Ils sont nés un 8 mars |
Jean Chalon, George Coleman, Kenneth Graham |
- Santos Santos, Demetrio
- Numan, Gary
- Sacks, Jonathan
- Redgrave, Lynn
- Prinze, Freddie Jr.
- Brandreth, Gyles
- Kelovitz, Lydia
- Pulido, Alan
- Kowa, Viktor de
- Sabatella, Letícia
- Fargues, Nicolas
- Wilcock, David
- Vayntrub, Milana
- Charisse, Cyd
- Meisner, Randy
- Bouton, Jim
- Del Buono, Oreste
- Hale, Alan Jr.
- Avendaño, Hugo
- Rodríguez, Gastón
Sun enters the next Sabian symbol 08/03 at 15:39 h (chart) ![]() |
Mardi 8 mars :
Demain :
Sabian Symbol:
The young man and old one have walked weary miles but as master and pupil they neither are fatigued.
Sabian Symbol:
Two garrulous cobblers are working side by side on their ancient bench.
28th Degree of Aquarius
Sabian Symbol:
The pioneer cottage is prepared for winter's rigors with a tree felled and sawed for fuel and all else in order.
3rd Degree of Aquarius
Sabian Symbol:
A deserter from the navy stands suddenly aware of the dawning truth that freedom is never the result of compromise.
2nd Degree of Aquarius
Sabian Symbol:
An unexpected thunderstorm breaks over the parched lands of the river empire and its terror is welcome relief.
16th Degree of Pisces
Sabian Symbol:
In the sacred quiet and afternoon half-lights of the museum a young art student drinks in pure inspiration.
20th Degree of Aquarius
Sabian Symbol:
A large white dove circles about and about overhead and then descends and proves to be a carrier with a message.
12th Degree of Taurus
Sabian Symbol:
A quite youthful young couple is walking down a busy street, stopping to peer into every window with joyful glee.
23rd Degree of Pisces
Sabian Symbol:
A huge hulk of a woman medium gone into trance and around her are entities continually forming and dissolving.
28th Degree of Capricorn
Sabian Symbol:
A large aviary built as a wing to a rural mansion reveals a host of singing and contended feathered citizens.
7th Degree of Gemini
Sabian Symbol:
An old fashioned well, still yielding the purest and coldest of waters, stands invitingly near a shade of trees.
14th Degree of Aquarius
Sabian Symbol:
A long and heavy train climbs the steep mountain grade and at last a tunnel offers a shortcut to the other side.
9th Degree of Aries
Sabian Symbol:
A seer gazes intently into a crystal ball before him.
8-Mar-2022, 16:12 UT/GMT | ||||
![]() | Sun | 18 | ![]() | 3'54" |
![]() | Moon | 28 | ![]() | 46'17" |
![]() | Mercury | 27 | ![]() | 50'39" |
![]() | Venus | 2 | ![]() | 7' 9" |
![]() | Mars | 1 | ![]() | 47'58" |
![]() | Jupiter | 15 | ![]() | 43'16" |
![]() | Saturn | 19 | ![]() | 39'45" |
![]() | Uranus | 11 | ![]() | 49'37" |
![]() | Neptune | 22 | ![]() | 41'26" |
![]() | Pluto | 27 | ![]() | 57'49" |
![]() | TrueNode | 24 | ![]() | 50'13" |
![]() | Chiron | 10 | ![]() | 56'55" |
Planet | Longitude |
Sun | 18 Pis 03' 55" |
Moon | 28 Tau 46' 23" |
Mercury | 27 Aqu 50' 40" |
Venus | 02 Aqu 07' 09" |
Mars | 01 Aqu 47' 59" |
Jupiter | 15 Pis 43' 16" |
Saturn | 19 Aqu 39' 45" |
Uranus | 11 Tau 49' 37" |
Neptune | 22 Pis 41' 26" |
Pluto | 27 Cap 57' 49" |
Chiron | 10 Ari 56' 55" |
Lilith | 25 Gem 51' 36" |
True Node | 24 Tau 50' 14" |
Tue, Mar 8, 2022
MARDI08MARSSemaine 10 - Jour 67 | Jean de DieuFPremier quartier
Sunrise 07:17 |
Sunset 18:44 |
Twilight ends 20:29 begins 05:32 |
6 days old
7th Lunar Day 9:43
This Lunar Day is propitious to results obtained through one's efforts, material comfort, but also handing in one's notice, disappointments.
Waxing Crescent
A good time for long-term partnership and for starting the implementation of far-reaching plans.
Moon in Taurus 2:35
Suitable energy for practical activities, making money, business, building, engineering, woodworking, sculpting, pottery, cooking, massage, healing, meditating, contemplating, being still and content, artistic, sensual. All pleasurable activities. Purchase of beautiful objects, furniture, furnishings, clothes, flowers, art works, jewellery, land.
Void of Course Moon 15:34
Moon's Last Aspect: Trine Pluto.
Rise | Set | |
Mercury | 06:50 | 16:42 |
Venus | 05:14 | 14:43 |
Moon | 09:42 | 01:32 |
Mars | 05:40 | 14:22 |
Jupiter | 07:20 | 18:26 |
Saturn | 06:26 | 16:02 |
Mardi 8 Mars 2022 17h12 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
March 9, 2022 | We |

Re: none
March 8th, 2022 | |
![]() | The Sun is in Pisces |
The Moon is in Taurus The Crescent Moon is in Taurus, Enters Gemini 19:40 | |
![]() | Moon Void of Course 15:35 to 19:40 |
![]() | Next Mercury Retrograde Period May 10 - Jun 3 |
Astrology of Today – Tuesday, March 8, 2022
Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Taurus until 1:39 PM, from which time the Moon is in Gemini.
- A void Moon period occurs from 9:34 AM to 1:39 PM today.
- The Moon is waxing and in its Waxing Crescent phase.
- The New Moon occurred on the 2nd in Pisces, and the First Quarter Moon will happen on the 10th.
- No major retrogrades.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Date & Time: Mar 8 2022 1:39 pm
Event: Moon enters Gemini
Description: The Moon in Gemini
We are attracted to new ideas, but we need to discriminate more so that we don’t become too scattered. Communications mean more to us than usual.
Date & Time: Mar 8 2022 9:34 am
Event: Moon goes void of course
Date & Time: Mar 8 2022 3:20 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Cnj Nod
Description: Transiting Moon Conjunction Transiting North Node
A time to embrace new opportunities for emotional growth. Accept challenges. New attachments, relationships, connections. Success may come through dealings with women or with the public. A time to consider your priorities vis a vis home and family and the outside world. Sensing current moods and trends. Fated meetings or connections.
Date & Time: Mar 8 2022 3:20 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Pll Nod
Description: Transiting Moon Parallel Transiting North Node
Date & Time: Mar 8 2022 5:32 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mon SSq Chi
Description: Transiting Moon SemiSquare Transiting Chiron
Hurt feelings may be opportunities for healing. Now is the time for building bridges, not burning them.
