dimanche 9 janvier 2022

19°CAP - 20220109

Ils sont nés un 9 janvier
Joan Baez, Lucien Bodard, Simone De Beauvoir, Laura Fabian, Judith Krantz, Richard Nixon, John Knowles Paine, Lee Van Cleef, Susannah York.

Sun enters the next Sabian symbol 09/01 at 08:25 h (chart)
Capricorn 19-20° – Sabian symbol 290
"A hidden choir singing"

Dimanche 9 janvier :

- Passage au p�rih�lie de la com�te C/2019 L3 ATLAS (magV estim�e : 12,1)

- A 01h47, conjonction g�ocentrique en longitude entre V�nus et le Soleil, � 4�51', � voir le 08 juste apr�s le coucher du Soleil et dans le ciel de l'aube le 08 et le 09

- Premier Quartier (distance : 394.416 km - diam�tre apparent : 30'17''), � 19h12

Chart Style
January 9, 2022
4:40:00 PM  GMT +1:00
48° 52' N · 002° 20' E
Paris, FR
 – 1° 12' – a
 – 1° 01' – s
 – 0° 05' – sp
 – 1° 29' – a
 – 1° 25' – a
 – 0° 11' – ap
 – 1° 07' – a
 – 4° 34' – a
 – 2° 33' – a
 – 2° 30' – s
 – 1° 01' – a
 – 1° 34' – a
 – 0° 57' – a
 – 0° 05' – sp
 – 2° 01' – s
 – 2° 07' – a
 – 1° 02' – a
Ax – 0° 33' – a
Vx – 0° 33' – a
Ax – 1° 55' – s
 Sun19  21' 03" +1.019100 N 00290° 57'22 S 037
 Moon18 09' 08" +12.46303 S 28018° 04'03 N 5510
 North Node00 32  S+0.006600 N 00058° 22'20 N 1611
 South Node00  32  S+0.006600 N 00238° 22'20 S 165
 Mercury08  18 +0.802200 S 25310° 50'18 S 368
 Venus18  20  R0.612304 N 59289° 10'17 S 157
 Mars19  16 +0.716100 S 14258° 19'23 S 156
 Jupiter02  18 +0.207600 S 59334° 38'11 S 359
 Saturn12  52 +0.113100 S 50315° 35'17 S 458
 Uranus10 51  R0.007800 S 24038° 33'14 N 4311
 Neptune20  50 +0.021601 S 08352° 02'04 S 4010
 Pluto26  13 +0.033001 S 44298° 35'22 S 387
 Proserpina17  36 +0.007200 N 48225° 22'16 S 205
 Chiron08 38 +0.018902 N 08007° 05'05 N 2310
 Ceres28 04  R0.037201 S 32056° 10'18 N 1411
 Pallas18  44 +0.274507 S 41352° 42'11 S 3110
 Juno20  46 +0.392708 N 23291° 09'13 S 337
 Vesta29  10 +0.534002 N 03269° 06'21 S 246
 True Lilith12 17  R0.913201 N 03070° 39'23 N 2012
 Mean Lilith19 25 +0.110701 N 48078° 20'24 N 4912
 Selena25  11 +0.140800 N 00297° 08'21 S 077
House CuspPlanets in House  
As13  56
204  23
324  51
IC15  19
524  51 
604  23 
Ds13  56 
804  23 
924  51 
MC15  19 
1124 51 
1204 23 
Vx29  59Vertex
Ax29 59Anti-Vertex
12  44Part of Fortune
29 05Mean Lunar Node
GMT: 15:40:00 · January 9, 2022
Sidereal Time: 23:05:57
RAMC: 346° 29' 15"
ΔT: 70.0 sec.

20th Degree of Capricorn
Sabian Symbol:
There is no service in the church but rising full and clear come the voices of a hidden choir in rehearsal.

19th Degree of Aries
Sabian Symbol:
A magic carpet hovers over the depressing reality of every day life in an industrial area.

9th Degree of Aquarius
Sabian Symbol:
A student sits in quiet meditation and before his eyes a flag seems to form and then changes slowly into an eagle.

19th Degree of Capricorn
Sabian Symbol:
A little miss of about five has gone to market with a huge shopping bag and is quite as adult as anybody.

20th Degree of Sagittarius
Sabian Symbol:
The pond has been deeply frozen for weeks; now the men and machinery are at work cutting out the summer's ice.

3rd Degree of Pisces
Sabian Symbol:
A dull expanse of rocky formations turns out to be a petrified forest or an eternal record of life lived long ago.

13th Degree of Aquarius
Sabian Symbol:
Under the shade of the porch of an old-fashioned hotel in a happy little village hangs a sedate barometer.

11th Degree of Taurus
Sabian Symbol:
A woman, cool in sunbonnet and simple garments, is leisurely watering long rows of flowers in full bloom.

21st Degree of Pisces
Sabian Symbol:
A child who is strange to rural life has taken violent fancy to a little white lamb and a Chinese servant smiles.

27th Degree of Capricorn
Sabian Symbol:
A party of anchorites are making a mountain pilgrimage and in view lie both the busy world and the quiet way ahead.

18th Degree of Scorpio
Sabian Symbol:
A winding quiet road, carpeted by the falling leaves, leads through an old fashioned woods rich in autumn color.

19th Degree of Pisces
Sabian Symbol:
The young man and old one have walked weary miles but as master and pupil they neither are fatigued.

21st Degree of Capricorn
Sabian Symbol:
Excitement thrills the grandstands during the relay race as each runner springs to place with eagerness.



Sun19 Cap 21' 03"
Moon18 Ari 09' 10"
Mercury08 Aqu 19' 01"
Venus18 Cap 20' 21" R
Mars19 Sag 16' 24"
Jupiter02 Pis 17' 31"
Saturn12 Aqu 51' 44"
Uranus10 Tau 51' 13" R
Neptune20 Pis 50' 16"
Pluto26 Cap 12' 58"
Chiron08 Ari 38' 15"
Lilith19 Gem 25' 14"
True Node00 Gem 31' 42" R

Current Planets
9-Jan-2022, 15:40 UT/GMT
Sun19Capricorn21' 2"
Moon18Aries9' 4"
Mercury8Aquarius19' 1"

January 9th, 2022 (PT)
[S]The Sun is in Capricorn
phase de la Lune du jourThe Moon is in Aries
The First Quarter Moon is in Aries: All day
[V/C]Moon Void of Course 10/01 8:23 to 15:47 
[Hg]Next Mercury Retrograde Period
Jan 14 - Feb 3

Dimanche 9 Janvier 2022 16h40
dim. 9 jan. 2022 14h TU
Ephemerides astro 9/01/2022 à 14h TU
dimanche 9 janvier 22
Ste Alix
Bonne fête Alicia, Alicia, Alison, Alisone, Alisson, Alissone, Allison, Allisson, Allyson, Alyson, Alysson.

phase de la Lune du jourNouvelle Lune 02/01 18h35
premier quartier 09/01 18h13
Pleine Lune 17/01 23h51
second quartier 25/01 13h42
prochaine lunaison 01/02 05h49
Astro couple
Horoscope astrologie astroo.com

Sun, Jan 9, 2022

DIMANCHE09JANVIERSemaine 1 | AlixGPremier quartier

Sunrise 08:40
Sunset 17:12
Twilight ends 19:07
begins 06:45

7-day old moon
Waxing Crescent


7 days old

8th Lunar Day  12:24

This Lunar Day is propicious to commercial transactions, political negotiations, but also Utopias, ruse and theft.

First Quarter Moon  19:11

This is an unsuccessful time for the beginning of new affairs.

