samedi 29 janvier 2022

09°VER - 20220129

Ils sont nés un 29 janvier
Roger Louis, William Mckinley, Henri Queffelec, Romain Rolland, Tom Selleck, Pierre Tchernia.

Sun enters the next Sabian symbol 29/01 at 23:41 h (chart)
Aquarius 10-11° – Sabian symbol 311
"Man tete-a-tete with his inspiration"

Samedi 29 janvier :

- V�nus est stationnaire en ascension droite, � 09h01

- V�nus est stationnaire en longitude, � 09h47

- A 16h06, conjonction g�ocentrique en ascension droite entre Mars et la Lune, � 2�24', � voir � l'aube

- A 16h10, conjonction g�ocentrique en longitude entre Mars et la Lune, � 2�24'

- Minimum de distance angulaire entre Mercure et Pluton, � 5�13'

- La d�clinaison de la Lune est maximale, � -26�22'01''

Demain :

- Elongation maximale de Titan � l'est de Saturne, � 152'', � 00h17

Chart Style
January 29, 2022
12:30:00 PM  GMT +1:00
48° 52' N · 002° 20' E
Paris, FR
 – 0° 04' – ap
 – 5° 39' – a
 – 1° 21' – a
 – 2° 09' – a
 – 0° 00' – sp
 – 0° 14' – sp
 – 1° 59' – s
 – 1° 21' – s
 – 7° 29' – a
 – 0° 13' – a
 – 1° 26' – a
9 – 0° 02' – ap
 – 3° 02' – a
 – 0° 14' – ap
 – 0° 10' – ap
 – 1° 45' – s
 – 1° 07' – s
 – 0° 27' – a
As – 1° 38' – s
Ds – 1° 38' – s
As – 2° 05' – a
 – 0° 38' – s
MC – 2° 41' – a
2 – 0° 42' – s
 Sun09  31' 38" +1.016400 N 00311° 58'17 S 5310
 Moon01  26' 56" +14.74502 S 41271° 37'26 S 088
 North Node29 08  R0.086400 N 00056° 55'19 N 5812
 South Node29  08  R0.086400 N 00236° 55'19 S 586
 Mercury26  38  R0.797103 N 28297° 58'17 S 279
 Venus11  05  S++0.005706 N 48281° 28'16 S 128
 Mars03  36 +0.728400 S 28273° 56'23 S 528
 Jupiter06  38 +0.228600 S 58338° 45'09 S 5910
 Saturn15  11 +0.119700 S 50317° 54'17 S 0610
 Uranus10 52 +0.009600 S 23038° 34'14 N 4312
 Neptune21  21 +0.030001 S 07352° 30'04 S 2811
 Pluto26  52 +0.032401 S 46299° 17'22 S 329
 Proserpina17  42 +0.002800 N 47225° 28'16 S 226
 Chiron09 11 +0.035102 N 05007° 37'05 N 3311
 Ceres28 40 +0.094500 S 23056° 31'19 N 3012
 Pallas24  40 +0.322808 S 53358° 41'10 S 1611
 Juno28  37 +0.398408 N 05299° 04'12 S 329
 Vesta09  39 +0.523201 N 35280° 23'21 S 328
 True Lilith15  07  R1.893903 N 38106° 51'26 N 123
 Mean Lilith21 37 +0.111002 N 04080° 44'25 N 152
 Selena27  59 +0.140800 N 00300° 04'20 S 359
House CuspPlanets in House  
As00 46
220 55 
311  07 
IC01  18
511  07
620  55 
Ds00  46
820  55 
911  07 
MC01  18 
1111  07 
1220 55 
Vx26  25Vertex
Ax26 25Anti-Vertex
22 41Part of Fortune
28 02Mean Lunar Node
GMT: 11:30:00 · January 29, 2022
Sidereal Time: 20:14:07
RAMC: 303° 31' 46"
ΔT: 70.0 sec.

10th Degree of Aquarius
Sabian Symbol:
A man of stature has been catapulted into ephemeral popularity and unspoiled he plans further achievements.

2nd Degree of Capricorn
Sabian Symbol:
Three stained glass windows in an old cathedral are seen, and the center one has been damaged by bombardment.

27th Degree of Capricorn
Sabian Symbol:
A party of anchorites are making a mountain pilgrimage and in view lie both the busy world and the quiet way ahead.

12th Degree of Capricorn
Sabian Symbol:
A student is lecturing and conjuring up dancing pictures of distant wonders before each listener.

4th Degree of Capricorn
Sabian Symbol:
A group of merry-makers are embarking in a large canoe on the magic little lantern-lit lake at the resort.

7th Degree of Pisces
Sabian Symbol:
Over the strewn and irregular masses of stone at the shore is low-lying fog, but on one rock a cross rests.

16th Degree of Aquarius
Sabian Symbol:
The active executive of a large corporation sits at his desk immersed in the details of some business project.

11th Degree of Taurus
Sabian Symbol:
A woman, cool in sunbonnet and simple garments, is leisurely watering long rows of flowers in full bloom.

22nd Degree of Pisces
Sabian Symbol:
Down the man-made mountain of industry in allegorical representation some the prophet with tablets of a new law.

27th Degree of Capricorn
Sabian Symbol:
A party of anchorites are making a mountain pilgrimage and in view lie both the busy world and the quiet way ahead.

25th Degree of Pisces
Sabian Symbol:
Ecclesiastical reform of drastic nature is in progress and a purged and purified priestcraft opens a new ministry.

29th Degree of Taurus
Sabian Symbol:
Two garrulous cobblers are working side by side on their ancient bench.

29th Degree of Capricorn
Sabian Symbol:
Afternoon tea is served in a gypsy parlor patronized by socialites and here a young lady reads tea leaves.



Current Planets
29-Jan-2022, 11:30 UT/GMT
Pluto26Capricorn52' 5"

Sun09 Aqu 31' 38"
Moon01 Cap 26' 49"
Mercury26 Cap 36' 39" R
Venus11 Cap 04' 38"
Mars03 Cap 35' 35"
Jupiter06 Pis 37' 59"
Saturn15 Aqu 10' 58"
Uranus10 Tau 52' 11"
Neptune21 Pis 21' 16"
Pluto26 Cap 52' 05"
Chiron09 Ari 10' 39"
Lilith21 Gem 37' 12"
True Node29 Tau 07' 53" R

Sat, Jan 29, 2022

SAMEDI29JANVIERSemaine 4 | GildasYDernier croissant

Sunrise 08:23
Sunset 17:42
Twilight ends 19:32
begins 06:33

27-day old moon
Waning Crescent


27 days old

27th Lunar Day

This Lunar Day is propicious to mutual help, common causes or ventures, but also errors of evaluation or judgement.

Waning Crescent

This period is intended to summarize and analyze errors. It is better not to begin new affairs at this time.

Moon in Capricorn  10:08

Suitable energy for working, planning, seeking employment, building, creating the foundations of something lasting, looking after the oldies, family business, saving, budgeting, studying serious subjects, scholarly work, pursuit of excellence. Important purchases, house, real estate, business, cars, antiques, insurance policies, payment of taxes and government fees.