Date & Time: Mar 8 2022 8:42 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Cpl Ves
Description: Transiting Moon ContraParallel Transiting Vesta
Date & Time: Mar 8 2022 9:04 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Sqr Mer
Description: Transiting Moon Square Transiting Mercury
We may not be communicating with sensitivity. What we communicate could misrepresent what we truly feel. There could be troubles with mechanics, computers, transportation, and miscommunications. We may not be understanding one another. We can be a little fickle and not especially objective. Think before you speak. Otherwise, misunderstandings are likely to occur. Count to ten if you’re feeling annoyed.
Date & Time: Mar 8 2022 9:34 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Tri Plu
Description: Transiting Moon Trine Transiting Pluto
This can be a good time for getting loans, for taking care of business, and for dealing with money matters. It’s also good for getting in touch with feelings and managing them effectively. There can be a boost to our intimate life, creative impulses, and self-understanding. Events occurring now might involve some kind of karmic repayment or benefit. We could discover new information, hidden information, or a lost item. This is a time for recycling – seeing new uses for old items. True feelings come to the surface.
Date & Time: Mar 8 2022 11:39 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Tri Ves
Description: Transiting Moon Trine Transiting Vesta
We can derive a nice feeling of satisfaction and fulfillment from tending to our responsibilities, work, or other commitment. We are more able to make sacrifices or put our emotions aside in order to get something important done. Alternatively, we can bring more sensitivity to our practical affairs. This can be a good time to commit fully to something – especially health and healing matters. It’s also a strong time for taking care of domestic matters.
Date & Time: Mar 8 2022 1:39 pm
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Cnj Gem
Description: Transiting Moon Entering Gemini
We are attracted to new ideas, but we need to discriminate more so that we don’t become too scattered. Communications mean more to us than usual.
Date & Time: Mar 8 2022 1:59 pm
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Cpl Mar
Description: Transiting Moon ContraParallel Transiting Mars
Date & Time: Mar 8 2022 5:40 pm
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Tri Mar
Description: Transiting Moon Trine Transiting Mars
We are more courageous and able to take the lead. We are in tune with our natural desires and instincts. We express our feelings honestly. We are independent, resourceful, and brave.
Date & Time: Mar 8 2022 6:27 pm
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Tri Ven
Description: Transiting Moon Trine Transiting Venus
We are less inhibited and more willing to indulge ourselves. Love and romance can be favorable. Decorating, beauty treatments, the arts, creative pursuits, parties, dates, and recreation are generally favored now. There is increased sensitivity, affection, and warmth. Love is grand! Affection, love, and romance are in the air.
Date & Time: Mar 8 2022 3:18 am
Event: Tr Nod D
Description: Transiting North Node Stationary.
Stable and enduring, strong values, unyielding, earthy, acquisitive, strong desires. Can be stuck, stubborn, overly possessive, self-indulgent.
Humanitarian, innovative, group conscious, progressive, serving others. Can be rebellious, eccentric, aloof, emotionally superficial, overly extroverted.
Compassionate, sensitive, self-sacrificing, gentle, intuitive. Can be escapist, impractical, hyper- sensitive, gullible.
Today’s Elemental Balance
We are not very goal-oriented right now, or motivation to pursue our goals may be waning/lacking. Changes feel overwhelming. Enthusiasm may be low, we argue less, and we think more than we take action.
Air signs are Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. We tend to favor rational, objective thought over emotions, impulses, and feelings at this time. We are more intellectual, fair-minded, and logical in our approach, Ideas flow easily and quickly, we are more communicative and guided by principles, and also somewhat dispassionate or impersonal.
Today’s Modal Balance
This is not a time that we tend to naturally initiate actions. We may be stronger at following up than starting anew. Survival mechanisms may be weaker now.
The Fixed signs are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. We are thinking about the long view, seeking out security and stability rather than change. We may be committed, focused, resistant to making changes, and stubborn.
Today’s Lunar Phase
Moon 45 to 90 degrees ahead of the Sun.
This is an eager, impulsive, and progressive time. We are motivated and ready to take on challenges.
This is a time for settling in, establishing and maintaining routines, and consolidating existing projects. We are building and developing. We crave predictability, stability, and security. This time favors ongoing projects and activities more than new ones.
Part of Body: Trapezius muscle
Sabian Symbol: A peacock parading on an ancient lawn.
SQUARE MERCURY Orb 1°16′ Separating
It’s difficult to make decisions now as emotional needs and wants seem to conflict with what we feel are the most logical choices. Judgment may be skewed by emotions or personal bias.
TRINE VENUS Orb 2°58′ Applying
We tend to seek out harmony, balance, and beauty. Love, romance, decorating, beauty treatments, the arts, creative pursuits, parties, dates, and recreation are generally favored now. There is increased sensitivity, affection, and warmth, but there could also be some appeasement, tact, and diplomacy.
TRINE MARS Orb 2°39′ Applying
Feelings and desires seem to be in sync, making this a good time to take purposeful action. Healthy competition, resourcefulness, courage.
TRINE PLUTO Orb 1°12′ Separating
We can be quite focused now, driven by our goals and ambitions and motivated to put problems behind us. We might happily pour ourselves into a current passion or interest, and could find it easy to get to the bottom of things.
There is a stronger drive or need to be around others, to share ourselves, and to belong.
Pisces rules empathy, selfless love, devotion, and wisdom. Its shadow side rules self-pity, a feeling of being victimized by life, passivity, and elusiveness.
Part of Body: Extensor muscles of the left toes
Sabian Symbol: A master instructing his pupil.
CONJUNCTION JUPITER Orb 2°22′ Separating
We are feeling especially vital, confident, generous, and enthusiastic. This is a good time to take steps to grow something–our business, our significant relationships, and so forth.
We are sensitive to the moods around us. It is not easy to define our actions or goals. Boundaries fall away, but we are more spiritually aware, seeking inspiration.
You are brimming with original and unique ideas. You enjoy exchanging ideas with other people, particularly friends and groups of people. You are an inventive thinker, and may rebel against old and traditional ideas.
Part of Body: Right tibia
Sabian Symbol: A tree felled and sawed.
You enjoy unconventional and odd relationships, which give you the freedom to express your individuality. You enjoy talking more than touching. You enjoy being in a group of friends.
Part of Body: Right fibula
Sabian Symbol: A deserter from the navy.
CONJUNCTION MARS Orb 0°19′ Separating
This is a passionate, lively, expressive influence. Social relations are impassioned, and perhaps demanding or combative. We may also feel compelled to do something creative or artistic. We have a chance to express our needs, passions, and desires now in effective ways. Venus can act to soften Mars’ aggressiveness, or Mars can make Venus’ romantic impulses more forceful and pressing. Some level of competition is present in our interactions. Impulsive purchases are possible.