Moon in Aries  6:31

Suitable energy for taking on challenges, participating in competitions, performing daring feats, arduous exercises, physical work, or to perform action for its own sake. Purchase of sporting gear, protective gear, hats, tools, stoves, firewood, machinery, cars, bikes, leather objects. Unfavorable time to start a new business.


Sun Hour08:4009:23Jupiter Hour17:1818:35
Venus Hour09:2310:06Mars Hour18:3519:51
Mercury Hour10:0610:49Sun Hour19:5121:08
Moon Hour10:4911:32Venus Hour21:0822:25
Saturn Hour11:3212:16Mercury Hour22:2523:42
Jupiter Hour12:1612:59Moon Hour23:4200:59
Mars Hour12:5913:42Saturn Hour00:5902:15
Sun Hour13:4214:25Jupiter Hour02:1503:32
Venus Hour14:2515:08Mars Hour03:3204:49
Mercury Hour15:0815:51Sun Hour04:4906:06
Moon Hour15:5116:35Venus Hour06:0607:22
Saturn Hour16:3517:18Mercury Hour07:2208:39

JupiterSquareTrue Node1.76
True NodeSquareJupiter1.76

**Conjunctions to Select Fixed Stars on January 9, 2021.**


Aspects to Vesta 29°Sg11 -21°22′

 conjunct 29°Sg02 ACUMEN Enduring attacks which weaken.

Aspects to North Node 00°Ge31 +20°15′

 conjunct 00°Ge18 ALCYONE Mystical but judgmental.

Aspects to South Node 00°Sg31 -20°15′

 conjunct 29°Sc44 TOLIMAN Learning, the lessons of life.


A First Quarter Moon occurs today at 1:11 PM EST when the Sun in Capricorn forms a square to the Moon in Aries. This can be a time of stress, clashing, and discord, but also of great energy, motivation, and growth. We can feel more ambitious and competitive. We want to get something going, but we may not know the next step or the exact direction we want it/us to take. The Aries Moon (all day) can be impatient but enterprising and straightforward. Mercury’s sextile to Chiron provides an opportunity to open up healthy dialogues. We approach problems holistically, and problem-solving skills run high. This transit brings subtle but enhancing energy for communications. We’re connecting on mental levels through genuine communications.

  • The Moon is in Aries.
  • There is no void Moon period today.
  • The Moon is waxing and in its Waxing Crescent phase until 1:11 PM, after which the Moon is in its First Quarter phase.
  • The First Quarter Moon occurs today at 1:11 PM.


  • Venus Rx and Uranus Rx.
  • Venus is retrograde (Venus is retrograde from December 19th, 2021, to January 29, 2022).

Date & Time: Jan 9 2022  0:00 am

Event: Moon in Aries

Description: The Moon in Aries

We are itching to take action and to pioneer something. All things equal, this is a time to begin new projects. Exercise patience and selflessness where possible, but embrace Aries’ courage and directness. Look out for new opportunities.

Date & Time: Jan 9 2022  1:11 pm

Event: First Quarter at 19°Ar27′

Date & Time: Jan 9 2022  0:26 am

Event: Tr-Tr Mon Sxt Sat

Description: Transiting Moon Sextile Transiting Saturn

An auspicious time for any project demanding endurance or tolerance. Also good for establishing new habits and rituals.

Date & Time: Jan 9 2022  0:56 am

Event: Tr-Tr Mon SSq Cer

Description: Transiting Moon SemiSquare Transiting Ceres

Date & Time: Jan 9 2022  5:37 am

Event: Tr-Tr Mon SSq Nod

Description: Transiting Moon SemiSquare Transiting North Node

There may be the need to pause to adjust things before moving plans forward. We could feel at odds with others on an emotional level. Public relations are not as favorable now.

Date & Time: Jan 9 2022  8:58 am

Event: Tr-Tr Mon SSq Jup

Description: Transiting Moon SemiSquare Transiting Jupiter

Self-indulgence is more likely now. We’re not as inclined to consider the consequences of over-eating, over-drinking, or overdoing in general. We may be acting in a haughty manner.

Date & Time: Jan 9 2022  11:00 am

Event: Tr-Tr Mon Sqr Ven

Description: Transiting Moon Square Transiting Venus

Romantic matters can be unsettled, or we can be a little insecure in our relationships. It can be difficult to show restraint. An indulgent, moody time. Hypersensitivity.

Date & Time: Jan 9 2022  12:57 pm

Event: Tr-Tr Mon Tri Mar

Description: Transiting Moon Trine Transiting Mars

We are more courageous and able to take the lead. We are in tune with our natural desires and instincts. We express our feelings honestly. We are independent, resourceful, and brave.

Date & Time: Jan 9 2022  1:11 pm

Event: Tr-Tr Mon Sqr Sun

Description: Transiting Moon Square Transiting Sun

This is a time for noticing discrepancies. Self-expression doesn’t flow well, and conflicts can be stirred. There can be some resistance and irritability. This can be a time when we’re compelled to take action, make changes, and solve problems.

Date & Time: Jan 9 2022  2:03 pm

Event: Tr-Tr Mon Cpl Nep

Description: Transiting Moon ContraParallel Transiting Neptune

Date & Time: Jan 9 2022  3:52 pm

Event: Tr-Tr Mon Sqr Jun

Description: Transiting Moon Square Transiting Juno

There may be clinging or controlling behavior if we are driven by our fears. Hypersensitivity and moodiness are possible. Tread lightly with tricky emotional issues. 

Date & Time: Jan 9 2022  5:14 pm

Event: Tr-Tr Mon Pll Chi

Description: Transiting Moon Parallel Transiting Chiron

Date & Time: Jan 9 2022  9:06 pm

Event: Tr-Tr Mer Sxt Chi

Description: Transiting Mercury Sextile Transiting Chiron

There is more sensitivity to what is communicated, and how it’s communicated. We are looking at things in a more holistic way.

Date & Time: Jan 9 2022  0:08 am

Event: Tr-Tr Ven Sxt Pal

Description: Transiting Venus Sextile Transiting Pallas

We deal with one another in a balanced, fair, and peaceful way. The platonic elements of a relationship may be emphasized now. This can also be a very creative, artistic time. 

Date & Time: Jan 9 2022  3:27 pm

Event: Tr-Tr Nep Sxt Jun

Description: Transiting Neptune Sextile Transiting Juno

This is an excellent time for understanding one another and for feeling good about giving others the benefit of the doubt. We can feel empowered by our charitable qualities.


Initiating, pioneering energy. Independent, bold, courageous, assertive, fiery, inspirational, direct, decisive. Can be egotistical, impulsive, impatient, aggressive, lacking subtlety.


Disciplined, responsible, reliable, industrious, conscientious, practical, achieving. Can be pessimistic, overly conventional, rigid, materialistic, callous.


Humanitarian, innovative, group conscious, progressive, serving others. Can be rebellious, eccentric, aloof, emotionally superficial, overly extroverted.


Today’s Elemental Balance



Earth signs are Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. We are especially in touch with the physical world. We consider what we’ve learned and experienced in the past in order to make the most of the present. We can be cautious, practical, and possibly unimaginative. We are deliberate and can pace ourselves well. We need hands-on experience and are not impressed with theory as much as we are with results. Routines are tolerable and comforting.


There may be some insensitivity or lack of empathy now. We may be out of touch with what we’re feeling or with our emotional needs. We may be tougher than usual now, and more inclined to follow mental or practical considerations than we are to listen to our intuition.


Today’s Modal Balance



The Cardinal signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. We are ready to take action and to take on challenges, and we can become frustrated with stagnant conditions.


Today’s Lunar Phase



Moon 45 to 90 degrees ahead of the Sun. 