MoonQuincunxTrue Node2.32
MercuryTrineTrue Node2.52
PlutoTrineTrue Node2.26
True NodeQuincunxMoon2.32
True NodeTrineMercury2.52
True NodeTrinePluto2.26

January 29th, 2022 (PT)
[S]The Sun is in Aquarius
phase de la Lune du jourThe Moon is in Capricorn
The Balsamic Moon is in Capricorn: All day
Current Mercury Retrograde Period
Jan 14 - Feb 3

Samedi 29 Janvier 2022 12h30
sam. 29 jan. 2022 10h TU
Ephemerides astro 29/01/2022 à 10h TU
samedi 29 janvier 22
St Gildas

phase de la Lune du jourNouvelle Lune 02/01 18h35
premier quartier 09/01 18h13
Pleine Lune 17/01 23h51
second quartier 25/01 13h42
prochaine lunaison 01/02 05h49
Horoscope astrologie

January 29, 2022Sa

 VOC 00:00 - 10:08

January 30, 2022Su


Magi StarScope

Click here to view Magi StarScope for today

Sun enters the next Sabian symbol 29/01 at 23:41 h (chart)
Aquarius 10-11° – Sabian symbol 311
"Man tete-a-tete with his inspiration"

**Conjunctions to Select Fixed Stars on January 29, 2021.**


Aspects to South Node 29°Sc06 -19°57′

 conjunct 29°Sc45 TOLIMAN Learning, the lessons of life.

Aspects to Black Moon 21°Ge38 +25°14′

 conjunct 22°Ge10 CAPELLA Love of movement

 conjunct 22°Ge28 PHACT To quest, adventure.

 conjunct 21°Ge15 BELLATRIX ** Success through the Shadow.


Early today, Venus stations and turns direct after almost six weeks of retrograde motion. Gradually over the next few weeks, matters ruled by Venus (including love, pleasure, and money) should move forward more straightforwardly. Our confidence in ourselves and the universe builds, and we express warmth and affection more comfortably, openly, and directly. Tact and diplomacy re-emerge, and more clarity is likely to come to our love and social relationships. However, while the shift occurs today, we can be confused or disoriented. It’s best to be patient and take our time processing our feelings. The Moon ends its transit of Sagittarius and enters Capricorn at 4:09 AM EST. The Capricorn Moon is responsible, alert, and practical. With the Moon’s alignment with Mars this morning and Venus tonight, we’re more fully connecting with our need for organization, plans, and structures. We can feel pleasantly ambitious.

The void Moon continues until the Moon enters Capricorn today at 4:09 AM EST.

Astrology of Today – Saturday, January 29, 2022

Today’s Moon:

  • The Moon is in Sagittarius only until 4:08 AM, after which the Moon is in Capricorn.
  • The void Moon continues until 4:08 AM today (since yesterday at 1:59 PM).
  • The Moon is waning and in its Waning Crescent phase.
  • The Last Quarter Moon occurred on the 25th, and the New Moon will happen on February 1st.


  • Mercury Rx.
  • Venus stations and turns direct today (Venus was retrograde from December 19th, 2021, to January 29th, 2022).
  • Mercury is retrograde (Mercury is retrograde from January 14th to February 3rd).

**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).

Date & Time: Jan 29 2022  4:08 am

Event: Moon enters Capricorn

Description: The Moon in Capricorn

Consolidate. Pay attention to the foundations of life. Repair and restructure. Attend to financial or business matters. Make solid plans and get organized.

Date & Time: Jan 29 2022  1:56 am

Event: Tr-Tr Mon Qnx Cer

Description: Transiting Moon Quincunx Transiting Ceres

Date & Time: Jan 29 2022  2:45 am

Event: Tr-Tr Mon Qnx Nod

Description: Transiting Moon Quincunx Transiting North Node

There may be the need to pause to adjust things before moving plans forward. We could feel at odds with others on an emotional level. Public relations are not as favorable now.

Date & Time: Jan 29 2022  4:08 am

Event: Tr-Tr Mon Cnj Cap

Description: Transiting Moon Entering Capricorn

Consolidate. Pay attention to the foundations of life. Repair and restructure. Attend to financial or business matters. Make solid plans and get organized.

Date & Time: Jan 29 2022  4:25 am

Event: Tr-Tr Mon SSq Sat

Description: Transiting Moon SemiSquare Transiting Saturn

We could feel burdened, restricted, or limited during this brief influence. We could be feeling a little down on ourselves, excluded, or lonely. There can be some awkwardness or stiffness and difficulty showing affection and feelings. Patience is a virtue right now; otherwise, we might succumb to feelings of frustration and sadness.  All good things come to those who wait.

Date & Time: Jan 29 2022  10:10 am

Event: Tr-Tr Mon Cnj Mar

Description: Transiting Moon Conjunction Transiting Mars

Emotions are all-consuming. We desire adventure, change, and action. We can be hasty and rash, but if we use common sense as well, it can be a good time for getting the courage to do something brave. Instinctive reactions are quick. Courage, mon brave! Make those quick decisions. It’s a time for showing leadership skills.

Date & Time: Jan 29 2022  3:02 pm

Event: Tr-Tr Mon Sxt Jup

Description: Transiting Moon Sextile Transiting Jupiter

A great time to take up new feel-good opportunities. Show your confidence and optimism and reap the rewards.

Date & Time: Jan 29 2022  7:04 pm

Event: Tr-Tr Mon Sqr Chi

Description: Transiting Moon Square Transiting Chiron

We may have some difficulty letting go of hurt feelings or resentments. We can be sensitive to what others think of us, and decisions made now may not reflect our hearts, and can be regrettable later on. We might take things the wrong way due to sensitivity. We may not make efforts to be understood. Hurt feelings are opportunities for healing. Now is the time for building bridges, not burning them.

Date & Time: Jan 29 2022  8:17 pm

Event: Tr-Tr Mon Cnj Ves

Description: Transiting Moon Conjunction Transiting Vesta

We are a little serious or stiff in self-expression at this time. We are more able to make sacrifices or put our emotions aside in order to get something important done. This can be a good time to commit fully to something – especially health and healing matters.

Date & Time: Jan 29 2022  9:47 pm

Event: Tr-Tr Mon Tri Ura

Description: Transiting Moon Trine Transiting Uranus

We are open to new ideas. A break in the routine is pleasing now. We could be experimenting with new ideas or feelings. There can be chance meetings, events that occur that open our minds or our awareness. 

Date & Time: Jan 29 2022  10:07 pm

Event: Tr-Tr Mon Cnj Ven

Description: Transiting Moon Conjunction Transiting Venus

We are less inhibited and more willing to indulge ourselves. Love and romance can be favorable. Decorating, beauty treatments, the arts, creative pursuits, parties, dates, and recreation are generally favored now. There is increased sensitivity, affection, and warmth. Love is grand! Affection, love, and romance are in the air.

Date & Time: Jan 29 2022  11:28 am

Event: Tr-Tr Sun SSq Pal

Description: Transiting Sun SemiSquare Transiting Pallas

Our ability to see things clearly or rationally can be compromised by ego issues or lack of confidence now. 

Date & Time: Jan 29 2022  3:45 am

Event: Tr Ven D 

Description: Transiting Venus Stationary

Date & Time: Jan 29 2022  10:54 am

Event: Tr-Tr Jun Tri Cer

Description: Transiting Juno Trine Transiting Ceres

We treat one another fairly and kindly, and take pride in our relationships and support systems.


Disciplined, responsible, reliable, industrious, conscientious, practical, achieving. Can be pessimistic, overly conventional, rigid, materialistic, callous.


Humanitarian, innovative, group conscious, progressive, serving others. Can be rebellious, eccentric, aloof, emotionally superficial, overly extroverted.


Today’s Elemental Balance



We are not very goal-oriented right now, or motivation to pursue our goals may be waning/lacking. Changes feel overwhelming. Enthusiasm may be low, we argue less, and we think more than we take action.