CONJUNCTION PLUTO Orb 4°11′ Separating
You want intensity and drama in your personal relationships. You are consumed with love and passion and expect your partner to feel the same way. You are disappointed when others fail to soar to great emotional heights and plummet the emotional depths by your side. On a more positive note you are fiercely loyal and committed with an ability to fight any injustice.
You will fight for just causes. You’re unpredictable, but will probably be a group leader. You may become rebellious when angry.
Part of Body: Left tibial nerve
Sabian Symbol: An unexpected thunderstorm.
CONJUNCTION PLUTO Orb 3°51′ Separating
You are resourceful and have a pool of enormous energy available when needed. You also have strong desires and a volcanic temper.
You are on an intuitive search for the truth. You are a champion of the underdog. You could be a spiritual or religious teacher.
Part of Body: Cruciate ligaments of the right foot
Sabian Symbol: In a quiet moment, the flow of inspiration.
You have a talent for music or the arts and your creativity is part of your life. You need to develop the self-discipline to put in the practice needed to develop your talent. You may also be attracted to the spiritual world and study this path. However, you will need to balance this with some practicalities.
You have an ability to work well in groups. Your work is often original and innovative.
Part of Body: Spinal nervous system
Sabian Symbol: A big white dove, a message bearer.
(1934 – 1942) We approach money and personal possessions in new ways and learn how to free ourselves from certain material constraints. Innovative ways to make ourselves comfortable emerge. We’re less inhibited about expressing sensuality, self-love, body love, and pampering. We’re challenging what we previously valued. There can be abrupt changes with money, valuables, possessions, and income that lead to a reshuffling of priorities or values. Income might come from non-traditional sources or ventures. We’re bringing progressive ideas to the world of business. New ways of doing business, as well as making, viewing, and handling money are likely. Income and the energy we put into making money can be variable. (May 15, 2018, to November 6, 2018, then March 6, 2019, to July 7, 2025, and then November 7, 2025, to April 25, 2026).
Part of Body: Cervical and brachial plexi
Sabian Symbol: A young couple walk down main-street, window-shopping.
A long-term influence in which fantasy, imagination, compassion, and spirituality are in stronger focus. (April 4, 2011, to August 4, 2011, then February 3, 2012, to March 30, 2025, then October 22, 2025, to January 26, 2026)
Part of Body: Achilles tendon of the left foot
Sabian Symbol: A `materializing medium’.
Tests of our boundaries; breaking down and rebuilding structures and rules. (From January 25, 2008, to June 14, 2008, then November 26, 2008, to March 23, 2023, then June 11, 2023, to January 20, 2024, then September 1, 2024, to November 19, 2024).
Part of Body: Right genicular arteries
Sabian Symbol: A large aviary.
Your sense of being has been violated in some way and you may fear asserting yourself. You may also over-compensate by attempting to be the first at everything. Physically you may suffer head wounds. You may become a pioneer in a way that will be of service to humanity.
Part of Body: Optic nerve
Sabian Symbol: The president of the country.
You place importance on structure and order in the workplace. You have great discipline and personal ambition, and can succeed in administrative and management positions. Workers will turn to you for a sense of stability and authority.
Part of Body: Adductor muscle
Sabian Symbol: Directors of a large firm meet in secret conference.
You have a keen intellect with the ability to come up with exciting, new ideas. You are also happy to risk putting your new ideas into action.
Part of Body: Lens of eye
Sabian Symbol: A crystal gazer.
You want the freedom to be your own person in your relationship. If this is not available you become rebellious and unreliable. You are unlikely to be comfortable in a traditional relationship.
Part of Body: Left tibial artery
Sabian Symbol: A train entering a tunnel.
You like those close to you to share their feelings and thoughts and to listen to you. You share information with your loved ones to show them you care. You will suffer when others refuse to talk.
Part of Body: Apex of lungs
Sabian Symbol: An old-fashioned well.
Part of Body: Wrist bone
Sabian Symbol: Winter frost in the woods.
Part of Body: Zygomatic muscle
Sabian Symbol: An open window and a net curtain blowing into a cornucopia.
This is a quest to overcome your distrust of change, to develop creative outlets for your intense emotions and to avoid hitting out at loved ones. These attributes plagued you in this life because of suffering and traumatic endings in past-lives which left you with deep emotional wounds and a feeling of being cheated. In learning this life’s lesson of trusting the process of change you will develop a newfound sense of peace and stability.
Part of Body: Lower jaw
Sabian Symbol: A large well-kept public park.
This is a quest to overcome your distrust of change, to develop creative outlets for your intense emotions and to avoid hitting out at loved ones. These attributes plagued you in this life because of suffering and traumatic endings in past-lives which left you with deep emotional wounds and a feeling of being cheated. In learning this life’s lesson of trusting the process of change you will develop a newfound sense of peace and stability.
Part of Body: Coccyx, Fallopian tubes
Sabian Symbol: An x ray.
March 8 2022
5:13 PM Time Zone is CET
Applying Sun Conjunct Neptune
Conditions now may be uncertain and unspecific. This is a time of unclear images and confusing events. It favors spiritual reflection, voluntary actions, artistic creativity, and leadership with vision.
Moon void in Taurus
Attempts to change things fail. Others resist your suggestions and stand in your way. Comforts are a bother.
Mercury void in Aquarius
Nervous energy is high, schedules fall apart, communications fail, and things break. Changes or unusual conditions in the weather occur. High winds (mental and actual) blow through any thickness that resists movement. Matters connected with transportation will make news now. Disruptions may occur, making scheduling difficult. Weather changes may have a significant impact on certain areas of the world. It’s best now to cease initiating and get down to finishing what’s already been started. Seek closures and completions.
Applying Venus Square Uranus
Surprises and sudden or unusual social events may be the norm now. Meetings may be canceled or postponed, or become awkward and uncomfortable. Radicals challenge authorities now.
Applying Mars Square Uranus
Pressures build; things snap. Unusually charged, sudden, and unexpected events tend to occur now. This transit stimulates militancy and assertiveness; strikes and even explosions are possible! This transit can become unstable and often indicates the possibility of emergencies and daring adventures. It’s a time for individuals to make their needs known, hopefully with little damage to the world around them.
Applying Jupiter Conjunct Neptune
This transit marks a time of spiritual optimism, idealism, high hopes, and, more negatively, inflated expectations. Ideologies and beliefs are seen to motivate people toward the exploration of new territories. Some may research difficult moral or legal problems. In the arts and in music there is growth and new heights.
Saturn void in Aquarius
Formalities are the rule; traditions are maintained. Groups of old friends, family, and comrades assemble to remember the past. Conservatism rules; experiments fail. At this time leaders are under pressure and laws are put into effect. It’s a time for staying with tradition and not experimenting with new forms of social behaviors. The past triumphs.