This is an eager, impulsive, and progressive time. We are motivated and ready to take on challenges.


We are itching to take action and to pioneer something. All things equal, this is a time to begin new projects. Exercise patience and selflessness where possible, but embrace Aries’ courage and directness. Look for new opportunities.


Part of Body: Corpus callosum cerebri 

Sabian Symbol: The magic carpet.


SQUARE THE SUN  Orb 0°33′ Applying

There can be a conflict between our intentions and our emotions now. We can feel tense and unsatisfied until we take care of problems. We can be unsure about whether we want support or to do things independently.

SQUARE VENUS  Orb 0°32′ Separating

There could be clashes between the desire for familiarity and the need for pleasure. Overindulgence or overspending possible.

TRINE MARS  Orb 0°28′ Applying

Feelings and desires seem to be in sync, making this a good time to take purposeful action. Healthy competition, resourcefulness, courage.



You are responsible and respectful, with a strong need to be an authority figure. You command respect and may tend to superiority and bossiness.


Part of Body: Tendons of right knee 

Sabian Symbol: A hidden choir singing.


CONJUNCTION VENUS  Orb 1°06′ Separating

We take pride in our ability to relate well with others or to smooth over differences now. Graciousness, diplomacy, charm, and some superficiality are themes. This is a good period for social affairs, pleasure, amusement, and romance, all things considered. 

SEXTILE NEPTUNE  Orb 1°25′ Applying

Opportunities will arise for you to express your intuitive and artistic nature.

CONJUNCTION PLUTO  Orb 6°48′ Applying

You are intense, obsessive and have great personal power. You find it easy to rid yourself of the unwanted but may be intolerant of others less powerful. Transformation is the key factor in your life.



You are brimming with original and unique ideas. You enjoy exchanging ideas with other people, particularly friends and groups of people. You are an inventive thinker, and may rebel against old and traditional ideas.


Part of Body: Skin of right lower leg 

Sabian Symbol: A flag turned into an eagle.


CONJUNCTION SATURN  Orb 4°30′ Applying

You have a logical mind. As a child you were shy and unable to express your opinions. As an adult you will become a voice of authority.

SQUARE URANUS  Orb 2°29′ Applying

Original ideas but perhaps too radical or disorganized, or perceived as such. There can be mental or nervous tension experienced now. Mistakes can be made due to impatience.

SEXTILE CHIRON  Orb 0°16′ Applying

There is more sensitivity to what is communicated, and how it’s communicated. We are looking at things in a more holistic way.



There can be some reticence about forming new connections, but when we do form them, they are longterm. Getting serious about our finances and boosting our relations with business partners and/or co-workers can be in focus. We value reliability. We take expressing our feelings seriously, and we take our time to  warm up to others. Our tastes are traditional.


Part of Body: Ligaments of left knee 

Sabian Symbol: A child of about five with a huge shopping bag.



You are an inspirational leader, and have a strong desire for exploration and adventure. You may be one-pointed in your desires.


Part of Body: Head of right femur 

Sabian Symbol: People cutting through ice, for summer use.


SQUARE NEPTUNE  Orb 1°31′ Applying

This is a time for resting, escaping, or taking a break as we reconsider our needs. We might temporarily lose focus or direction.



You are on an intuitive search for the truth. You are a champion of the underdog. You could be a spiritual or religious teacher.


Part of Body: Nerves of the right foot 

Sabian Symbol: A petrified forest.



You have an ability to work well in groups. Your work is often original and innovative.


Part of Body: Right tibial artery 

Sabian Symbol: A barometer.


SQUARE URANUS  Orb 2°00′ Separating

You work to overcome a feeling of inadequacy about your abilities. You have problems with authority figures and need to learn to compromise. When you have done this you will succeed, particularly in large organisations.



(1934 – 1942) We approach money and personal possessions in new ways and learn how to free ourselves from certain material constraints. Innovative ways to make ourselves comfortable emerge. We’re less inhibited about expressing sensuality, self-love, body love, and pampering. We’re challenging what we previously valued. There can be abrupt changes with money, valuables, possessions, and income that lead to a reshuffling of priorities or values. Income might come from non-traditional sources or ventures. We’re bringing progressive ideas to the world of business. New ways of doing business, as well as making, viewing, and handling money are likely. Income and the energy we put into making money can be variable. (May 15, 2018, to November 6, 2018, then March 6, 2019, to July 7, 2025, and then November 7, 2025, to April 25, 2026). 


Part of Body: Cervical and brachial plexi 

Sabian Symbol: A woman sprinkling flowers.



A long-term influence in which fantasy, imagination, compassion, and spirituality are in stronger focus. (April 4, 2011, to August 4, 2011, then February 3, 2012, to March 30, 2025, then October 22, 2025, to January 26, 2026)


Part of Body: Left fibula muscle 

Sabian Symbol: A little white lamb, a child, and a servant.



Tests of our boundaries; breaking down and rebuilding structures and rules. (From January 25, 2008, to June 14, 2008, then November 26, 2008, to March 23, 2023, then June 11, 2023, to January 20, 2024, then September 1, 2024, to November 19, 2024).


Part of Body: Deep nerves 

Sabian Symbol: A mountain pilgrimage.


Your sense of being has been violated in some way and you may fear asserting yourself. You may also over-compensate by attempting to be the first at everything. Physically you may suffer head wounds. You may become a pioneer in a way that will be of service to humanity.


Part of Body: Lens of eye 

Sabian Symbol: A crystal gazer.


You have the ability to work relentlessly for a cause in which you believe. You need to make sure you do not exclude other people’s points of view. You have visions and enjoy the adventure of discovery in your work.


Part of Body: Pear-shaped muscle 

Sabian Symbol: The pope blessing the faithful.


You have a meditative mind, the ability to merge in your mind with the universe. You desire to heal the world through words, and may be involved in some form of artistic expression.


Part of Body: Extensor muscles of the left toes 

Sabian Symbol: A master instructing his pupil.


You want a partner who you can respect, and who respects you. You seek long-term commitment, and may marry later in life.


Part of Body: Tendons of left knee 

Sabian Symbol: A relay race.


You feel cared for when loved ones give you a sense of stability and security. You like to be touched and stroked, and nurtured in practical ways. You also like to show others you care through practical means.


Part of Body: Deltoid muscle and main neck muscles 

Sabian Symbol: Two cobblers working at a table.



Part of Body: Third rib 

Sabian Symbol: A cafeteria.



Part of Body: Zygomatic muscle 

Sabian Symbol: An open window and a net curtain blowing into a cornucopia.



This is a quest to learn to see life from other people’s point of view and to become adept in the art of communication. You have a tendency to be restless and scattered. You need to develop focus and the ability to communicate your ideas in a way that helps the many people in your life.


Part of Body: Trachea 

Sabian Symbol: A glass-bottomed boat drifts over under-sea wonders.



This is a quest to learn to see life from other people’s point of view and to become adept in the art of communication. You have a tendency to be restless and scattered. You need to develop focus and the ability to communicate your ideas in a way that helps the many people in your life.


Part of Body: Pelvic bone 

Sabian Symbol: A grand army of the republic campfire.

Jan  2, 2022, 1:33 PM, Sun Conjunct Moon (New Moon)
Jan  9, 2022, 1:11 PM, Sun Square Moon (First Quarter Moon)
Jan 17, 2022, 6:48 PM, Sun Opposition Moon (Full Moon)
Jan 25, 2022, 8:41 AM, Sun Square Moon (Last Quarter Moon)
Feb  1, 2022, 12:46 AM, Sun Conjunct Moon (New Moon)

First Quarter Moon

First Quarter Moon

The FIRST QUARTER MOON occurs on Sunday, January 9, 2022, at 1:11 PM EST.