Earth signs are Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. We are especially in touch with the physical world. We consider what we’ve learned and experienced in the past in order to make the most of the present. We can be cautious, practical, and possibly unimaginative. We are deliberate and can pace ourselves well. We need hands-on experience and are not impressed with theory as much as we are with results. Routines are tolerable and comforting.


There may be some insensitivity or lack of empathy now. We may be out of touch with what we’re feeling or with our emotional needs. We may be tougher than usual now, and more inclined to follow mental or practical considerations than we are to listen to our intuition.


Today’s Modal Balance



The Cardinal signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. We are ready to take action and to take on challenges, and we can become frustrated with stagnant conditions.


We can have a hard time adapting to changes and to others’ agendas.


Today’s Lunar Phase



Moon from 90 to 45 degrees behind the Sun. 

We have strong beliefs and are likely to put them into action. We have the wisdom to know when to act, but sometimes can be inflexible.


We’re seeking out more structure and working hard to achieve some measure of security with the Moon in Capricorn. We’re able to tone down our emotional needs so that we can focus on material or practical priorities.


Part of Body: Cutaneous nerves of knee 

Sabian Symbol: People rowing a canoe and dancing a war dance.


CONJUNCTION VENUS  Orb 6°14′ Applying

We are less inhibited and more willing to indulge ourselves. Decorating, beauty treatments, the arts, creative pursuits, parties, dates, and recreation are generally favored now. There is increased sensitivity, affection, and warmth.

CONJUNCTION MARS  Orb 1°04′ Separating

Emotions are all-consuming. We desire adventure, change, and action. We can be hasty and rash, but if we use common sense as well, it can be a good time for getting the courage to do something brave. Instinctive reactions are quick.

SEXTILE JUPITER  Orb 1°51′ Applying

We are generous, forgiving, and high-minded now. We are looking at people and situations positively. This is a good time for making plans.

TRINE URANUS  Orb 6°02′ Applying

We are open to new ideas, ways of expressing ourselves and our feelings. A break in the routine is pleasing now. We could be experimenting with new ideas or feelings. There can be chance meetings, events that occur that open our hearts or our emotional awareness.

SQUARE CHIRON  Orb 4°21′ Applying

We could be dwelling on hurt feelings or resentments. We can be sensitive to what others think of us, and decisions made now may not reflect our hearts and can be regrettable later on. We might take things the wrong way due to sensitivity. We may not make efforts to be understood. Hurt feelings are opportunities for healing.



You are unconventional, friendly, unpredictable and innovative. You like originality and may become rebellious.


Part of Body: Skin of left lower leg 

Sabian Symbol: A popularity that proves ephemeral.


CONJUNCTION SATURN  Orb 5°27′ Applying

You are responsible, serious and reliable. You may have had a stricter father than the other children. Work and a career will be important to you. You have the self discipline to succeed.

SQUARE URANUS  Orb 1°06′ Applying

We may want to break free from restrictions or responsibilities, but if we aren’t in touch with this need, we could cause some problems or feel restless and irritable. There could be rebellious feelings. We don’t want to be told what to do. Use this time to see what changes need to be made.

SEXTILE CHIRON  Orb 0°34′ Separating

You will be able to help others with your ability to understand their pain.



You are a wise and careful thinker. You place importance on credibility and authority. Therefore you will seek knowledge which carries some authority. You may approach new ideas with caution.


Part of Body: Deep nerves 

Sabian Symbol: A mountain pilgrimage.


CONJUNCTION PLUTO  Orb 0°26′ Separating

You have a probing mind. You avoid social chit-chat preferring deep and meaningful conversations. You are able to research topics of interest.



There can be some reticence about forming new connections, but when we do form them, they are longterm. Getting serious about our finances and boosting our relations with business partners and/or co-workers can be in focus. We value reliability. We take expressing our feelings seriously, and we take our time to  warm up to others. Our tastes are traditional.


Part of Body: Right knee joint 

Sabian Symbol: A student of nature lecturing.


CONJUNCTION MARS  Orb 7°19′ Applying

This is a passionate, lively, expressive influence. Social relations are impassioned, and perhaps demanding or combative. We may also feel compelled to do something creative or artistic. We have a chance to express our needs, passions, and desires now in effective ways. Venus can act to soften Mars’ aggressiveness, or Mars can make Venus’ romantic impulses more forceful and pressing. Some level of competition is present in our interactions. Impulsive purchases are possible.

TRINE URANUS  Orb 0°12′ Separating

We are open to new or unusual experiences. Our intuition for making changes serves us well now, and there can be good business sense, particularly for tapping into current or future trends. There is a healthy level of detachment experienced now that opens us up to new ideas, methods, art forms, and ways of relating.

SQUARE CHIRON  Orb 1°53′ Applying

You experience emotional pain in your relationships. You have difficulty experiencing the joy and beauty of intimate relationships. You need to face early childhood feelings of rejection and develop empathy for others close to you.



This is a time for adopting a methodical, responsible, and structured approach to reaching our goals. We can be rigid and calculating under this influence, but also determined, focused, studied, deliberate, ambitious, smart, and realistic.


Part of Body: Cutaneous nerves of lower leg 

Sabian Symbol: A party entering a large canoe.


SEXTILE JUPITER  Orb 2°55′ Applying

You can create opportunities to achieve your personal goals. You will always be able to find the energy level you require.

SQUARE CHIRON  Orb 5°25′ Applying

You have difficulty being assertive. You fear that your requests will be met with anger, or you may fear your own anger. You may have a short fuse as you are easily hurt. You need to develop a strong sense of self-worth and learn to honor your own way of doing things. You may also need to reassess your personal desires.



You are on an intuitive search for the truth. You are a champion of the underdog. You could be a spiritual or religious teacher.


Part of Body: Right talus 

Sabian Symbol: A cross lying on rocks.



You have an ability to work well in groups. Your work is often original and innovative.


Part of Body: Lymph vessels of left lower leg 

Sabian Symbol: A big-businessman at his desk.


SQUARE URANUS  Orb 4°20′ Separating

You work to overcome a feeling of inadequacy about your abilities. You have problems with authority figures and need to learn to compromise. When you have done this you will succeed, particularly in large organisations.



(1934 – 1942) We approach money and personal possessions in new ways and learn how to free ourselves from certain material constraints. Innovative ways to make ourselves comfortable emerge. We’re less inhibited about expressing sensuality, self-love, body love, and pampering. We’re challenging what we previously valued. There can be abrupt changes with money, valuables, possessions, and income that lead to a reshuffling of priorities or values. Income might come from non-traditional sources or ventures. We’re bringing progressive ideas to the world of business. New ways of doing business, as well as making, viewing, and handling money are likely. Income and the energy we put into making money can be variable. (May 15, 2018, to November 6, 2018, then March 6, 2019, to July 7, 2025, and then November 7, 2025, to April 25, 2026). 


Part of Body: Cervical and brachial plexi 

Sabian Symbol: A woman sprinkling flowers.



A long-term influence in which fantasy, imagination, compassion, and spirituality are in stronger focus. (April 4, 2011, to August 4, 2011, then February 3, 2012, to March 30, 2025, then October 22, 2025, to January 26, 2026)


Part of Body: Achilles tendon of the right foot 

Sabian Symbol: A man bringing down the new law from Sinai.



Tests of our boundaries; breaking down and rebuilding structures and rules. (From January 25, 2008, to June 14, 2008, then November 26, 2008, to March 23, 2023, then June 11, 2023, to January 20, 2024, then September 1, 2024, to November 19, 2024).