Uranus void in Taurus
Actions are unconventional, radical, or surprising. Not everyone agrees on how things should go, therefore there is discord within groups. Others, who have a specific agenda, persevere to make their point despite fierce opposition. Social conditions are volatile now. The bottom could fall out. It’s a time for experimentation and deviant behaviors. Sudden, unusual, and disruptive conditions occur now that reveal deep inequalities in society and culture.
Neptune void in Pisces
Trends are unclear. Not everything is known, there is much to suspect. The fabric of reality seems to be ripped asunder. Faith in leadership is low. Social and economic conditions are unstable and subject to devaluations. The future looks uncertain and no one is taking any chances. Beliefs about reality are challenged. Some feel overwhelmed, even flooded, literally and figuratively.
Pluto void in Capricorn
There is movement toward displaying outright power. Tolerance and patience are pushed aside in favor of drastic actions. Old wounds are reopened and confrontations forced. Power plays occur. Secret forces make their presence known. Some seek to act on their urges, others attempt to stop them. Deep secrets are revealed. A collective cleansing is in order.
Planet | Aspect | Planet | Orb |
Sun | Conjunction | Jupiter | 2.34 |
Moon | Square | Mercury | 0.93 |
Moon | Trine | Pluto | 0.81 |
Mercury | Square | Moon | 0.93 |
Mercury | Trine | Lilith | 1.98 |
Venus | Conjunction | Mars | 0.32 |
Mars | Conjunction | Venus | 0.32 |
Jupiter | Conjunction | Sun | 2.34 |
Neptune | Sextile | True Node | 2.15 |
Pluto | Trine | Moon | 0.81 |
Pluto | Quincunx | Lilith | 2.10 |
Lilith | Trine | Mercury | 1.98 |
Lilith | Quincunx | Pluto | 2.10 |
True Node | Sextile | Neptune | 2.15 |
![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
Planet | Starts | Ends | Planet | Starts | Ends |
![]() | 07:19 | 08:16 | ![]() | 18:46 | 19:49 |
![]() | 08:16 | 09:14 | ![]() | 19:49 | 20:51 |
![]() | 09:14 | 10:11 | ![]() | 20:51 | 21:54 |
![]() | 10:11 | 11:08 | ![]() | 21:54 | 22:57 |
![]() | 11:08 | 12:05 | ![]() | 22:57 | 23:59 |
![]() | 12:05 | 13:03 | ![]() | 23:59 | 01:02 |
![]() | 13:03 | 14:00 | ![]() | 01:02 | 02:04 |
![]() | 14:00 | 14:57 | ![]() | 02:04 | 03:07 |
![]() | 14:57 | 15:55 | ![]() | 03:07 | 04:09 |
![]() | 15:55 | 16:52 | ![]() | 04:09 | 05:12 |
![]() | 16:52 | 17:49 | ![]() | 05:12 | 06:14 |
![]() | 17:49 | 18:46 | ![]() | 06:14 | 07:17 |
How To Use This Page
First of all, planetary hours are location-specific, so make sure that you've selected the appropriate location.
If you are not familiar with the planets' symbols, click on a symbol, and a dialog with the planet's name plus some keywords for it will open.
You will find the indication of the Planetary Day ruler for the selected date in the table above this text and a list of Planetary Hours for the selected date - in the table to the left of this text.
Note that a Planetary Day starts at the moment of sunrise on the given date in the selected location and ends with the next sunrise in this location. So Planetary Days do not coincide with the common calendar days.
The length of a Planetary Hour is not equal to 60 minutes, in most cases.
For more information on this topic, please read About Planetary Hours And Days article.
**Conjunctions to Select Fixed Stars le 8 Mars, 2022.**
Aspects to Venus 02°Aq08 -16°25′
conjunct 02°Aq04 ALTAIR To explore, to be bold.
Aspects to Mars 01°Aq49 -20°39′
conjunct 02°Aq04 ALTAIR To explore, to be bold.
Aspects to Jupiter 15°Pi43 -06°31′
conjunct 15°Pi36 ACHERNAR Risk of rapid endings.
Aspects to North Node 24°Ta50 +18°58′
conjunct 24°Ta29 CAPULUS— Male, sexual and/or aggressive
Aspects to South Node 24°Sc50 -18°58′
conjunct 24°Sc06 AGENA The pain of learning

Feb 18, 2022, 11:43 AM Sun enters Pisces
Mar 6, 2022, 1:23 AM Mars enters Aquarius
Mar 6, 2022, 1:30 AM Venus enters Aquarius
Mar 9, 2022, 8:32 PM Mercury enters Pisces
Mar 10, 2022, 1:19 PM Vesta enters Aquarius
*** Daylight Saving Time begins ***
Mar 20, 2022, 11:33 AM Sun enters Aries
Mar 27, 2022, 3:44 AM Mercury enters Aries
Apr 5, 2022, 11:17 AM Venus enters Pisces
Apr 10, 2022, 10:09 PM Mercury enters Taurus
Apr 14, 2022, 11:05 PM Mars enters Pisces
Apr 19, 2022, 10:24 PM Sun enters Taurus
Apr 20, 2022, 11:51 AM Juno enters Pisces
Apr 29, 2022, 2:35 PM Pluto Retrograde
Apr 29, 2022, 6:23 PM Mercury enters Gemini
Apr 30, 2022, 4:47 AM Pallas enters Taurus
May 2, 2022, 12:10 PM Venus enters Aries
May 10, 2022, 7:47 AM Mercury Retrograde
May 10, 2022, 7:22 PM Jupiter enters Aries
May 15, 2022, 3:08 AM Ceres enters Cancer
May 20, 2022, 9:22 PM Sun enters Gemini
May 22, 2022, 9:15 PM Mercury Rx enters Taurus
May 24, 2022, 5:38 AM Vesta enters Pisces
May 24, 2022, 7:17 PM Mars enters Aries
May 28, 2022, 10:46 AM Venus enters Taurus
Aujourd'hui0° / 13° Risque de pluie : 0% - Humi. : 59% Vent :Est-Sud-Est - 15 km/h Lever : 07:19 - Coucher : 18:44 Clair |
Venus is in Capricorn from November 5, 2021, to March 6, 2022. Venus in Capricorn is a cycle in which security and stability in our relationships are paramount. We are more cautious with our emotions and somewhat skeptical of both our own feelings and others’ expressions of affection. Longevity is important to us under this influence.
There is a formality to Capricorn that can make personal expressions seem awkward and forced. However, this cycle offers us the opportunity to consider some of the practical issues of our relations and to work on making our partnerships work in the real world. A dose of realism in our personal lives can help us to feel more grounded and secure in the long run.
Venus is in Aquarius from March 6 to April 5. While Venus was in Capricorn, we valued enduring connections, reliability, and faithfulness. We took expressing our feelings seriously, and we also took our sweet time warming up to others! Generally, we kept our “cool” in relationships. With Venus now in Aquarius, we still keep our “cool” in relationships, but in a detached and impersonal sort of way. Unconventional set-ups become more appealing.