On Sunday afternoon, a First Quarter Moon occurs, when the Sun in Capricorn forms a square with the Moon in Aries.

There is a crisis theme surrounding any quarter Moon phase, as we feel compelled to take action. Shortly after, we become aware of how our actions affect those close to us, perhaps through trial and error. Whatever project or initiative we began around the New Moon is now off the ground, and it may face its first obstacles.

First Quarter Moon Chart: January 9, 2022

This phase of the Moon occurs at 19 degrees and 27 minutes of Aries square the Sun at the same degree of Capricorn, affecting people with personal planets and points at approximately 17 to 21 degrees of the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn) most significantly.

This week: The Sun is in Capricorn; Mercury is in Aquarius; Venus is in Capricorn; Mars is in Sagittarius.

The Sun is in Capricorn from December 21, 2021-January 19, 2022. With the Sun in Capricorn, we are motivated by feelings of responsibility, ambition, and respect for law and order. Capricorn derives much satisfaction in completion and accomplishment. Standards, structures, and an appreciation for order are Capricorn themes.

Capricorn wants tangible results, knows what is feasible and what is not, and is most comfortable working within an established framework and known boundaries or limits. Working towards a long-term goal is most satisfying with this influence.

Mercury is in Aquarius from January 2-25, 2022, and then later, from February 14-March 9, 2022. When Mercury is in Aquarius, we are hungry for knowledge and open to new and original ideas. We begin to think outside of the box, and our thinking becomes more progressive and objective. Our communication and thought patterns are spontaneous, somewhat fragmented, reasonable, objective, and liberal. This is a time when inventive thinking is at a peak.

Venus is in Capricorn from November 5, 2021-March 6, 2022. [This is longer than usual due to the Venus retrograde, occurring entirely in the sign of Capricorn, from December 19, 2021-January 29, 2022.] Getting serious about our finances and boosting our relations with business partners and/or co-workers will be easier than usual under this influence. Our talents for creating artistic structure and form are enhanced, and our ability to form connections with people who support our ambitions increases.

We value enduring connections, reliability, and faithfulness. We take expressing our feelings seriously, and we take our time to warm up to others. We generally keep our “cool” in relationships. We’re steadfast and seek genuine, perhaps old-fashioned connections. It’s not a time for PDA, and we can be somewhat guarded and reserved with expressing our feelings or revealing our relationships.

The underdog who works hard can have their time in the sun now. We value slow and steady effort and long-term prospects. Reliability in others is most attractive.

This cycle favors getting along well with higher-ups, conservative business goals and ventures, long-term investments, and matters related to pension.

Mars is in Sagittarius from December 13, 2021, to January 24, 2022. With a Sagittarius Mars, our actions are motivated by our ideals. We are bothered by routine, quickly becoming restless if we feel confined. We have a love of adventure, and of conquest–this is the position of wanderlust. We start projects or challenges with gusto, although we may tend to abandon them rather quickly. This may be because we set our sights too high!


Jupiter is in Pisces from December 28th, 2021, to May 10, 2022. Jupiter returned to Pisces on December 28th, 2021. There will be another part to this 3-part act in 2022! Read more about the Jupiter in Pisces transit.

Saturn transits Aquarius from March 21 to July 1, 2020, and from December 17th, 2020, until March 7, 2023. Read about Saturn’s transit of Aquarius.

Uranus symbolTaurus symbol

Uranus is in Taurus.

Uranus transits Taurus from May 15, 2018, to November 6, 2018, and then from March 6th, 2019, until 2025/6. We approach money and personal possessions in new ways and learn to free ourselves from certain material constraints. Innovative ways to make ourselves comfortable emerge. We’re less inhibited about expressing sensuality, self-love, body love, and pampering. Above all, we’re challenging what we previously valued during this cycle.

There can be abrupt changes with money, valuables, possessions, and income that lead to a reshuffling of priorities or values. Income might come from non-traditional sources or ventures. In general, we’re bringing progressive ideas to the world of business. New ways of doing business, as well as making, viewing, and handling money, are likely. Our income and the energy we put into making money can be variable.

Romance & Relationships

Venus is in Capricorn from November 5, 2021, to March 6, 2022. Venus in Capricorn is a cycle in which security and stability in our relationships are paramount. We are more cautious with our emotions and somewhat skeptical of both our own feelings and others’ expressions of affection. Longevity is important to us under this influence.

There is a formality to Capricorn that can make personal expressions seem awkward and forced. However, this cycle offers us the opportunity to consider some of the practical issues of our relations and to work on making our partnerships work in the real world. A dose of realism in our personal lives can help us to feel more grounded and secure in the long run.

This week: Venus is retrograde. Venus-ruled endeavors, such as money, beauty, art, romance, and pleasure, become a little heavier, more prone to reassessment, review, and perhaps delay or a period of limbo. This Venus retrograde cycle lasts until January 29th, and is a period in which we reevaluate or review our love life as well as the manner in which we receive, reveal, and express our affections. Thoughts turn to the past so that we can lay to rest unhealthy habits in these areas of life.

With Venus retrograde in Capricorn, we may question whether our goals mesh in our relationships. Read more about Venus retrograde in Capricorn from December 19, 2021, to January 29, 2022.

On Monday, we seek a little more meaning or excitement from our relationships, pastimes, and pleasures. Our humor is strong, we may be inspired by our interactions, and we’re open to change. However, we may be restless or not appreciative of what we have, feeling that the grass is greener elsewhere.

On Friday, we’re reflecting on and analyzing our relationships, especially past ones or long-standing patterns.

Venus, the Goddess of Love: Highlights in the Coming Week:

Venus in Capricorn Marry for money and then learn to love ’em: that’s what your heart tells you now, as a new cycle gets underway in your life. Does that sound cynical? Maybe so – but it does reflect the yearning you feel for security and stability now, and it suggests the kind of compromises you may be willing to make to accomplish these objectives.

Venus conjunct the Sun January 8. Good relating is the focus, although some may find this energy superficial in that surface charm, diplomacy, and harmony is the goal. The pursuit of pleasure is emphasized.

Venus semi-square Jupiter January 10. We experience a strong desire for more pleasure in our lives, which can be excessive. Take care not to overstate your feelings or to set up unrealistic expectations in your partnerships.

Venus parallel Mercury January 14 and January 22-23. A congenial time when we appreciate diplomacy and socialize more readily.

Venus parallel the Sun February 3. A strong desire for harmony and comfort fill us now. We may be moved to express our affections.

MercurySextileChiron Mercury sextile Chiron. This is an excellent period for opening up communications with others, as we are more sensitive than usual and more willing to listen. Getting our point across is easier, as it’s not only about which words we choose to communicate, we intuitively express the meaning and intention behind the words. We can effectively use words to heal and comfort just now. We are also more open to new ways of looking at problems or at life in general.

VenusSemi-squareJupiter Venus semi-square Jupiter. We might take great strides to get noticed. Avoid impulsive buying. Problems in our personal life likely won’t get resolved under this influence. Avoid hasty (or haughty!) decisions. We might overstate our feelings or promise more than we can deliver, and the tendency to overdo is strong.

SunSextileNeptune Sun sextile Neptune. We’re at the right place at the right time, probably because our hunches are more likely to be correct and we are “tuned in”. We are inspired, and charitable acts now will serve to lift our spirits like no drug can. A good time for self-improvement programs or efforts. Instinctual judgment is enhanced under this influence. We are able to see matters, and people, from a different perspective–one that allows for, and even finds beauty in, differences.

MarsSquareNeptune Mars square Neptune. Inspiration comes from unusual sources, but you have a hard time staying focused and organized. Energy may be variable. Intuition is strong, but may be faulty. Not a good time to begin a new project or affair.