Part of Body: Deep nerves 

Sabian Symbol: A mountain pilgrimage.


Your sense of being has been violated in some way and you may fear asserting yourself. You may also over-compensate by attempting to be the first at everything. Physically you may suffer head wounds. You may become a pioneer in a way that will be of service to humanity.


Part of Body: Eyeball 

Sabian Symbol: A scholar creates new forms for ancient symbols.


You place importance on structure and order in the workplace. You have great discipline and personal ambition, and can succeed in administrative and management positions. Workers will turn to you for a sense of stability and authority.


Part of Body: Right cruciate ligaments 

Sabian Symbol: An albatross feeding from the hand of a sailor.


You have a meditative mind, the ability to merge in your mind with the universe. You desire to heal the world through words, and may be involved in some form of artistic expression.


Part of Body: Left distal tibio-fibular joint 

Sabian Symbol: The purging of the priesthood.


You want a partner who you can respect, and who respects you. You seek long-term commitment, and may marry later in life.


Part of Body: Left genicular arteries 

Sabian Symbol: A woman reading tea leaves.


You feel cared for when loved ones give you a sense of stability and security. You like to be touched and stroked, and nurtured in practical ways. You also like to show others you care through practical means.


Part of Body: Deltoid muscle and main neck muscles 

Sabian Symbol: Two cobblers working at a table.



Part of Body: Upper arm 

Sabian Symbol: Dancing couples crowd the barn in a harvest festival.



Part of Body: Zygomatic muscle 

Sabian Symbol: An open window and a net curtain blowing into a cornucopia.



This is a quest to overcome your distrust of change, to develop creative outlets for your intense emotions and to avoid hitting out at loved ones. These attributes plagued you in this life because of suffering and traumatic endings in past-lives which left you with deep emotional wounds and a feeling of being cheated. In learning this life’s lesson of trusting the process of change you will develop a newfound sense of peace and stability.


Part of Body: Trapezius muscle 

Sabian Symbol: A peacock parading on an ancient lawn.



This is a quest to overcome your distrust of change, to develop creative outlets for your intense emotions and to avoid hitting out at loved ones. These attributes plagued you in this life because of suffering and traumatic endings in past-lives which left you with deep emotional wounds and a feeling of being cheated. In learning this life’s lesson of trusting the process of change you will develop a newfound sense of peace and stability.


Part of Body: Nasal muscles 

Sabian Symbol: The halloween jester.

Jan  2, 2022, 1:33 PM, Sun Conjunct Moon (New Moon)
Jan  9, 2022, 1:11 PM, Sun Square Moon (First Quarter Moon)
Jan 17, 2022, 6:48 PM, Sun Opposition Moon (Full Moon)
Jan 25, 2022, 8:41 AM, Sun Square Moon (Last Quarter Moon)
Feb  1, 2022, 12:46 AM, Sun Conjunct Moon (New Moon)

This week: The Sun is in Aquarius; Mercury is in Aquarius until the 25th, after which Mercury heads back into Capricorn; Venus is in Capricorn; Mars is in Sagittarius until the 24th, from which time Mars is in Capricorn.

This Week in Astrology Calendar: January 23 to 29, 2022

This Week’s Aspects

SunConjunctionMercury Sun conjunct Mercury. We are especially sharp, communicative, and open at this time, as our wants are aligned with our thoughts. It’s a favorable time for solving problems. What we say or write now has impact, for better or worse!

MarsSemi-squareSaturn  Mars semi-square Saturn. We are called upon to solve problems, or our plans and efforts meet with resistance. Circumstances seem to block our efforts to assert ourselves. Patience is necessary now, although frustration is very likely. It can feel like more effort than usual is required to complete tasks.

SunSemi-squareNeptune Sun semi-square Neptune. Our willpower is low as we stray from our goals and temporarily lose focus. It’s difficult to formulate — or stick to — clear goals during this transit. Concentrating on artistic or spiritual pursuits is better than focusing on matters that require straightforward, factual thinking today. It can be difficult knowing where or how to direct our willpower under this influence. It’s also a challenge knowing where we stand with others. Avoid such things as scheduling surgery, important appointments, job interviews, or launches of new projects at this time.

SunSextileChiron Sun sextile Chiron. An opportunity to find a sense of purpose or a “mission” arises now, increasing our confidence. The desire to learn and grow through experiences and through others is strong. Problem solving is favored.

MercuryConjunctionPluto Mercury conjunct Pluto. Mental activity can be intense at this time. We may uncover valuable information or gain understanding. Thoughts, ideas, and communications are more intense and focused. We are more able, and motivated, to find hidden meanings and to “cut to the chase”. Efficiency and relevancy become important to us. Our minds are investigative and probing, and we may be bent on revealing truths. Our persuasive powers, strategic thinking, and observational skills increase, but we may also be suspicious, manipulative, obsessed, or we might be involved in frustrating mental battles if we handle this transit improperly.

Sun in Aquarius This is a time when your path of self-development and expression becomes more and more unusual – setting you apart from the crowd and from all that is traditional. The new, the futuristic, the high-tech are the hallmarks of your lifestyle as the cycle gets underway. Ideas and technologies that change the way people live – not just one person, but many – are a major new focus in your life. Involvement with ideals and idealistic groups enhances your sense of purpose and mission.

Mercury in Aquarius The tried and true doesn’t cut it anymore: it’s the new, the unique, and the original that catches and holds your interest now. Idealism, rationality, and critical thinking become more and more a part of your mental patterns and the way you communicate. You are inventive, original, high tech.

Mercury in Capricorn Figuring out how to organize projects and people is apt to become a topic of special interest – and a challenge – at a time like this. Opinions are not enough for you now: they must be backed by authority or evidence, and above all they must have practical worth and application. A period of intense study and thought.

Venus in Capricorn Marry for money and then learn to love ’em: that’s what your heart tells you now, as a new cycle gets underway in your life. Does that sound cynical? Maybe so – but it does reflect the yearning you feel for security and stability now, and it suggests the kind of compromises you may be willing to make to accomplish these objectives.

Mars in Sagittarius Ideology is a keynote of the new phase you have begun – the power of ideas and the power they wield over people. Religious, cultural, or philosophical controversies and crusades have a way of stirring your blood. Travel and adventure are compelling temptations as you dare to test your mettle and stretch your horizons.

Mars in Capricorn With this new cycle taking hold in your life now, taking charge and being in control become more important issues for you. You want to get things organized, and you have the initiative to do it. This is a time of ambition and responsibility, a time to keep your cool and pace yourself. Working hard is smart, but working smart is better.

Jupiter in Pisces Mysticism, sensitivity to the needs of others, and an awareness of karma (the link between the present and the past): these are your paths to spiritual growth now. Addressing these issues brings you gain and satisfaction at many levels. A tolerance for differences, an understanding of human frailties and shortcomings.

Saturn in Aquarius Ideals are in for a period of testing, as a new phase begins in your life. What are principles worth, unless they are put into practice? That’s an important question for you now. This could mean you may be disappointed by causes you believe in – but if you abandon your principles, you lose.

Uranus in Taurus Practicality and ingenuity combine as powerful drives in your life now that you have begun a new cycle. Taking innovative concepts and making them real and practical is your strong suit; getting stuck in the mud is to be avoided at all costs. Financial savvy, inventiveness, worldly genius.

Neptune in Pisces Things spiritual and psychic take the driver’s seat of your imagination as you begin a new cycle. The fine arts and all manner of fantasies assume a larger-than-life importance. Surrendering to fate, karma, and other powers greater than merely mortal may be seen as the ultimate liberation. If all is Maya (illusion), what is the reality that gives rise to the world of appearances?