Bringing the spirit of friendship into romantic relationships is a positive use of Venus in Aquarius energy. Relationships that fairly scream “alternative” appeal to us now. It’s all about being open-minded and somewhat detached with Aquarius energy dominating the love arena. With Venus in Aquarius, it may be better to approach dating casually, with no expectations and no strings. Melodrama and emotionalism are not in favor. We may also find ourselves attracted to–or attracting–people who are not our usual “type.”
This week: On Sunday, March 6th, Venus and Mars both enter a new sign, Aquarius, and almost immediately meet in a conjunction. There can be much excitement, drama, and impulsiveness. In our relationships, things seem to need to be exciting and spicy to hold our interest. We’re motivated to make something special, connect, create, and mingle.
Also on the 6th, we seek a little more meaning or excitement from our relationships, pastimes, and pleasures. Our humor is strong, we may be inspired by our interactions, and we’re open to change. However, we may be restless or not appreciative of what we have, feeling that the grass may be greener elsewhere.
Venus in Capricorn Marry for money and then learn to love ’em: that’s what your heart tells you now, as a new cycle gets underway in your life. Does that sound cynical? Maybe so – but it does reflect the yearning you feel for security and stability now, and it suggests the kind of compromises you may be willing to make to accomplish these objectives.
Venus in Aquarius A love for the unusual, a distaste for stodgy old rules and conventions, a feeling that you’re above the petty bourgeois stuff and nonsense: that’s what a new cycle brings into your life now. (“I love humanity; it’s people I can’t stand!”) Unconventional romantic and social connections are likely at a time like this.
Venus conjunct Pluto March 2-3. An extraordinarily passionate time for relationships. We are focused and confident. There is a tendency to want–and to demand–a lot from a partnership or friendship. Powerful and uplifting time for romantic/sexual relationships. New insights into relationships and love. Strong attractions. Relationships begun under this influence are intense and passionate, deep and far from superficial, and can be quite possessive as well.
Venus conjunct Mars March 5-6. This is a passionate, warm, expressive, lively and sexy energy. We are now able to take the initiative to achieve harmony and sexual fulfillment. This influence brings satisfaction to the feelings. Our creativity and desire to make something beautiful is stimulated now. We are more able to combine warmth with energy. Social relations are impassioned, and perhaps demanding or extreme.
In some cases, this impulsive energy generates “love at first sight” scenarios or erotic interludes. Team work is more successful now. Some level of competition is present in our interactions, but it’s likely of a pleasurable and gently challenging kind. Impulsive purchases are possible.
Venus semi-square Jupiter March 5-6. We experience a strong desire for more pleasure in our lives, which can be excessive. Take care not to overstate your feelings or to set up unrealistic expectations in your partnerships.
Venus semi-square Neptune March 14. Romantic confusion as well as relationship ups and downs. Self-deceptions may come to light now.
Venus semi-sextile Mercury March 14. It may be all too easy to say things we don’t mean/feel. There can be a temporary disconnect between the heart and mind.
Venus parallel Saturn March 15-16. We may express our affection sparingly, but also responsibly and in practical ways. Relationships begun under this influence often feel burdensome over time, but they may last longer than most.
Love & Money Calendar™
March, 2022
The dates below are the best (and worst) astrological days in March 2022 for the 17 important activities described (to read about the criteria we use in selecting these dates click here). March is a weak month for money. In other matters such as romance and safety, March is average. If you make crucial natalizations such as starting a job or signing a mortgage, be sure you do it on a good astrological day and also be sure you are having good transits. Always make sure you are having great transits when you natalize anything important because you are making your transits permanent when you complete a natalization. That is the power of Magi Astrology – you can preserve good transits. You may read more about natalizations by clicking here. Our MagicalOracle Mobile Web App is the easiest way to know what kind of transits you have on any day and you can check it anywhere in the world at any time by using your iPhone or Android or tablet. As for the best and worst days this month for money this month, they are: Best: March 23, 29 Worst: March 5, 6, 7, 13, 14, 25 And the best and worst days this month for love and sex are: Best: March 1, 2, 8, 9, 21, 22, 23 Worst: March 3, 4, 5, 6, 17, 25 Please also always remember that in addition to selecting good astrological days for crucial natalizations, you need to have good transits at the same time in order to create a natalization that will work very well for you. If you are a member of the Magi Society, you may log onto our Members Only Website and view in advance an EXTRA MONTH of the Magi Society Love & Money Calendar. This allows our members to use the stars to plan ahead by an extra month. Members of the Magi Society may click here to begin the process of logging onto the new Members Only Website. |
[Editor's Note: These days were chosen specifically as the best and worst days for the activities specified and you should not assume that a good day for one activity is a good day for anything and everything else. For example, a good day to get married is not a good day to get divorced. Although the good and bad dates we provide you are applicable for everyone, just how good or bad each day is will vary depending on your individual transits. For example, if you are having several Cinderella Transits on one of our good days, then the day can be fabulous for you. Or if you are having Cinderella Transits on one of our bad days, then the day will not be as bad for you as it will be for most people because your transits are better than most.] |
1. The best and worst astrological days this month to get married (Make sure your transits are also good!) | March 1, 12, 23 | March 5, 6, 17, 18, 19, 25, 26, 27, 31 |
2. The best and worst astrological days this month to buy something simple like a toaster or clothes | March 1, 2, 9, 10, 12, 21, 22, 23, 29 | March 5, 6, 17, 18, 19, 25, 26, 27, 31 |
3. The best and worst astrological days this month to pay a bill for anything, such as rent, credit cards, utilities, department stores, etc. | March 1, 2, 9, 10, 12, 21, 22, 23, 29 | March 5, 6, 17, 18, 19, 25, 26, 27, 31 |
4. The best and worst astrological days this month to sign a financial contract like a lease, tax return, car loan, etc. | March 1, 12, 23 | March 5, 6, 17, 18, 19, 25, 26, 27, 31 |
5. The best and worst astrological days this month to make a business proposal and opening bank or brokerage accounts | March 1, 12, 23 | March 5, 6, 17, 18, 19, 25, 26, 27, 31 |
6. The best and worst astrological days this month to deposit money into financial accounts like your bank account | March 1, 2, 9, 10, 23, 29 | March 5, 6, 17, 18, 19, 25, 26, 27, 31 |
7. The best and worst astrological days this month to ask for a promotion or raise, go on a job interview | March 1, 2, 9, 10, 23, 29 | March 5, 6, 17, 18, 19, 25, 26, 27, 31 |
8. The best and worst astrological days this month to meet anyone new for financial purposes like a prospective client | March 1, 2, 9, 10, 23, 29 | March 5, 6, 17, 18, 19, 25, 26, 27, 31 |
9. The best and worst astrological days this month to go out on a first date | March 1, 2, 9, 10, 23, 29 | March 5, 6, 17, 18, 19, 25, 26, 27, 31 |
10. The best and worst astrological days this month to enjoy an especially romantic evening | March 1, 2, 9, 10, 23, 29 | March 5, 6, 17, 18, 19, 25, 26, 27, 31 |
11. The best and worst astrological days this month to look for or meet with that special person who will fulfill your dreams | March 1, 2 | March 5, 6, 17, 18, 19, 25, 26, 27, 31 |
12. The best and worst astrological days this month to ask for a commitment from a loved one, such as a promise to be more understanding | March 1, 2 | March 5, 6, 17, 18, 19, 25, 26, 27, 31 |
13. The best and worst astrological days this month to ask for forgiveness and rekindle a relationship gone awry | March 1, 2, 23, 29 | March 5, 6, 17, 18, 19, 25, 26, 27, 31 |
14. The best and worst astrological days this month to start a new medication or begin anything new related to your health, including having any dental work done. | March 1, 2 | March 5, 6, 17, 18, 19, 25, 26, 27, 31 |
15. The best and worst astrological days this month to initiate a new contact like emailing or calling someone you do not know and laying the groundwork for making a proposal later on, or having the first meeting with someone new like a doctor, lawyer, broker, etc. | March 1, 2, 9, 10, 12, 21, 22, 23, 29 | March 5, 6, 17, 18, 19, 25, 26, 27, 31 |
16. The best and worst astrological days this month to install a new APP or update an operating system on your Smart Phone. | March 1, 2, 9, 10, 12, 21, 22, 23, 29 | March 5, 6, 17, 18, 19, 25, 26, 27, 31 |
17. The best and worst astrological days this month to start a new job. | March 1, 2, 23 | March 5, 6, 17, 18, 19, 25, 26, 27, 31 |
How different would your life be now if you had not made the three biggest mistakes of your life?