The Moon continues its transit of assertive Aries until 9:47 AM EST, when it enters steady Taurus. Venus forms a semi-square to Jupiter this afternoon, and we can feel some discontent with our relationships or entertainment. The tendency to overdo is present, although not overpowering. Ideally, we tap into a need for change and improvement and tame our impulses to go overboard. The Sun forms a sextile to Neptune tonight, and we take things as they come, finding meaning in our experiences more readily than usual. This influence stimulates our imagination and sets an excellent mood for respecting our intuition. We’re tuned in, inspired, and charitable. We see things from a perspective that celebrates our differences. What feels like serendipity experienced now may have to do with a good sense of timing and a feeling of being in sync with the universe.

The void Moon occurs from 2:23 AM EST, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a square to Pluto), until the Moon enters Taurus at 9:47 AM EST.


Mars forms a square to Neptune today, and we may struggle to focus on our priorities. Energy may be up and down, particularly if inspiration wavers. Motivation or energy levels may wane as we feel overwhelmed with possibilities and uncertain about our next step. Desires are hard to pin down. On the other hand, inspiration can come from unusual sources. There can be a change of course or a break from the action. We should watch for difficulties with boundaries and limits. Attempts to take the easy way out will probably backfire under this influence. From disappointment, we can find the motivation to make improvements, however. The Moon in Taurus also asks us to slow down and reorient ourselves.

Janvier 2022


The Mansions of the Moon

1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25 26  27  28

The Lunar Days

1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  26  27  28  29  30

SunTrineUranus  Jan 01 2022 10:49 Sam

MercurySign IngressAquarius Jan 02 2022 8:09 Dim

MercuryTrineNorth Node Jan 03 2022 3:13 Lun
JupiterSquareNorth Node Jan 03 2022 12:35 Lun

VenusSextileNeptune Jan 05 2022 17:02 Mer

SunConjunctionVenus Jan 09 2022 1:47 Dim

MercurySextileChiron Jan 10 2022 3:14 Lun

SunSextileNeptune Jan 11 2022 4:27 Mar
MarsSquareNeptune Jan 11 2022 22:42 Mar

MercuryStationary Retrograde Jan 14 2022 12:42 Ven

SunConjunctionPluto Jan 16 2022 15:50 Dim

MercurySextileChiron Jan 18 2022 10:54 Mar
UranusStationary Direct Jan 18 2022 16:27 Mar
North NodeSign IngressTaurus Jan 18 2022 19:48 Mar

SunTrineNorth Node Jan 19 2022 22:31 Mer 

SunSign IngressAquarius Jan 20 2022 3:38 Jeu

SunConjunctionMercury Jan 23 2022 11:27 Dim 
MarsQuincunxNorth NodeJan 23 2022 13:31 Dim
MarsSign IngressCapricorn Jan 24 2022 13:52 Lun
MercurySign IngressCapricorn Jan 26 2022 4:06 Mer

MercuryTrineNorth Node Jan 26 2022 20:30 Mer

SunSextileChiron Jan 29 2022 3:56 AM
MercuryConjunctionPluto Jan 29 2022 5:19 AM
VenusStationary Direct  Jan 29 2022 9:47 
SunSquareUranus Jan 30 2022 8:31 
MercuryStationary Directin 4.5 wks Feb 04 2022 5:14 Ven
MarsSextileJupiterin 4.6 wks Feb 04 2022 14:37 Ven
SunConjunctionSaturnin 4.6 wks Feb 04 2022 20:04 Ven
MarsSquareChironin 4.8 wks
MarsTrineUranusin 5.1 wks
MercuryConjunctionPlutoin 5.6 wks Feb 11 2022 2:59 PM
MercuryTrineNorth Nodein 5.7 wks
PlutoTrineNorth Nodein 6 wks
MercurySign IngressAquariusin 6 wks Feb 14 2022 10:50 PM
SunSquareNorth Nodein 6.2 wks
VenusConjunctionMarsin 6.3 wks
JupiterSextileUranusin 6.5 wks
SunSign IngressPiscesin 6.6 wks Feb 18 2022 5:42 PM
MarsSextileNeptunein 1.7 mnths
MercurySextileChironin 1.7 mnths
VenusSextileNeptunein 1.7 mnths
MercurySquareUranusin 1.7 mnths
MarsTrineNorth Nodein 1.9 mnths Feb 28 2022 4:32 PM
VenusTrineNorth Nodein 1.9 mnths Mar 01 2022 4:54 AM
SunSextileUranusin 1.9 mnths Mar 02 2022 6:04 AM
MercuryConjunctionSaturnin 1.9 mnths Mar 02 2022 17:31 Mer
MarsConjunctionPlutoin 2 mnths Mar 03 2022 9:42 Jeu
VenusConjunctionPlutoin 2 mnths Mar 03 2022 18:55 Jeu

Aujourd'hui / 

Risque de pluie : 99% - Humi. : 78%

Vent :Ouest - 36 km/h

Lever : 08:42 - Coucher : 17:14

      Légère averse de pluie

BELIER Que cette Lune contrariante ne vous emp�che pas de passer � une vitesse sup�rieure sur le plan social. Vous pouvez parvenir aux buts que vous vous �tiez fix�s le mois dernier.BALANCE Votre partenaire est plut�t ronchon ou vous cherche des poux dans la t�te ? Pourquoi ne pas accepter de passer un peu plus de temps � la maison en sa compagnie?
TAUREAU Si la conjoncture vous le permet, prenez quelques heures (ou mieux : quelques jours) pour vous retirer dans un endroit calme afin de m�diter et d'�lever votre esprit. Zen...SCORPION Multipliez les rendez-vous, m�me s'il faut vous d�placer. Votre capacit� � communiquer est � l'honneur; m�me si vous n'avez pas trop la p�che physiquement, faites les efforts n�cessaires.
GEMEAUX Vos projets ont l'air de stagner et cela vous attriste. Et si vous leur donniez un second souffle en investissant un peu plus ? Quand on se donne les moyens...SAGITTAIRE Vos pens�es sont orient�es vers les moyens d'am�liorer votre condition. Mais n'oubliez pas de vous occuper de vos enfants ou, si vous n'�tes pas en couple, de vos amours.
CANCER Depuis quelques jours, votre partenaire ou vos collaborateurs sollicitent votre avis. Profitez-en pour leur demander � reconsid�rer la place que vous occupez dans leur vie.CAPRICORNE Comment �tre au four et au moulin en m�me temps? Vos activit�s seront d'autant plus efficaces si vous consacrez le temps qu'il faut pour vous ressourcer, chez vous ou en famille.
LION Le travail tient en ce moment une place primordiale dans votre vie. Vous prenez plaisir � entreprendre, � programmer des vues � long terme. Un petit voyage aussi?VERSEAU La vie int�rieure devient pour vous pr�occupante, mais vous gagnez � en discuter avec vos proches si vous ne voulez pas passer pour Robinson Cruso�!
VIERGE Si les attirances sexuelles sont plus fr�quentes en ce moment, cela ne signifie pas forc�ment qu'il vous faille passer � l'acte. Tous les fantasmes ne sont pas r�alisables...POISSONS En ce moment, vous sortez beaucoup ou le cercle de vos amis s'agrandit. Si vous en avez les moyens, montrez-leur qu'ils comptent pour vous en les r�galant...

Love & Money Calendar™

January, 2022

The dates below are the best (and worst) astrological days in January 2022 for the 17 important activities described (to read about the criteria we use in selecting these dates click here).

January is another below average month when it comes to good and bad astrological days for natalizations.