Pluto in Capricorn As this new phase dawns for you, the pursuit of social/political power and status has a way of seeming necessary and inevitable – and let nothing stand in its way. It starts out small but has bigger consequences than you’d think. Ambition, responsibility, a place for everyone, and everyone in their place…

Jan 24, 2022 7:53 AM Mars enters Capricorn
Jan 25, 2022 10:05 PM Mercury Rx enters Capricorn
Jan 29, 2022 3:46 AM Venus Direct
Feb  1, 2022, 6:05 PM Juno enters Aquarius
Feb  3, 2022, 11:13 PM Mercury Direct
Feb  8, 2022, 9:02 PM Ceres enters Gemini
Feb 14, 2022, 12:51 AM Pallas enters Aries
Feb 14, 2022, 4:53 PM Mercury enters Aquarius
Feb 18, 2022, 11:43 AM Sun enters Pisces
Mar  6, 2022, 1:23 AM Mars enters Aquarius
Mar  6, 2022, 1:30 AM Venus enters Aquarius
Mar  9, 2022, 8:32 PM Mercury enters Pisces
Mar 10, 2022, 1:19 PM Vesta enters Aquarius
*** Daylight Saving Time begins ***
Mar 20, 2022, 11:33 AM Sun enters Aries
Mar 27, 2022, 3:44 AM Mercury enters Aries

What is Venus Retrograde? Occasionally, Venus appears to be moving backward in the sky. “Appears” is the key word here, because, technically speaking, no planet actually moves backward in their orbits around the Sun. In fact, they don’t even slow down.

Retrograde-station-direct cycles are essentially illusions that result from our point of view from Earth, simply because the Earth is also orbiting the Sun at a different speed than the other planets. Venus is Retrograde approximately 40-43 days every 18 months.

Venus stations and turns retrograde on December 19th in 2021 in the sign of Capricorn and continues in retrograde motion until January 29th in 2022.

Venus Retrograde December 2021

Venus is Retrograde in Capricorn from Dec 19-Jan 29.

  • Venus shadow period begins/enters Rx zone: November 17, 2021, at 11° Capricorn 05′
  • Venus stations and turns retrograde: December 19, 2021, at 26° Capricorn 29′ Rx
  • Venus stations and turns direct: January 29, 2022, at 11° Capricorn 05′
  • Venus ends its shadow period/leaves Rx zone: March 1, 2022, at 26° Capricorn 29′

Retrograde Venus and Love & Relationships

On the subject of love, past lovers may re-appear, and some relationships may end. With Venus retrograde in Capricorn, our fear of rejection may be strong. We might also be re-assessing whether a relationship is contributing to–or taking away from–our ambitions and goals. How people are getting along on the job can come into strong focus. Capricorn rules protocol and our sense of decorum. We might feel especially annoyed or turned off by those who are stepping over the line.

Old friends and lovers may re-appear, perhaps complicating current relationships. We are called upon to deal with relationship issues from the past during this Venus retrograde cycle. Events occur that seem fated or predestined. It can be a real challenge getting close to a lover during this period. Unorthodox, experimental, and non-intimate relationships may be favored.

Affection is difficult to express in a natural or spontaneous manner. We might find others are lacking in sincerity or genuineness in their expressions of social niceties. (We may be inclined to do the same!).

Some of the more challenging associations of Venus in Capricorn may be particularly prominent and/or hard to take, and these include materialism and coolness with expressing affections. Those who have Capricorn strong in their charts may be more introspective, distant, or hard to reach during this cycle. They may not be in as favorable light just for the time being, they may be reconsidering things, or people can misunderstand their intentions.

Relationships that have been especially challenging may come to an end during this cycle. However, strong relationships will survive it, even if there are a few bumps and bruises along the way. This can be a good time for “eyes wide open” or experimental dating, although opinions and assessments may change at a later date. It is not a time when people recognize the need for another person to “complete” them. Some people may be questioning whether they are with partners who truly fulfill them.

We may, however, be especially in touch with our deeper, less obvious, and less superficial needs and wants. This makes it a good time for re-evaluating our relationship needs; but, again, major love decisions are best saved for after the cycle ends on January 29th, and better yet, beyond the shadow phase as well (after March 1st, 2022). Our perceptions may be skewed, and we can come out of the retrograde cycle with regret if we’ve acted hastily, as the tendency to change our minds later is strong.

Venus Retrograde and Money & Finances

On the subject of money, finances, and possessions, do try to hold off on major purchases or financial decisions during this Venus retrograde cycle. For example, the purchase of a new house, car, or another big-ticket item could backfire in some manner later on. They may become money pits or cause problems for you, or you may change your mind later and regret your purchase. However, if you’re particularly skilled at sniffing out good buys, this can be a great time for finding unusual items at low prices as, during a retrograde Venus period, people may be more willing to get rid of things they may not part with under normal circumstances.

Best Practices While Venus is Retrograde

There’s nothing truly to fear about Venus retrograde, but it’s always wise to take special care during this cycle. It’s not the best period for entering into a new relationship because our sensors when it comes to love are not up to par. However, it’s not unheard of to begin a relationship under the influence of a retrograde Venus, and the relationship survives and/or thrives.

Venus rules our values, and when retrograde, we don’t seem to be in touch with exactly what and who we value, or, some might say we see things more or too clearly. After the retrograde cycle is over, we may look back and wonder what we were thinking. So, do what you can to avoid major decision-making during Venus’ retrograde period, but pay attention to your assessments to see if they last. A change of heart is possible later.

And, the people we meet now may appear more fabulous than they turn out to be. It’s also possible that some people we meet now may seem less attractive than they turn out to be! Whatever the case may be, try to hold off until March 2022 before making big decisions, particularly life-altering ones.

Interestingly, we may not be as openly or obviously warm and affectionate during this cycle. It’s hard to trust others just now, and, perhaps more so, it’s difficult to trust our own instincts when it comes to judging others or our relationships. We tend to suspect insincerity in others. People might appear to be more selfish, withdrawn, and self-protective. It’s hard to make headway in a direct manner in our love relationships for the time being. If you are hoping to fix a relationship or if you are trying to schedule a reunion, it may not be the best time to do so.

When breakups do occur in the second half of a Venus retrograde cycle, I have noticed they are imperfect. They are not often clean breaks. Couples and friends may reunite later, or if they stay broken up, they might frequently wonder if it was the right thing to do – something is left hanging.

Venus retrograde is a period for clearing the decks and dealing with the past so as to move forward fresh and re-energized, and this is especially appropriate in the first three weeks of the cycle. During the second half of the retrograde cycle, watch for impulsiveness.

Then there is a feeling of the inevitable during a Venus retrograde. What happened in the past, including past love affairs, can flood our consciousness now. Sometimes, a past lover reappears in their physical form.