We have great news for you.
The Magi Society has learned how we can each greatly reduce the number of big mistakes we make.
Whether we succeed or fail depends not on what we do, but when we do it. Success or failure depends on the alignment of the planets at the time we take action. |
We have learned that we all make our biggest mistakes when the planets are making chaotic planetary alignments. Therefore if we never did anything important when the planets are making chaotic alignments, we can avoid making big mistakes.
The webpages below give you a free service that informs you when are the best astrological times to do important things, and when are the worst times to do them.
To help you better understand how important this knowledge is, please read the information below.
Reasons Why Doing Important Things
On Good Astrological Days Helps Us A Lot
Whenever we do something for the first time, we create a birth chart for what we did – the best example is when we get married to someone, we give birth to our marriage to that person and in so doing, we create a birth chart for the marriage. The birth chart is the astrological chart of the time and place we exchanged marriage vows and were proclaimed to be husband and wife.
In Magi Astrology, we refer to the creation of the marriage chart as a Natalization of the Marriage Chart. When we marry we natalize a marriage chart. The better the marriage chart, the better the marriage.
When a person makes love to anyone for the first time, the two persons natalize a their Love Making Chart – how good or bad that astrological chart is will actually predetermine the course of the couple’s sex life with each other. The better the Love Making Chart is, then the better the love making of the couple will be with each other.
We also natalize a birth chart whenever we complete a single-step activity like buying anything or signing an agreement. So when we purchase a smart phone, the act of purchasing the phone natalizes the birth chart of the phone ownership – if this chart is bad the phone will likely be lost or damaged or stop working prematurely.
The purpose of the Magi Society’s Best and Worst Days is to help you know when are the best days each month to natalize important activities because this will greatly improve your life.
Below are links that will give you the best and worst astrological days for every month since December 2002. The current month is available if you click the topmost link.
Click here for Best and Worst Astrological Days for March, 2022
Click here for Best and Worst Astrological Days for February, 2022
Click here for Best and Worst Astrological Days for January, 2022
KDO de NOEL !!!
Cet ouvrage d’éphémérides est destiné aux astronomes, aux enseignants et aux étudiants.
Le cœur de cet ouvrage présente, pour l’année en cours, les éphémérides tabulées du Temps sidéral, des variables liées aux nouveaux paradigmes de l’Union astronomique internationale sur les systèmes de référence et les coordonnées du Soleil, de la Lune et des planètes, de Pluton, Cérès, Pallas, Junon et Vesta ; il fournit également les quantités nécessaires au calcul des positions des satellites de Mars, des satellites galiléens de Jupiter, des huit premiers satellites de Saturne et des cinq principaux satellites d’Uranus.
Un chapitre explicatif fournit les informations théoriques permettant de faire les calculs par soi-même ou d’utiliser le logiciel accompagnant l’ouvrage.
Ce volume est le 344e d’une éphéméride créée en 1679 qui a paru sans interruption depuis sa création. Ancienne par sa conception, mais toujours moderne dans sa réalisation, la version actuelle s’appuie sur une partie des récents développements méthodologiques menés à l’IMCCE.
- Voir la table des matières
- Format 17 × 24 cm – 186 pages
- Éditeur : IMCCE
- ISBN : 978-2-910015-85-5
Cet ouvrage est disponible gratuitement en version pdf : télécharger l’ouvrage. Il sera disponible très prochainement en version papier à la demande sur le site de la librairie BoD.
Un logiciel de calcul d’éphémérides accompagne l’ouvrage :
La tétrabible
De Ptolémée (né vers 90 après J.-C. à Ptolémaïs d’Hermias, dans la Thébaïde d’Égypte, mort à Canope vers 170), on ne retient souvent que le système astronomique qui fait de la Terre le centre de l’Univers. Et pourtant, cinq siècles avant lui, Aristarque de Samos avait émis l’hypothèse que la terre tournait sur elle-même autour du soleil.
Mais Ptolémée est d’abord un mathématicien. Les pages de sa Syntaxe mathématique, plus connue sous le nom d’Almageste (Le grand traité), reprennent partie les données et observations d’un autre astronome alexandrin, Hipparque de Nicée. Dans son Traité d’astrologie, Claude Ptolémée nous transmet le résultat de plus de sept siècles de science grecque.
Le Tetrabiblos fut l’ouvrage le plus célèbre de l’Antiquité. Il exerça et exerce encore une grande influence dans l’étude des corps célestes de la sphère sublunaire.
De Ptolémée (né vers 90 après J.-C. à Ptolémaïs d’Hermias, dans la Thébaïde d’Égypte, mort à Canope vers 170), on ne retient souvent que le système astronomique qui fait de la Terre le centre de l’Univers. Et pourtant, cinq siècles avant lui, Aristarque de Samos avait émis l’hypothèse que la terre tournait sur elle-même autour du soleil.
Mais Ptolémée est d’abord un mathématicien. Les pages de sa Syntaxe mathématique, plus connue sous le nom d’Almageste (Le grand traité), reprennent partie les données et observations d’un autre astronome alexandrin, Hipparque de Nicée. Dans son Traité d’astrologie, Claude Ptolémée nous transmet le résultat de plus de sept siècles de science grecque.