As was the case last month, the days we list as the "best" days of the month are not really "best", but are actually "barely good enough" – and unfortunately, none are good enough for any crucial natalizations.

As always, please make certain you are not having bad transits when you make crucial natalizations.

Our MagicalOracle Mobile Web App is the easiest way to know what kind of transits you have on any day and you can check it anywhere in the world at any time by using your iPhone or Android, notebook or PC.

As for the best and worst days this month for money, they are:

Best: January 1, 12
Worst: January 17, 26, 27

And the best and worst days this month for love and sex are:

Best: January 1, 6, 28, 30
Worst: January 17, 18, 19

Please also always remember that in addition to selecting good astrological days for crucial natalizations, you need to have good transits at the same time in order to create a natalization that will work very well for you.

If you are a member of the Magi Society, you may log onto our Members Only Website and view in advance an EXTRA MONTH of the Magi Society Love & Money Calendar. This allows our members to use the stars to plan ahead by an extra month. Members of the Magi Society may click here to begin the process of logging onto the new Members Only Website.
[Editor's Note: These days were chosen specifically as the best and worst days for the activities specified and you should not assume that a good day for one activity is a good day for anything and everything else. For example, a good day to get married is not a good day to get divorced.

Although the good and bad dates we provide you are applicable for everyone, just how good or bad each day is will vary depending on your individual transits. For example, if you are having several Cinderella Transits on one of our good days, then the day can be fabulous for you. Or if you are having Cinderella Transits on one of our bad days, then the day will not be as bad for you as it will be for most people because your transits are better than most.]

1. The best and worst astrological days this month to get married (Make sure your transits are also good!)January 30January 4, 5, 10, 13, 17, 18, 19, 26, 27, 28
2. The best and worst astrological days this month to buy something simple like a toaster or clothesJanuary 1, 11, 12, 14, 15, 23, 30January 4, 5, 10, 13, 17, 18, 19, 26, 27, 28
3. The best and worst astrological days this month to pay a bill for anything, such as rent, credit cards, utilities, department stores, etc.January 1, 11, 12, 14, 15, 23, 30January 4, 5, 10, 13, 17, 18, 19, 26, 27, 28
4. The best and worst astrological days this month to sign a financial contract like a lease, tax return, car loan, etc.January 1, 23, 30January 4, 5, 10, 13, 17, 18, 19, 26, 27, 28
5. The best and worst astrological days this month to make a business proposal and opening bank or brokerage accountsJanuary 1, 23, 30January 4, 5, 10, 13, 17, 18, 19, 26, 27, 28
6. The best and worst astrological days this month to deposit money into financial accounts like your bank accountJanuary 1, 23, 30January 4, 5, 10, 13, 17, 18, 19, 26, 27, 28
7. The best and worst astrological days this month to ask for a promotion or raise, go on a job interviewJanuary 23, 30January 4, 5, 10, 13, 17, 18, 19, 26, 27, 28
8. The best and worst astrological days this month to meet anyone new for financial purposes like a prospective clientJanuary 1, 23, 30January 4, 5, 10, 13, 17, 18, 19, 26, 27, 28
9. The best and worst astrological days this month to go out on a first dateJanuary 1, 23, 30January 4, 5, 10, 13, 17, 18, 19, 26, 27, 28
10. The best and worst astrological days this month to enjoy an especially romantic eveningJanuary 1, 23, 30January 4, 5, 10, 13, 17, 18, 19, 26, 27, 28
11. The best and worst astrological days this month to look for or meet with that special person who will fulfill your dreamsJanuary 1, 23, 30January 4, 5, 10, 13, 17, 18, 19, 26, 27, 28
12. The best and worst astrological days this month to ask for a commitment from a loved one, such as a promise to be more understandingJanuary 1, 23, 30January 4, 5, 10, 13, 17, 18, 19, 26, 27, 28
13. The best and worst astrological days this month to ask for forgiveness and rekindle a relationship gone awryJanuary 1, 23, 30January 4, 5, 10, 13, 17, 18, 19, 26, 27, 28
14. The best and worst astrological days this month to start a new medication or begin anything new related to your health, including having any dental work done.January 1, 11, 12, 14, 15, 23, 30January 4, 5, 10, 13, 17, 18, 19, 26, 27, 28
15. The best and worst astrological days this month to initiate a new contact like emailing or calling someone you do not know and laying the groundwork for making a proposal later on, or having the first meeting with someone new like a doctor, lawyer, broker, etc.January 1, 11, 12, 14, 15, 23, 30January 4, 5, 10, 13, 17, 18, 19, 26, 27, 28
16. The best and worst astrological days this month to install a new APP or update an operating system on your Smart Phone.January 1, 11, 12, 14, 15, 23, 30January 4, 5, 10, 13, 17, 18, 19, 26, 27, 28
17. The best and worst astrological days this month to start a new job.January 1, 23, 30January 4, 5, 10, 13, 17, 18, 19, 26, 27, 28


KDO de NOEL !!!

Un must have ... PAIX, AMOUR et surtout SANTE

Connaissance des temps, Éphémérides astronomiques

Cet ouvrage d’éphémérides est destiné aux astronomes, aux enseignants et aux étudiants.

Le cœur de cet ouvrage présente, pour l’année en cours, les éphémérides tabulées du Temps sidéral, des variables liées aux nouveaux paradigmes de l’Union astronomique internationale sur les systèmes de référence et les coordonnées du Soleil, de la Lune et des planètes, de Pluton, Cérès, Pallas, Junon et Vesta ; il fournit également les quantités nécessaires au calcul des positions des satellites de Mars, des satellites galiléens de Jupiter, des huit premiers satellites de Saturne et des cinq principaux satellites d’Uranus.

Un chapitre explicatif fournit les informations théoriques permettant de faire les calculs par soi-même ou d’utiliser le logiciel accompagnant l’ouvrage.

Ce volume est le 344e d’une éphéméride créée en 1679 qui a paru sans interruption depuis sa création. Ancienne par sa conception, mais toujours moderne dans sa réalisation, la version actuelle s’appuie sur une partie des récents développements méthodologiques menés à l’IMCCE.

Cet ouvrage est disponible gratuitement en version pdf : télécharger l’ouvrage. Il sera disponible très prochainement en version papier à la demande sur le site de la librairie BoD.

Un logiciel de calcul d’éphémérides accompagne l’ouvrage :

La tétrabible



De Ptolémée (né vers 90 après J.-C. à Ptolémaïs d’Hermias, dans la Thébaïde d’Égypte, mort à Canope vers 170), on ne retient souvent que le système astronomique qui fait de la Terre le centre de l’Univers. Et pourtant, cinq siècles avant lui, Aristarque de Samos avait émis l’hypothèse que la terre tournait sur elle-même autour du soleil.

Mais Ptolémée est d’abord un mathématicien. Les pages de sa Syntaxe mathématique, plus connue sous le nom d’Almageste (Le grand traité), reprennent partie les données et observations d’un autre astronome alexandrin, Hipparque de Nicée. Dans son Traité d’astrologie, Claude Ptolémée nous transmet le résultat de plus de sept siècles de science grecque.

Le Tetrabiblos fut l’ouvrage le plus célèbre de l’Antiquité. Il exerça et exerce encore une grande influence dans l’étude des corps célestes de la sphère sublunaire.


Pour une impression papier, 
cliquez sur l'image




C’est pourquoi l’Arbre d’Or existe et que je tiens à sa survie malgré la constatation sur la durée que la rentabilité du eBook est «confidentielle», euphémisme pour dire qu'elle est nulle. A l’instar de la musique et de la video, le eBook se répand gratuitement; ce qui, pour ma part, aurait plutôt tendance à me réjouir, c’est la preuve que la soif de connaissance existe toujours et j'adore l'idée qu'elle puisse être accesible à tous. C’est en raison de cette vocation que je décide de me passer de plateforme marchande et de proposer les ouvrages en téléchargement libre.