Janvier 2022






MercuryStationary Direct 5:14

MarsSextileJupiter 14:37 
SunConjunctionSaturn 20:04 



The Mansions of the Moon

1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25 26  27  28

The Lunar Days

1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25                     27  28  29  30

January 1, 2022Sa
 VOC 08:17 - 23:01
January 2, 2022Su
January 3, 2022Mo
 VOC 16:22 - 22:43
January 4, 2022Tu
January 5, 2022We
 VOC 00:44 - 24:00
January 6, 2022Th
 VOC 00:00 - 00:16
January 7, 2022Fr
 VOC 22:23 - 24:00
January 8, 2022Sa
 VOC 00:00 - 05:25
January 9, 2022Su
January 10, 2022Mo
 VOC 07:24 - 14:46
January 11, 2022Tu
January 12, 2022We
 VOC 19:38 - 24:00
January 13, 2022Th
 VOC 00:00 - 03:07
January 14, 2022Fr
January 15, 2022Sa
 VOC 02:23 - 16:10
January 16, 2022Su
January 17, 2022Mo
 VOC 23:48 - 24:00
January 18, 2022Tu
 VOC 00:00 - 04:02
January 19, 2022We
January 20, 2022Th
 VOC 08:16 - 14:01
January 21, 2022Fr
January 22, 2022Sa
 VOC 19:47 - 22:02
January 23, 2022Su
January 24, 2022Mo
 VOC 22:10 - 24:00
January 25, 2022Tu
 VOC 00:00 - 03:56
January 26, 2022We
January 27, 2022Th
 VOC 05:29 - 07:34
January 28, 2022Fr
 VOC 18:59 - 24:00
January 29, 2022Sa
 VOC 00:00 - 09:08

January 30, 2022Su
January 31, 2022Mo
 VOC 04:45 - 09:42

SunTrineUranus  Jan 01 2022 10:49 Sam

MercurySign IngressAquarius Jan 02 2022 8:09 Dim

MercuryTrineNorth Node Jan 03 2022 3:13 Lun
JupiterSquareNorth Node Jan 03 2022 12:35 Lun

VenusSextileNeptune Jan 05 2022 17:02 Mer

SunConjunctionVenus Jan 09 2022 1:47 Dim

MercurySextileChiron Jan 10 2022 3:14 Lun

SunSextileNeptune Jan 11 2022 4:27 Mar
MarsSquareNeptune Jan 11 2022 22:42 Mar

MercuryStationary Retrograde Jan 14 2022 12:42 Ven

SunConjunctionPluto Jan 16 2022 15:50 Dim

MercurySextileChiron Jan 18 2022 10:54 Mar
UranusStationary Direct Jan 18 2022 16:27 Mar
North NodeSign IngressTaurus Jan 18 2022 19:48 Mar

SunTrineNorth Node Jan 19 2022 22:31 Mer 

SunSign IngressAquarius Jan 20 2022 3:38 Jeu

SunConjunctionMercury Jan 23 2022 11:27 Dim 
MarsQuincunxNorth NodeJan 23 2022 13:31 Dim

MarsSign IngressCapricorn Jan 24 2022 13:52 Lun

MercurySign IngressCapricorn Jan 26 2022 4:06 Mer
MercuryTrineNorth Node Jan 26 2022 20:30 Mer

SunSextileChiron Jan 29 2022 3:56 AM
MercuryConjunctionPluto Jan 29 2022 5:19 AM
VenusStationary Direct  Jan 29 2022 9:47 

SunSquareUranus Jan 30 2022 8:31 

Calendrier Lunaire Janvier 2022




La viniculture et la Lune

  • Pour ne pas stopper l’activité du vin, soutirez par exemple entre le 3 et le 15 (en évitant le 7, le 11 et le 13) .

Réduire l’utilisation des insecticides avec la Lune

  • Certains aspects planétaires vont renforcer l’action des produits, et donc permettre de diminuer les doses :
    Appliquez les produits le matin ou le soir du 22 au 26.

Pour un meilleur compost avec la Lune

  • Epandage du fumier ou compostage de surface, l’assimilation sera plus rapide le 23, 24 ou 25.

Couper les bois en bonne Lune 

  • Abattage des bois destinés aux charpentes entre le 18 et le 29 (en évitant le 27 matin).

Les animaux et la Lune

  • Traitez contre les vers le 23 ou le 24.

Faire son pain avec la Lune 

  • Entre le 3 et le 15 vous obtiendrez un pain au levain bien levé et plus savoureux.

Notre bien être avec la Lune

  • Pour une épilation plus efficace nous vous conseillons la période du 18 au 29.

Le jardin est au repos c’est le moment de choisir ses graines

et de prévoir le plan pour la saison prochaine.

[more about void of course moon]
September 2018 – December 2023
[copy this↓] paste it > Google Calendar > Other calendars > From URL

Love & Money Calendar™


The dates below are the best (and worst) astrological days in January 2022 for the 17 important activities described (to read about the criteria we use in selecting these dates click here).

January is another below average month when it comes to good and bad astrological days for natalizations.

As was the case last month, the days we list as the "best" days of the month are not really "best", but are actually "barely good enough" – and unfortunately, none are good enough for any crucial natalizations.

As always, please make certain you are not having bad transits when you make crucial natalizations.

Our MagicalOracle Mobile Web App is the easiest way to know what kind of transits you have on any day and you can check it anywhere in the world at any time by using your iPhone or Android, notebook or PC.

As for the best and worst days this month for money, they are:

Best: January 1, 12
Worst: January 17, 26, 27

And the best and worst days this month for love and sex are:

Best: January 1, 6, 28, 30
Worst: January 17, 18, 19

Please also always remember that in addition to selecting good astrological days for crucial natalizations, you need to have good transits at the same time in order to create a natalization that will work very well for you.

If you are a member of the Magi Society, you may log onto our Members Only Website and view in advance an EXTRA MONTH of the Magi Society Love & Money Calendar. This allows our members to use the stars to plan ahead by an extra month. Members of the Magi Society may click here to begin the process of logging onto the new Members Only Website.
[Editor's Note: These days were chosen specifically as the best and worst days for the activities specified and you should not assume that a good day for one activity is a good day for anything and everything else. For example, a good day to get married is not a good day to get divorced.

Although the good and bad dates we provide you are applicable for everyone, just how good or bad each day is will vary depending on your individual transits. For example, if you are having several Cinderella Transits on one of our good days, then the day can be fabulous for you. Or if you are having Cinderella Transits on one of our bad days, then the day will not be as bad for you as it will be for most people because your transits are better than most.]

1. The best and worst astrological days this month to get married (Make sure your transits are also good!)January 30January 4, 5, 10, 13, 17, 18, 19, 26, 27, 28
2. The best and worst astrological days this month to buy something simple like a toaster or clothesJanuary 1, 11, 12, 14, 15, 23, 30January 4, 5, 10, 13, 17, 18, 19, 26, 27, 28
3. The best and worst astrological days this month to pay a bill for anything, such as rent, credit cards, utilities, department stores, etc.January 1, 11, 12, 14, 15, 23, 30January 4, 5, 10, 13, 17, 18, 19, 26, 27, 28
4. The best and worst astrological days this month to sign a financial contract like a lease, tax return, car loan, etc.January 1, 23, 30January 4, 5, 10, 13, 17, 18, 19, 26, 27, 28
5. The best and worst astrological days this month to make a business proposal and opening bank or brokerage accountsJanuary 1, 23, 30January 4, 5, 10, 13, 17, 18, 19, 26, 27, 28
6. The best and worst astrological days this month to deposit money into financial accounts like your bank accountJanuary 1, 23, 30January 4, 5, 10, 13, 17, 18, 19, 26, 27, 28
7. The best and worst astrological days this month to ask for a promotion or raise, go on a job interviewJanuary 23, 30January 4, 5, 10, 13, 17, 18, 19, 26, 27, 28
8. The best and worst astrological days this month to meet anyone new for financial purposes like a prospective clientJanuary 1, 23, 30January 4, 5, 10, 13, 17, 18, 19, 26, 27, 28
9. The best and worst astrological days this month to go out on a first dateJanuary 1, 23, 30January 4, 5, 10, 13, 17, 18, 19, 26, 27, 28
10. The best and worst astrological days this month to enjoy an especially romantic eveningJanuary 1, 23, 30January 4, 5, 10, 13, 17, 18, 19, 26, 27, 28
11. The best and worst astrological days this month to look for or meet with that special person who will fulfill your dreamsJanuary 1, 23, 30January 4, 5, 10, 13, 17, 18, 19, 26, 27, 28
12. The best and worst astrological days this month to ask for a commitment from a loved one, such as a promise to be more understandingJanuary 1, 23, 30January 4, 5, 10, 13, 17, 18, 19, 26, 27, 28
13. The best and worst astrological days this month to ask for forgiveness and rekindle a relationship gone awryJanuary 1, 23, 30January 4, 5, 10, 13, 17, 18, 19, 26, 27, 28
14. The best and worst astrological days this month to start a new medication or begin anything new related to your health, including having any dental work done.January 1, 11, 12, 14, 15, 23, 30January 4, 5, 10, 13, 17, 18, 19, 26, 27, 28
15. The best and worst astrological days this month to initiate a new contact like emailing or calling someone you do not know and laying the groundwork for making a proposal later on, or having the first meeting with someone new like a doctor, lawyer, broker, etc.January 1, 11, 12, 14, 15, 23, 30January 4, 5, 10, 13, 17, 18, 19, 26, 27, 28
16. The best and worst astrological days this month to install a new APP or update an operating system on your Smart Phone.January 1, 11, 12, 14, 15, 23, 30January 4, 5, 10, 13, 17, 18, 19, 26, 27, 28
17. The best and worst astrological days this month to start a new job.January 1, 23, 30January 4, 5, 10, 13, 17, 18, 19, 26, 27, 28