Le Tetrabiblos fut l’ouvrage le plus célèbre de l’Antiquité. Il exerça et exerce encore une grande influence dans l’étude des corps célestes de la sphère sublunaire.
The Planets Were Aligned and America Was Born
Click Here To Learn How Benjamin Franklin
Used Astrology to Create the United States
- La Fête des Grands-Mères
- aujourd'hui, le 06/03
- La Journée de la Femme
- dans 2 jours, le 08/03
- La Saint Patrick
- dans 11 jours, le 17/03
- Le 1er avril
- dans 26 jours, le 01/04
- Zone A
- Vacances de Pâques dans 41 jours, du 16/04 au 02/05
- Zone B
- Vacances de Pâques dans 34 jours, du 09/04 au 25/04
- Zone C
- Vacances de Pâques dans 48 jours, du 23/04 au 09/05
Origine du mois de mars
Le mois de mars, troisième mois du calendrier, compte 31 jours. Le mot mars provient du latin Martius, qui signifie De Mars ou bien guerrier, et ce mois un bien entendu un hommage au dieu romain de la guerre Mars, gardien de l'agriculture et ancêtre des fondateurs de Rome. Mars marquait le début des périodes de culture et guerre, et des festivals fêtaient le début du mois.
Fêtes et Saints de mars
Que se passe-t-il en mars ?
Mars dans les autres pays
Proverbes de mars
Pluie de mars grandit l'herbette et souvent annonce disette.
Quand en mars il tonne, l'année sera bonne.
Le soleil de mars donne des rhumes tenaces.
Si mars commence en courroux, il finira tout doux, tout doux.
Mars venteux, vergers pommeux.
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You can import these events into many calendar apps, including Microsoft Outlook (Windows), Apple Calendar (Mac / iOS) and Google Calendar (Android).
To do so, simply download this iCalendar file and import it into your calendar.
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[more about void of course moon]
September 2018 – December 2023
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Calendrier Lunaire Mars 2022
Les jours grandissent, la nature se réveille.
Quelques dates pour profiter des influences lunaires
Jardiner avec la Lune
Pour l’épandage du fumier ou pour le compostage de surface choisir la période du 18, 19 ou 20.
Meilleurs jours pour semer des légumes fruits les 7, 15, 16 et 17.
Pour commencer la fabrication de purin de plantes, choisir le 15.Brasser avec la Lune
Le 19 et le 20 seront favorables pour mettre la bière en bouteille.
Les arbres en fonction de la Lune
Tailler les arbres entre le 12 et le 24 en évitant le 22.
Pour éviter que le bois ne travaille et qu’il n’éclate, l’abattre entre le 19, 20 ou 21.
Notre bien être avec la Lune
Commencer à récolter la sève de bouleau entre le 3 et le 10, avant la pousse des feuilles.
La Lune et les animaux
Pour que le bétail soit plus calme lors de la première sortie, choisir le 9, 11, 12, 13, 16, 19, 20, 27 ou 29. (retrouvez plus de détails dans le Calendrier Lunaire 2022).
Éviter d’intervenir au rucher les 2, 3, 8, 11, 12, 13, 20, 21, 22, 29, 30 et 31.
En beauté avec la Lune
Retrouver toutes les dates pour les cheveux, l’épilation et les ongles dans notre nouvelle Web App.
Mar 2, 2022, 12:35 PM, Sun Conjunct Moon (New Moon)
Mar 10, 2022, 5:45 AM, Sun Square Moon (First Quarter Moon)
Mar 18, 2022, 3:17 AM, Sun Opposition Moon (Full Moon)
Mar 25, 2022, 1:37 AM, Sun Square Moon (Last Quarter Moon)
Apr 1, 2022, 2:24 AM, Sun Conjunct Moon (New Moon)
First Quarter Moon
The FIRST QUARTER MOON occurs on Thursday, March 10th, 2022, at 5:45 AM EST.
On Thursday morning, the First Quarter Moon occurs, when the Sun in Pisces forms a square with the Moon in Gemini. There is a crisis theme surrounding any quarter Moon phase, as we feel compelled to take action. Shortly after, we are made aware of how our actions affect those close to us, perhaps through trial and error. Whatever project or initiative we began around the New Moon is now off the ground, and it may face its first obstacles.
This can be a time of stress, clashing, and discord, but also of high energy, motivation, and growth.
This phase of the Moon occurs at 19 degrees and 50 minutes of Gemini square the Sun at 19 degrees and 50 minutes Pisces, affecting people with personal planets and points at approximately 18 to 22 degrees of the Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces) most significantly.
When the Moon is in Taurus
We are motivated by the desire for serenity, security, peace, and comfort. The Moon is at her most sensual and constant in Taurus. Our basic impulses are to relax, resist change, and "stop to smell the roses". Life slows down a little, and we get comfortable. We may also be inclined to stubbornness and materialism under this influence.
The Moon in Taurus generally favors the following activities: Substantial and material actions that yield solid results. Financial activities, and those involving personal possessions, applying for a loan, beginning a potentially long-term relationship, music, home decor.
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Ukrainians flee besieged cities as number of refugees hits 2 mn
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Desperate civilians fled besieged Ukrainian cities on Tuesday after Russia offered "humanitarian corridors", as the …
Ukrainians flee besieged city as number of refugees hits 2 mn
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Ukrainians flee besieged cities as number of refugees hits 2 mn
Mar 08 2022

Russia's invasion has unleashed Europe's fastest growing refugee crisis since World War II
Kyiv (AFP) - Desperate civilians fled besieged Ukrainian cities on Tuesday after Russia offered “humanitarian corridors”, as the number of refugees leaving the country since Moscow’s invasion passed two million.
Civilians boarded buses out of the north-eastern city of Sumy, where 21 people were killed in air strikes overnight, while others took an unofficial escape route out of the bombarded Kyiv suburb of Irpin.
But Ukraine accused Russia of attacking an evacuation corridor out of the beleaguered southern port city of Mariupol, where aid workers said tens of thousands were living in “apocalyptic” conditions.
Kyiv has branded the corridors from four cities a publicity stunt as many of the exit routes lead into Russia or its ally Belarus. Both sides accuse each other of ceasefire violations.
President Vladimir Putin’s invasion has sparked fears of a wider European war, and unleashed the continent’s fastest growing refugee crisis since World War II as people flood across Ukraine’s borders.

European countries have taken in Ukrainians fleeing the conflict, particularly Poland
Western allies have imposed sweeping sanctions on Moscow and poured in weapons to Ukraine, while oil giant Shell became the latest among scores of businesses to pull out of Russia.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky denounced what he called unkept promises by the West to protect his country, and renewed calls for a no-fly zone that leaders have so far dismissed.
“It’s been 13 days we’ve been hearing promises, 13 days we’ve been told we’ll be helped in the air, that there will be planes,” Zelensky said on a video broadcast on Telegram.