Pour cela, je dois migrer le site sur une nouvelle interface et devinez quoi? La manoeuvre n’est pas automatique. Il s'agit de recréer tous les articles et tous les liens, sans compter la nouvelle structure du site que je confie à un webmaster, certaines choses dépassant mes compétences. Tout cela a un coût en temps et en argent, c'est pourquoi cet appel aux dons.

Ils servent à arroser les racines l’Arbre d’Or et lui permettent non seulement de survivre mais évenuellement de continuer à grandir. En effet, je continue à publier les bons manuscrits qui me sont proposés, mais uniquement à compte d'auteur. Contactez-moi pour en connaître les conditions.

Téléchargez tout ce qui vous plaît,
Faites (ou ne faites pas) un don selon vos moyens,
Faites (ou ne faites pas) un don selon votre humeur,
Manifestez votre satisfaction,
Exprimez vos souhaits,
...Savourez votre lecture.

Calendrier Lunaire Janvier 2022

En ce début d’année, un aperçu des différentes applications

Du Calendrier Lunaire 2022


La viniculture et la Lune

  • Pour ne pas stopper l’activité du vin, soutirez par exemple entre le 3 et le 15 (en évitant le 7, le 11 et le 13) .

Réduire l’utilisation des insecticides avec la Lune

  • Certains aspects planétaires vont renforcer l’action des produits, et donc permettre de diminuer les doses :
    Appliquez les produits le matin ou le soir du 22 au 26.

Pour un meilleur compost avec la Lune

  • Epandage du fumier ou compostage de surface, l’assimilation sera plus rapide le 23, 24 ou 25.

Couper les bois en bonne Lune 

  • Abattage des bois destinés aux charpentes entre le 18 et le 29 (en évitant le 27 matin).

Les animaux et la Lune

  • Traitez contre les vers le 23 ou le 24.

Faire son pain avec la Lune 

  • Entre le 3 et le 15 vous obtiendrez un pain au levain bien levé et plus savoureux.

Notre bien être avec la Lune

  • Pour une épilation plus efficace nous vous conseillons la période du 18 au 29.

Le jardin est au repos c’est le moment de choisir ses graines

et de prévoir le plan pour la saison prochaine.


Une utilisation révolutionnaire de l'astrologie qui permet de se découvrir par le biais de 5 aspects principaux :
- L'aspect Énergétique (jaune)
- L'aspect de Blocage (bleu)
- L'aspect de Mission (vert)
- L'aspect de Talent (rouge)
- L'aspect Recherche (violet)

Les Fondations du Double-Zodiaque

Les corrélations faites par le logiciel gèrent toutes les données à partir des MAISONS, des ASPECTS PLANÉTAIRES, ainsi que leurs INTERACTIONS dans les 12 PROPOSITIONS.

Tous ces calculs minutieux qui demanderaient à l'homme une éternité, sont réalisé à une vitesse phénoménale afin de générer les 5 COULEURS permettant l'analyse pointue de l'incarnation d'un individu ou même d'événements tels que les étapes de Lunaison qui contribue à mieux comprendre ce qui se vit à l'échelle planétaire.

Les 5 Familles d'Aspects

Chacune des douze superpositions de signes de la carte du ciel du Double Zodiaque se retrouve colorée par une des cinq couleurs (jaune, bleue, verte, rouge et mauve) des familles d’aspects. Ces cinq couleurs sont générées automatiquement par le logiciel Astropc Pro d’Auréas. Celui-ci calcule la position respective des deux planètes de chaque superposition. Si la relation angulaire correspond à un des 33 aspects, alors la superposition prend la couleur de la famille de l’aspect. Si par exemple la paire Mars / Neptune est séparée d’un angle de 144°, alors la coloration générée par le logiciel pour la superposition Poissons sidéral / Bélier tropical sera celle de la famille des aspects quintiles, soit le rouge.

Chaque famille d’aspects a ses propres valeurs qui sont résumées dans le tableau ci-dessous :


Cette nouvelle Lune a lieu en plein milieu de la superposition rouge du Sagittaire sidéral superposé au signe du Capricorne. Cela met en valeur tous les Capricorne, car on va leur demander leur point de vue sur la situation actuelle. Il faut aussi savoir que nous avons tous cette superposition dans notre carte du ciel, quelle que soit notre heure de naissance.
Dans cette carte de Nouvelle Lune, il nous est dit qu’il y a une distorsion majeure entre le peuple et ses dirigeants. Surtout avec ceux qui abusent de leur pouvoir. Comme un volcan qui commence à donner les premiers signes de réveil, le monde prend conscience de façon collective que les choses ne pourront pas continuer sans changements majeurs.
Les gens se questionnent sur ce qui est important dans la vie. La remise en question est générale. Les valeurs qu’on nous impose ne nous semblent plus correspondre à la réalité. Les leaders ne sont plus écoutés.
Les gens ont besoin d’intégrité et de transparence. Ils n’acceptent plus autre chose que la vérité. Elle est certainement préférable à toutes balivernes qu’ils ont l’habitude d’entendre.
La planète Pluton qui arrive fin janvier dans le signe du Capricorne sidéral va remettre en cause bien des dirigeants. Surtout ceux qui ont l’habitude de se moquer du monde à coups de mensonges et qui finissent à la longue par être perçus comme des vérités.
L’année 2022 sera le début de la lutte contre les mensonges tous azimuts. Nous allons tous devoir faire notre rétrospection pour savoir ce qui est important dans la vie, et donc de savoir quel genre de dirigeant nous souhaitions avoir.
Nous avons la chance au Québec de vivre dans une démocratie des plus moderne et transparente. Ce n’est pas le cas dans la plupart des pays de ce monde. 
La planète Uranus qui se promène en Bélier sidéral jusqu’en juin 2024 nous rend irritables. Cela fait en sorte que les frustrations que nous vivons sont toujours de la faute des autres. Certains dirigeants utilisent cette frustration liée à Uranus pour nous monter les unes contre les autres.
La planète Neptune qui gère notre spiritualité naturelle, nous amène à nous poser des questions sur tous les mensonges avec lesquels nous avons a été endoctrinés depuis notre enfance. Nous allons finir par découvrir que le siège de notre spiritualité n’est pas dans les dogmes religieux, mais dans notre cœur : aimons-nous les uns les autres sans poser de jugements sur la façon dont l’autre se comporte. Notre attitude envers les autres n’est rien d’autre que la manifestation de notre spiritualité authentique révélée. Il faut en être conscient. Apprenons à aimer les autres tels qu’ils sont. Cet amour les rendra meilleurs.
Alors, cette année 2022 sera une grande année pour tout le monde.

Avec le Double Zodiaque, cette inversion a des effets sur 50% de la carte du ciel, donc six signes du zodiaque sur les douze. L’analyse des cartes du ciel est totalement différente selon les deux hypothèses.

L’incidence de l’inversion Mercure / Vénus

Voici les signes du zodiaque qui sont impliqués dans cette inversion :

TAUREAU / Bélier sidéral où Vénus est impliquée
GÉMEAUX / Taureau sidéral où Vénus et Mercure sont impliqués
CANCER / Gémeaux sidéral où Mercure est impliqué
VIERGE / Lion sidéral où Mercure est impliqué
BALANCE / Vierge sidérale où Vénus et Mercure sont impliqués
SCORPION / Balance sidérale où Vénus est impliquée.