KDO de NOEL !!!

Un must have ... PAIX, AMOUR et surtout SANTE


Cet ouvrage d’éphémérides est destiné aux astronomes, aux enseignants et aux étudiants.

Le cœur de cet ouvrage présente, pour l’année en cours, les éphémérides tabulées du Temps sidéral, des variables liées aux nouveaux paradigmes de l’Union astronomique internationale sur les systèmes de référence et les coordonnées du Soleil, de la Lune et des planètes, de Pluton, Cérès, Pallas, Junon et Vesta ; il fournit également les quantités nécessaires au calcul des positions des satellites de Mars, des satellites galiléens de Jupiter, des huit premiers satellites de Saturne et des cinq principaux satellites d’Uranus.

Un chapitre explicatif fournit les informations théoriques permettant de faire les calculs par soi-même ou d’utiliser le logiciel accompagnant l’ouvrage.

Ce volume est le 344e d’une éphéméride créée en 1679 qui a paru sans interruption depuis sa création. Ancienne par sa conception, mais toujours moderne dans sa réalisation, la version actuelle s’appuie sur une partie des récents développements méthodologiques menés à l’IMCCE.

Cet ouvrage est disponible gratuitement en version pdf : télécharger l’ouvrage. Il sera disponible très prochainement en version papier à la demande sur le site de la librairie BoD.

Un logiciel de calcul d’éphémérides accompagne l’ouvrage :

La tétrabible



De Ptolémée (né vers 90 après J.-C. à Ptolémaïs d’Hermias, dans la Thébaïde d’Égypte, mort à Canope vers 170), on ne retient souvent que le système astronomique qui fait de la Terre le centre de l’Univers. Et pourtant, cinq siècles avant lui, Aristarque de Samos avait émis l’hypothèse que la terre tournait sur elle-même autour du soleil.

Mais Ptolémée est d’abord un mathématicien. Les pages de sa Syntaxe mathématique, plus connue sous le nom d’Almageste (Le grand traité), reprennent partie les données et observations d’un autre astronome alexandrin, Hipparque de Nicée. Dans son Traité d’astrologie, Claude Ptolémée nous transmet le résultat de plus de sept siècles de science grecque.

Le Tetrabiblos fut l’ouvrage le plus célèbre de l’Antiquité. Il exerça et exerce encore une grande influence dans l’étude des corps célestes de la sphère sublunaire.


Aujourd'hui / 10°

Risque de pluie : 87% - Humi. : 88%

Vent :Sud-Ouest - 16 km/h

Lever : 08:24 - Coucher : 17:43

     Possibles averses de pluie

BELIER Vous avez besoin de vous d�payser, de sortir des sentiers battus mais vous ne savez pas comment. Faites appel � vos amis, ils vous donneront de bonnes id�es.BALANCE C'est le bon moment pour exploiter vos dons cr�atifs ou pour convaincre vos proches de vos qualit�s. Et si votre coeur s'emballe, ne le retenez pas!
TAUREAU Des soucis dans le domaine p�cuniaire peuvent vous inqui�ter, mais vous �tes dans une p�riode de progression sociale qui vous met � l'abri de certaines d�convenues.SCORPION Vous pensez sans doute � investir dans des achats pour la maison? Tr�s bonne id�e, qui vous met de bonne humeur et qui stimule votre imagination.
GEMEAUX Si votre partenaire ou vos collaborateurs vous sollicitent pour participer � un voyage, un stage ou une formation, vous gagnez � l'accepter. Cela promet...SAGITTAIRE Aujourd'hui, vous �tes plus � l'�coute de vos fr�res et soeurs ou de vos voisins, mais cela vous chagrine ou vous agace. Evitez d'argumenter et l�chez prise...
CANCER Le travail c'est la sant�, mais � condition que l'ambiance soit bonne et que le salaire soit � la hauteur des comp�tences. Quelles sont les v�tres?CAPRICORNE D'un c�t� vous avez envie de croquer la vie � pleines dents, de l'autre vous souhaiteriez qu'on vous laisse tranquille. Une �le d�serte? Il n'y a pas grand chose, sur une �le...
LION Que ce soit en couple ou avec vos enfants, vous nagez dans le bonheur! Si vous �tes c�libataire, vous pouvez faire une rencontre, alors sortez : cin�ma, th��tre, spectacle, danse...VERSEAU C'est le moment de faire appel � vos amis ou � vos connaissances si vous souhaitez avancer dans vos projets. Un bon conseil vaut mieux que deux "tu l'auras".
VIERGE M�me si l'atmosph�re � la maison se fait pesante, vous parvenez � garder la t�te froide et � communiquer ais�ment dans le cadre de vos activit�s.POISSONS Faites le point sur votre situation sociale en prenant le recul suffisant gr�ce � la pratique de la relaxation ou de la m�ditation. Vous rebondirez plus facilement!

New push for diplomacy as Ukraine urges calm over Russia threat

Ukraine has been test-firing anti-tank missiles delivered by the British amid tensions with Moscow

Washington (AFP) - Top Pentagon officials on Friday backed a renewed push for diplomacy to avert conflict in Ukraine, after President Volodymyr Zelensky urged Western leaders to avoid stirring “panic” over the Russian troop buildup on his country’s borders.

In a call that lasted more than an hour, French President Emmanuel Macron and Russian leader Vladimir Putin likewise agreed on the need for de-escalation, with Putin saying he had “no offensive plans”, according to a Macron aide.

At the Pentagon top officials urged a focus on diplomacy while saying that Russia now had enough troops and equipment in place to threaten the whole of Ukraine.

Any such conflict, warned the top US general, Joint Chiefs Chairman Mark Milley, would be “horrific” for both sides.

“If that was unleashed on Ukraine, it would be significant, very significant, and it would result in a significant amount of casualties,” Milley said.

“And you can imagine what that might look like in dense urban areas, along roads and so on and so forth. It would be horrific, it will be terrible,” he said.