“But the responsibility for that rests also on those who were not capable to take a decision in the West for 13 days,” he added. “On those who have not secured the Ukrainian skies from the Russian assassins.”
- ‘Hiding in the basement’ -

Despite the sound of nearby shelling in Irpin, seen as a critical point for Russia's advance on Kyiv, civilians continued to flee in icy wind and a thick snowfall
Despite the sound of nearby shelling in Irpin, seen as a critical point for Russia’s advance on Kyiv, civilians fled in icy wind and a thick snowfall, AFP reporters saw.
People waited in a long line to cross over the Irpin river on makeshift walkways of planks and mangled metal, after the Ukrainians blew up the bridge leading into the capital to hamper any Russian advance.
“I didn’t want to leave, but there’s nobody left in the homes around us, no water, no gas and no electricity,” Larissa Prokopets, 43, told AFP.
She said she was leaving after several days spent “hiding in the basement” of her home, which kept “shaking” due to bombardment nearby.
Russia had refused calls for a humanitarian corridor in Irpin and the nearby suburbs of Bucha and Gostomel “although we had everything ready for this,” Ukrainian interior ministry official Anton Gerashchenko said.

At least 406 civilians have died since the start of Russia's assault on its ex-Soviet neighbour, the UN says
Evacuations had however begun in Sumy, near the Russian border and 350 kilometres (218 miles) east of Kyiv, where Russia had formally declared a humanitarian corridor, officials said.
Dozens of buses had already left in the direction of Lokhvytsia, to the southwest, said the interim chief of the Poltava region, Dmitry Lunin. The corridor is designed to evacuate civilians, including Chinese, Indians and other foreigners, officials said.
The evacuation came after 21 people, including two children, were killed in Sumy when “enemy planes insidiously attacked apartment buildings,” Ukrainian rescue services said.
- ‘Really apocalyptic’ -
Ukraine also accused Russia of violating a ceasefire around Mariupol on Tuesday, describing it as “nothing other than a genocide”.
“The enemy has launched an attack heading exactly at the humanitarian corridor,” the defence ministry said on Facebook, adding the Russian army “did not let children, women and elderly people leave the city.”

People waited in a long line to cross over the Irpin river on makeshift walkways of planks and mangled metal
The International Committee of the Red Cross said Mariupol residents faced “atrocious” conditions and were running out of food, water and medical supplies.
“The bottom line today is that this situation is really apocalyptic for people,” ICRC head of media Ewan Watson said in Geneva.
Long queues of cars snaked out of the southern city of Mykolaiv, where sporadic shell fire could be heard.
“We’re leaving as soon as possible. There are attacks every day, it’s terrifying,” said Sabrina, 19, who had a dog on a lead and a cat in her jacket. She said she had no news from her husband who was on the frontline.
Despite a slow start and a large Russian column being stalled outside Kyiv, Moscow’s forces have slowly advanced, particularly in the east and south.
At least 406 civilians have died since the start of Russia’s assault on its ex-Soviet neighbour, according to the UN, although it believes the real figures to be “considerably higher”.
The onslaught has created a huge refugee crisis for European countries that have taken in Ukrainians fleeing the conflict, particularly Poland.
“It doesn’t stop,” Filippo Grandi, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, said as he announced that two million people had fled.
- ‘Catastrophic consequences’ -
A huge Western sanctions campaign has failed to dissuade Russia’s Putin from his invasion plan.

President Vladimir Putin's invasion has sparked fears of a wider European war
Energy giant Shell said Tuesday it would withdraw from its involvement in Russian gas and oil, and apologised for buying a cargo of Russian crude last week.
Putin has equated sanctions with a declaration of war and put nuclear forces on alert. He has pledged the “denazification” of Ukraine and demands its “neutralisation” and demilitarisation.
At home, Russia has cracked down on dissent, arresting more than 10,000 people for anti-war protests and clamping down on independent media.
Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak warned Monday that Moscow could cut Europe’s gas supplies in revenge for sanctions and said any ban by Western allies on Russian oil imports would have “catastrophic consequences”.
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said during a visit to NATO ally Estonia that Washington was “very much looking at” an energy embargo, while also trying to ease the impact on supplies.
The west has so far steered clear of the no-fly zone demanded by Zelensky, with Putin warning it would be considered as “participation in the conflict” with nuclear-armed Russia.
The International Atomic Energy Agency meanwhile warned that at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant – site of a 1986 disaster – 200-plus staff have been on-site for 12 days straight.
Despite the lack of direct Western involvement, an international legion of volunteers has also descended on Ukraine to fight the Russians.
But the Pentagon said Monday that Moscow was on a recruiting mission for its own foreign fighters – Syrians who fought for President Bashar al-Assad.
Agence France-Presse
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BELIER Aujourd'hui vous �tes � la fois tent� de vous isoler et de croquer la vie � pleine dents! Et si vous commenciez par prendre une bonne heure de vraie d�tente? | BALANCE Aujourd'hui, vous �tes tr�s efficace dans votre travail et cela vous permet de r�aliser de bonnes affaires. Pensez � vous faire plaisir de temps en temps. | ||
TAUREAU C'est le moment de reprendre contact avec vos amis et de voir o� ils en sont. Ainsi, des projets de sortie ou de travail en �quipe pourraient bien s'�laborer... | SCORPION Aujourd'hui, vous �tes tr�s sensible aux �motions et aux humeurs de votre conjoint ou de vos collaborateurs. Restez le plus possible aimable et... avec le sourire! | ||
GEMEAUX Vous avez besoin de vous reposer ou de faire le vide autour de vous et dans votre t�te. Ensuite, tout vous semblera plus facile et plus �vident � g�rer. | SAGITTAIRE En ce moment vous avez autant besoin de vous r�aliser professionnellement que d'appr�cier votre foyer � sa juste valeur. Vous savez �quilibrer les deux avec sagesse. | ||
CANCER Les �tudes ou les voyages prennent davantage d'importance dans votre vie. Et si vous en parliez � vos amis? Ils pourraient sans doute vous aider � le concr�tiser. | CAPRICORNE Aujourd'hui, vous naviguez entre les multiples d�placements et les divertissements possibles. Pourquoi ne pas allier les deux? Ainsi, tout le monde sera content! | ||
LION M�me si tous vos objectifs ne sont pas atteints, faites vos comptes et vous verrez que le dicton italien "Qui va piano va sano" est de bon conseil. | VERSEAU Pensez � am�liorer vos revenus ou � mieux g�rer votre patrimoine. Cela vous permettra de contenter et de s�curiser tous les membres de votre famille. | ||
VIERGE Vous avez un grand besoin d'�vasion en ce moment: vous r�vez de voyage, d'aventure. Brisez la routine en allant d�ner quelque part avec votre partenaire. | POISSONS N'h�sitez pas � faire valoir vos capacit�s, � d�fendre votre point de vue et � vous d�placer s'il le faut pour convaincre plus efficacement. |