Barkhane, though France last year had already announced the start of a drawdown of the force, which at its peak comprised 5,400 troops.

    Army chief of staff spokesman Colonel Pascal Ianni said the Mali withdrawal would mean that within six months there would be 2,500 to 3,000 French soldiers deployed across the region.

    In Mali specifically, there is also the UN peacekeeping mission MINUSMA, established in 2013, and EUTM Mali, an EU military training mission for the Malian army.

    Macron said France would still provide air and medical support for MINUSMA in the coming months before transferring these responsibilities.

    Olivier Salgado, the spokesman for MINUSMA, told AFP that France’s pullout was “bound to impact” the mission and the UN would “take the necessary steps to adapt.”

    In Berlin, German Defence Minister Christine Lambrecht said she was “very sceptical” that the country’s mission in the EUTM could continue in the light of the French decision.

    EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said the bloc was awaiting “guarantees” from Mali’s military rulers as it weighs the future of its military and civilian training missions.

    Demonstrators at a rally in Bamako last month sparked by sanctions against Mali by the West African bloc ECOWAS. The sign reads 'Death to France and its allies'

    Relations between France and Mali plunged after the junta led by strongman Assimi Goita refused to stick to a calendar to a return to civilian rule.

    The West also accuses Mali of using the services of the hugely controversial Russian mercenary group Wagner to shore up its position, a move that gives Moscow a new foothold in the region.

    Macron accused Wagner of sending more than 800 fighters to the country for the sake of its own “business interests” and shoring up the junta.

    Agence France-Presse

    AFP journalists cover wars, conflicts, politics, science, health, the environment, technology, fashion, entertainment, the offbeat, sports and a whole lot more in text, photographs, video, graphics and online.

    © 2022 AFP

    18°PIS - 20250308

      Ils sont nés un 8 mars Ren� Allio, Jean Bretonni�re, Cyd Charisse, George Coleman, Max De La Giraudi�re, Denys De La Patelli�re, Yves Gall...