vendredi 14 mai 2021

24°TAU - 20210514


Ils sont nés un 14 mai
Cate Blanchett, Patrick Bruel, George Lucas, Jack Ralite, Mark Zuckerberg.

Vendredi 14 mai :

- Le Soleil entre dans la constellation du Taureau (53�43')

- A 11h08 UTC, conjonction g�ocentrique en longitude entre Elnath (beta Tauri) et la Lune, � 4�16'

- L'�quation de temps atteint son premier maximum n�gatif de l'ann�e � 3m40s

- A 14h11 UTC, conjonction g�ocentrique en longitude entre la N�buleuse du Crabe (M1) et la Lune, � 2�32'

- A 14h25 UTC, conjonction g�ocentrique en ascension droite entre la N�buleuse du Crabe (M1) et la Lune, � 2�33'

May 14th, 2021 (PT)
[S]The Sun is in Taurus
phase de la Lune du jour

The Moon is in GeminiThe New Moon is in Gemini,
Enters Cancer 14:30 pm
[V/C]Moon Void of Course 11:51 am to 14:30 pm
[Hg]Next Mercury Retrograde Period
May 29 - Jun 22

ven. 14 mai. 2021 14h TU
Ephemerides astro 14/05/2021 à 14h TU
vendredi 14 mai 21
St Matthias
Bonne fête Mathias.

phase de la Lune du jourNouvelle Lune 11/05 19h01
premier quartier 19/05 19h13
Pleine Lune 26/05 11h14
second quartier 02/06 07h26
prochaine lunaison 10/06 10h54
Horoscope astrologie

Chart Style
May 14, 2021
5:23:00 PM  GMT +2:00
48° 52' N · 002° 20' E
Paris, FR
 – 1° 19' – s
 – 2° 42' – a
 – 1° 13' – s
 – 2° 15' – s
 – 1° 46' – a
 – 2° 14' – s
 – 0° 02' – ap
 – 0° 35' – a
 – 1° 24' – s
MC – 1° 34' – a
 – 0° 36' – s
 – 1° 59' – a
 – 0° 44' – a
5 – 0° 02' – sp
8 – 0° 57' – a
Ds – 0° 02' – ap
 – 0° 11' – sp
2 – 0° 05' – sp
 Sun24  02' 56" +0.964800 N 00051° 40'18 N 488
 Moon24  58' 27" +11.89901 N 18084° 28'24 N 399
 North Node10  43 +0.012000 N 00069° 07'22 N 048
 South Node10  43 +0.012000 N 00249° 07'22 S 042
 Mercury15  41 +1.161602 N 26074° 10'25 N 079
 Venus06  50 +1.228200 N 12064° 57'21 N 408
 Mars12  52 +0.611101 N 25104° 08'24 N 149
 Jupiter00  05 +0.109800 S 48332° 27'12 S 125
 Saturn13  27 +0.014700 S 37316° 06'17 S 235
 Uranus11  28 +0.056700 S 24039° 10'14 N 547
 Neptune22  44 +0.021901 S 06353° 45'03 S 546
 Pluto26  44  R–0.007801 S 27299° 05'22 S 154
 Proserpina16  34  R–0.011000 N 51224° 21'15 S 592
 Chiron11  23 +0.046502 N 19009° 33'06 N 386
 Ceres02  27 +0.390006 S 40032° 34'06 N 047
 Pallas19  40 +0.233712 N 16345° 41'07 N 126
 Juno21  12  R–0.169517 N 50261° 36'05 S 223
 Vesta08  55 +0.174608 N 56164° 00'16 N 2911
 True Lilith01  08 +3.091500 S 53059° 11'19 N 328
 Mean Lilith22  50 +0.111001 S 40050° 52'16 N 528
 Selena21  23 +0.140800 N 00260° 38'23 S 103
House CuspPlanets in House  
As11  25
212  25 
313  26 
IC14  26 
513  26 
612  25 
Ds11  25 
812  25 
913  26 
MC14  26
1113  26 
1212  25
12  20Part of Fortune
Vx26  45Vertex
Ax26  45Anti-Vertex
GMT: 15:23:00 · May 14, 2021
Sidereal Time: 07:02:41
RAMC: 105° 40' 14"
ΔT: 69.8 sec.

25th Degree of Taurus
Sabian Symbol:
A magnificent public park spreads its charm before the eye in a vista that awes the loftiest spirit.

25th Degree of Gemini
Sabian Symbol:
A gardener, with all of a mother's care for her child, is trimming a magnificent row of tropical palms.

16th Degree of Gemini
Sabian Symbol:
A woman agitator stands upon a platform, making an impassioned plea to a surrounding group in men.

7th Degree of Gemini
Sabian Symbol:
An old fashioned well, still yielding the purest and coldest of waters, stands invitingly near a shade of trees.

13th Degree of Cancer
Sabian Symbol:
A hand, which is held out receptively, is remarkable for the suggestion of character in its prominent thumb. (Pouce type facebook?)

1st Degree of Pisces
Sabian Symbol:
The public market is thronged with people and all are good-natured and hurried on a late Saturday afternoon.

14th Degree of Aquarius
Sabian Symbol:
A long and heavy train climbs the steep mountain grade and at last a tunnel offers a shortcut to the other side.

12th Degree of Taurus
Sabian Symbol:
A quite youthful young couple is walking down a busy street, stopping to peer into every window with joyful glee.

23rd Degree of Pisces
Sabian Symbol:
A huge hulk of a woman medium gone into trance and around her are entities continually forming and dissolving.

27th Degree of Capricorn
Sabian Symbol:
A party of anchorites are making a mountain pilgrimage and in view lie both the busy world and the quiet way ahead.

2nd Degree of Gemini
Sabian Symbol:
A nervous gentleman dressed in an elaborate Santa Clause costume is filling Christmas stockings furtively.

9th Degree of Virgo
Sabian Symbol:
An earnest but bizarre looking individual is painting on a canvas; his art is futuristic and unintelligible.

Sun24 Tau 02' 15"
Moon24 Gem 49' 54"
Mercury15 Gem 40' 54"
Venus06 Gem 48' 56"
Mars12 Can 51' 51"
Jupiter00 Pis 04' 34"
Saturn13 Aqu 27' 16"
Uranus11 Tau 28' 19"
Neptune22 Pis 43' 38"
Pluto26 Cap 44' 29" R
Chiron11 Ari 22' 45"
Lilith22 Tau 49' 36"
True Node10 Gem 43' 03"


Current Planets
14-May-2021, 15:06 UT/GMT
TrueNode10Gemini43' 3"

Venus Hour06:1407:30Mars Hour21:2322:07
Mercury Hour07:3008:45Sun Hour22:0722:51
Moon Hour08:4510:01Venus Hour22:5123:35
Saturn Hour10:0111:17Mercury Hour23:3500:19
Jupiter Hour11:1712:33Moon Hour00:1901:03
Mars Hour12:3313:48Saturn Hour01:0301:48
Sun Hour13:4815:04Jupiter Hour01:4802:32
Venus Hour15:0416:20Mars Hour02:3203:16
Mercury Hour16:2017:35Sun Hour03:1604:00
Moon Hour17:3518:51Venus Hour04:0004:44
Saturn Hour18:5120:07Mercury Hour04:4405:28
Jupiter Hour20:0721:23Moon Hour05:2806:13

18°PIS - 20250308

  Ils sont nés un 8 mars Ren� Allio, Jean Bretonni�re, Cyd Charisse, George Coleman, Max De La Giraudi�re, Denys De La Patelli�re, Yves Gall...