La compréhension des maisons ne peut pas se faire sans intégrer cette notion de continuum d’une maison à l’autre. Le contenu d’une maison dépend directement de la maison précédente. L’astrologue qui a parlé de ce continuum entre les maisons est Steven Forrest dans son livre « Le Ciel intérieur ». Il collait parfaitement à cette idée de continuum zodiacal que j’avais présenté dans mon premier livre sur “Les Douze Clefs du Double Zodiaque ».

  • Maison I : Je pose un geste, je m’implique, j’agis
  • Maison II : j’approuve mon geste : j’ai confiance en moi (les acquis)
  • Maison III : Ce qu’en pensent mes proches (frères & sœurs)
  • Maison IV : Ce que la tradition en pense grâce à mes parents (racines familiales)
  • Maison V : Je prends position face à l’attitude de mes parents (révélation du soi)
  • Maison VI : Je prends conscience de ce que je souhaite faire de moi (être utile)
  • Maison VII : Je recherche de l’aide chez des partenaires (apprendre à aimer)
  • Maison VIII : Qu’est-ce que j’attends réellement des autres (honnêteté de soi)
  • Maison IX : Les déceptions de la vie m’obligent à revoir mes valeurs (vision de la vie)
  • Maison X : Sur la base de mes réflexions, je cherche à me faire connaitre (face aux autres)
  • Maison XI : Déçu de mes relations sociales, je cherche des (alliances stratégiques)
  • Maison XII : En réalité, je dois m’investir pour comprendre et soulager la souffrance des autres (flétrir l’ego)

Jean-Paul Michon

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164 dead, nearly 6,000 held in Kazakhstan unrest

Relative calm appeared to have returned to the economic hub Almaty

Almaty (Kazakhstan) (AFP) - More than 150 people have died and almost 6,000 have been arrested in Kazakhstan following violent riots in Central Asia’s largest country this week, media reported Sunday citing the health ministry.

The energy-rich nation of 19 million people has been rocked by a week of upheaval, with a number of foreigners detained over the unrest.

At least 164 people were killed in the riots, including 103 in the largest city Almaty, which saw some of the fiercest clashes between protesters and security forces.

The new figures – which have not been independently verified – mark a drastic increase in the death toll.

Officials previously said 26 “armed criminals” had been killed and that 16 security officers had died.

In total, 5,800 people have been detained for questioning, the presidency said in a statement on Sunday.

The figures included “a substantial number of foreign nationals”, it said without elaborating.

“The situation has stabilised in all regions of the country,” even if security forces were continuing “clean-up” operations, the statement added after President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev held a crisis meeting.

Fuel price rises sparked the unrest that broke out a week ago in the country’s west but quickly spread to large cities, including the economic hub Almaty, where riots erupted and police opened fire using live rounds.

The interior ministry, quoted Sunday by local media, put property damage at around 175 million euros ($199 million).

The interior ministry estimated property damage at nearly $200 million

More than 100 businesses and banks were attacked and looted and more than 400 vehicles destroyed, the ministry reportedly said.

A relative calm appeared to have returned to Almaty, with police sometimes firing shots into the air to stop people approaching the city’s central square, an AFP correspondent said.

Supermarkets were reopening on Sunday, media reported, amid fears of food shortages.

- High treason -

Kazakhstan said Saturday its former security chief had been arrested for suspected treason.

News of the detention of Karim Masimov, a former prime minister and longtime ally of Kazakhstan’s ex-leader Nursultan Nazarbayev, came amid speculation of a power struggle in the ex-Soviet nation.

The domestic intelligence agency, the National Security Committee (KNB), announced Masimov had been detained on Thursday on suspicion of high treason.

The arrest came after protests turned into widespread violence, with government buildings in Almaty stormed and set ablaze.

Masimov, 56, was fired at the height of the unrest on Wednesday, when Tokayev also took over from Nazarbayev as head of the powerful security council.

Nazarbayev’s spokesman Aidos Ukibay on Sunday again denied rumours the ex-president had left the country and said he supported the president.

Ukibay added that Nazarbayev voluntarily ceded control of the security council.

In a hardline address to the nation on Friday, Tokayev said 20,000 “armed bandits” had attacked Almaty and authorised his forces to shoot to kill without warning.

Much of the public anger appeared directed at Nazarbayev, who is 81 and had ruled Kazakhstan since 1989 before handing over power.

Many protesters shouted “old man out!” in reference to Nazarbayev, and a statue of him was torn down in the southern city of Taldykorgan.

Critics accuse him and his family of staying in control behind the scenes and accumulating vast wealth at the expense of ordinary citizens.

- Foreign intervention -

The full picture of the chaos has often been unclear, with widespread disruptions to communications including days-long internet shutdowns.

The Moscow-led Collective Security Treaty Organisation has been deploying thousands of troops to deal with the unrest in Kazakhstan

Flights into the country have been repeatedly cancelled and Almaty’s airport will remain closed “until the situation is stabilised”, authorities said Sunday.

Pope Francis spoke of his “sorrow” and called for dialogue to achieve peace in his Angelus prayer on Sunday.

Tokayev has thanked the Moscow-led Collective Security Treaty Organisation (CSTO) for sending troops to help deal with the unrest.

The CSTO has been dispatching several thousand troops to Kazakhstan, including Russian paratroopers, who have secured strategic sites.

Tokayev says the deployment will be temporary, but US Secretary of State Antony Blinken warned on Friday that Kazakhstan may have trouble getting them out.

“I think one lesson in recent history is that once Russians are in your house, it’s sometimes very difficult to get them to leave,” Blinken told reporters.

Tensions between Moscow and the West are at post-Cold War highs over fears of a Russian invasion of Ukraine, with talks between Russia and the US to take place in Geneva on Monday, after a working dinner on Sunday evening.

Russia has ruled out any concessions at the talks.

“We will not agree to any concession. That is completely excluded,” Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said Sunday.

Agence France-Presse

AFP journalists cover wars, conflicts, politics, science, health, the environment, technology, fashion, entertainment, the offbeat, sports and a whole lot more in text, photographs, video, graphics and online.

© 2022 AFP

Europe nuclear plants 'need 500 bn euro investment by 2050': EU commissioner

France has led the charge for nuclear power -- its main energy supply -- to be included as a sustainable option

Paris (AFP) - The European Union will need to invest 500 billion euros ($568 billion) in new generation nuclear power stations from now until 2050, the bloc’s internal market commissioner said in an interview published at the weekend.

“Existing nuclear plants alone will need 50 billion euros of investment from now until 2030. And new generation ones will need 500 billion!” Thierry Breton told the Journal du Dimanche newspaper.

Breton also argued that an EU plan to label energy from nuclear power and natural gas as “green” sources for investment was a vital step towards attracting that capital.

The EU is consulting its member states on that proposal, with internal disagreement on whether the power sources truly qualify as sustainable options.

France has led the charge for nuclear power – its main energy supply – to be included, despite robust opposition from Austria and scepticism from Germany, which is in the process of shutting all its nuclear plants.

The proposal says the EU Commission “considers there is a role for natural gas and nuclear as a means to facilitate the transition towards a predominantly renewable-based future”.

Currently the bloc gets 26 percent of its energy from nuclear power, but Breton estimated that by 2050, that would be reduced to around 15 percent.

The proposal also states that for nuclear power, appropriate measures should be put in place for radioactive waste management and disposal.

And it calls for the building of new nuclear power plants to be conditioned on permits given out before 2045, while work to extend the functioning of existing plants would need to be authorised before 2040.

Agence France-Presse

AFP journalists cover wars, conflicts, politics, science, health, the environment, technology, fashion, entertainment, the offbeat, sports and a whole lot more in text, photographs, video, graphics and online.

© 2022 AFP

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