Neither Putin nor his Western counterparts have until now appeared ready to give ground in the weeks-long crisis, the worst in decades in the region between Russia and Western Europe.

Moscow has deployed tens of thousands of troops on the border of pro-Western Ukraine, raising fears of an invasion

But speaking alongside Milley, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said war in Ukraine could still be avoided.

“Conflict is not inevitable. There is still time and space for diplomacy,” said Austin.

During his talks with Macron, Putin “expressed no offensive plans and said he wanted to continue the talks with France and our allies,” an aide to the French president said.

Their conversation “enabled us to agree on the need for a de-escalation,” the aide told journalists. Putin “said very clearly that he did not want confrontation.”

- Complex threat -

US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin (L) and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Army Gen. Mark Milley (R)

Since October Russia has amassed more than 100,000 combat troops and equipment, and support forces, along its frontier with Ukraine and more recently in Belarus, which borders Ukraine on the north.

Western officials say Russia has also mustered more air and sea assets in the region, creating a complex threat like none seen since the Cold War.

Moscow has demanded wide-ranging security guarantees from the West, including that Ukraine never be allowed to join NATO.

Those demands have been the subject of intensive negotiations, with the West warning of far-reaching consequences if diplomacy fails and Russia attacks.

“We don’t need this panic,” the Ukrainian leader Zelensky told a news conference with foreign media, insisting he wanted to avoid hurting his country’s already battered economy.

“There are signals even from respected leaders of states, they just say that tomorrow there will be war. This is panic – how much does it cost for our state?” he asked.

- Russia’s concerns not addressed -

Russian President Vladimir Putin told his French counterpart that the West is ignoring Moscow's concerns

Putin also made clear to Macron during their talks that the written responses from the West to his demands this week had fallen short of Russia’s expectations, the Kremlin said.

“The US and NATO responses did not take into account Russia’s fundamental concerns including preventing NATO’s expansion,” Putin said, according to the Kremlin’s readout of the call.

He added that the West had ignored the “key question,” that no country should strengthen its security at the expense of others, adding Russia would “carefully study” the responses “after which it will decide on further actions”.

Russia has also demanded a pullback of NATO forces deployed to Eastern European and ex-Soviet countries that joined the alliance after the Cold War.

In a sign of continued tensions, Russia announced Friday evening it had added several EU officials to a list of people banned from entering the country saying they were responsible for “anti-Russian policies”.

- ‘Do the right thing’ -

Russia's reach

The emergence of the top two US military officials to speak on the crisis, after weeks of silence, suggested Washington saw the need to reinforce its message, that a diplomatic solution was possible but that the United States remains committed to defending NATO allies which neighbor Ukraine and Russia.

“Mr. Putin can do the right thing as well,” said Austin.

“There is no reason that this situation has to devolve into conflict. He can choose to de-escalate. He can order his troops away,” he said.

The Putin-Macron phone call followed talks in Paris this week between Russia and Ukraine, with France and Germany alongside, which produced a joint statement to preserve a ceasefire in eastern Ukraine between government forces and pro-Moscow separatists.

They also agreed to hold new talks in Berlin in February.

“Taking into account the results of the meeting” in Paris, the Kremlin said, “the mood for further work of Russia and France in this format was confirmed.”

- Threat to key pipeline -

In tandem with the diplomacy, the West has upped its threats of a tough response to an invasion.

Washington and Berlin warned that the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, designed to double supplies of Russian natural gas to Germany, was at stake.

US President Joe Biden spoke Thursday by telephone with Zelensky and said the United States was considering economic support after $650 million in military assistance over the past year.

Milley said Russia itself would be hurt by war.

“If Russia chooses to invade Ukraine it will not be cost-free, in terms of casualties or other significant effects,” he said.


Agence France-Presse


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At collapsed bridge, Biden envisions rebuilding America

US President Joe Biden and Pittsburgh Mayor Ed Gainey visit the scene of the Forbes Avenue Bridge collapse

Pittsburgh (AFP) - A bridge collapse Friday in Pittsburgh provided a symbolic backdrop for President Joe Biden’s trip to the city to tout his $1 trillion infrastructure plan – and try rebuilding his own crumbling approval ratings.

Arriving in the gritty city in Pennsylvania – a key battleground state in presidential elections – Biden motorcaded straight from Air Force One to the road bridge, which hours earlier had buckled into a snowy ravine.

“There are literally more bridges in Pittsburgh than in any other city in the world,” the Democrat pronounced. “And we’re going to fix them all. Not a joke – this is going to be a gigantic change. There’s 43,000 nationwide and we’re sending the money.”

Pittsburgh’s public safety authorities tweeted that three people were hospitalized with injuries that were not life threatening. But Biden’s visit threw the otherwise minor accident into the national spotlight.

In a speech later, Biden said rebuilding infrastructure, while completing a painful shift from old-school, heavy industry to high-tech jobs, would restore American economic leadership in an increasingly competitive world.

“Right here in Pittsburgh, the future is being built on the foundation of the city’s storied past,” he said at a once massive steel mill, which now houses Carnegie Mellon University’s Manufacturing Futures Institute – a hub for research and development.

Flanked by “Building A Better America” signs, Biden said Pittsburgh had lost 100,000 steel jobs between 1970 and 1990 and that he knew “the painful ripple effect it had – jobs lost, families ripped apart.”

His push for investment in semiconductors, electric vehicle technology and other forward-looking products would restore that manufacturing base, he said.

“To build a truly strong economy we need a future that’s made in America. That means using products, parts, materials built right here in the United States of America. It means bringing manufacturing back, jobs back, building a supply chain here at home – not outsourcing abroad,” he said.

- Biden’s blue collar target -

US President Joe Biden travels to Pennsylvania and says he wants to get out of the White House more often

Entering the second year of his administration, Biden says he hopes trips like this will help relaunch momentum ahead of November midterm elections, where Republicans are currently well poised to win control of Congress.

His speech went through many of the themes that got him elected in 2020, appealing to the blue collar voters whom former president Donald Trump and the Republicans have worked hard to lure from their historic Democratic loyalties.

In a tough first year in office, the infrastructure bill, passed with rare cross-party Republican support, was one of Biden’s biggest successes. For years, presidents had failed to get Congress to revamp the sector, while Trump’s repeated promises of “infrastructure week” became a running Washington joke.

But Biden has faced heavy setbacks on other priorities, most recently his attempt to get new voting rights guarantees through Congress. He is also embroiled in the standoff with Russia over Ukraine.

Despite signs of a roaring economic comeback from the Covid-19 shutdown, the recovery is proving uneven and inflation is eating into wage increases.

Biden’s approval ratings have slipped to around 40 percent, making him as unpopular as Trump.

Reflecting Biden’s currently dimmed political star, one important Democrat from Pennsylvania, state Attorney General Josh Shapiro, pointedly kept away from the presidential visit, citing a scheduling conflict.

However, another high profile state official, Lieutenant Governor John Fetterman, did meet with Biden at the bridge site, apparently having resolved his own previously reported scheduling conflict.

For Pittsburgh Mayor Ed Gainey, the Biden visit was certainly welcome – a chance to home in on the kinds of problems plaguing post-industrial cities across the country, where bridges, highways, water pipes and other basic infrastructure typically have not seen upgrades for decades.

“This is critical that we get this funding and we’re glad to have the president coming today,” he told CNN.

Agence France-Presse

AFP journalists cover wars, conflicts, politics, science, health, the environment, technology, fashion, entertainment, the offbeat, sports and a whole lot more in text, photographs, video, graphics and online.

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