dimanche 5 décembre 2021

13°SAG - 20211205

Ils sont nés un 5 décembre
Francis Bouyghes, Pierre Chenal, Julie Ferrier, Bernard Haller, Werner Karl Heisenberg, Patricia Kaas, Anthony Martial, Otto Preminger, Little Richard.

Sun enters the next Sabian symbol 04/12 at 23:41 h (chart)
Sagittarius 13-14° – Sabian symbol 254
"The pyramids and the sphinx"

Dimanche 5 d�cembre :

- Elongation maximale de Titan � l'ouest de Saturne, � -163'', � 01h27

- A 17h45, un croissant lunaire de 2,95%, le plus jeune de la lunaison, est th�oriquement facilement visible � l'oeil nu 33h02m apr�s la Nouvelle Lune

Demain :

- La d�clinaison de la Lune est maximale, � -26�19'54''

- A 08h42, conjonction g�ocentrique en longitude entre Nunki (sigma Sagittarii) et la Lune, � 0�01'

Chart Style
December 5, 2021
3:57:00 PM  GMT +1:00
48° 52' N · 002° 20' E
Paris, FR
 – 3° 34' – s
 – 0° 44' – s
 – 0° 20' – a
 – 1° 28' – a
 – 0° 18' – s
 – 1° 05' – a
 – 0° 21' – ap
 – 3° 09' – a
8 – 0° 48' – a
 – 1° 37' – s
 – 0° 39' – a
 – 2° 33' – s
 – 2° 12' – a
 – 1° 27' – a
 – 0° 35' – a
 – 2° 16' – a
 – 1° 04' – a
 – 0° 12' – ap
 – 1° 25' – a
 – 0° 32' – a
 Sun13  41' 19" +1.015200 N 00252° 19'22 S 277
 Moon02  10' 24" +15.14102 S 40272° 25'26 S 068
 North Node01 44  R0.015600 N 00059° 37'20 N 311
 South Node01  44  R0.015600 N 00239° 37'20 S 317
 Mercury17  15 +1.567501 S 20256° 01'24 S 107
 Venus22  58 +0.480902 S 28295° 14'23 S 569
 Mars24  35 +0.693600 N 09232° 15'18 S 476
 Jupiter26  01 +0.143701 S 02328° 38'13 S 5010
 Saturn09  21 +0.083700 S 49312° 01'18 S 4310
 Uranus11 36  R0.033000 S 25039° 18'14 N 5512
 Neptune20  24 +0.002401 S 09351° 38'04 S 5211
 Pluto25  09 +0.026101 S 42297° 26'22 S 479
 Proserpina17  14 +0.012800 N 49225° 01'16 S 136
 Chiron08 32  R0.012602 N 14006° 57'05 N 2611
 Ceres03 08  R0.226503 S 55061° 53'16 N 571
 Pallas11  09 +0.146705 S 16344° 39'12 S 1511
 Juno07  23 +0.367809 N 10277° 31'14 S 058
 Vesta10  17 +0.541202 N 51249° 06'19 S 117
 True Lilith11 31  R2.056800 N 54069° 50'23 N 041
 Mean Lilith15 32 +0.111001 N 18074° 09'23 N 581
 Selena20  15 +0.140800 N 00291° 55'21 S 569
House CuspPlanets in House  
As27 35 
218 04
308  34
IC29  04
508  34
618  04 
Ds27  35 
818  04 
908  34 
MC29  04 
1108  34 
1218 04 
Vx24  36Vertex
Ax24 36Anti-Vertex
16 04Part of Fortune
00 56Mean Lunar Node
GMT: 14:57:00 · December 5, 2021
Sidereal Time: 20:04:51
RAMC: 301° 12' 38"
ΔT: 70.0 sec.

14th Degree of Sagittarius
Sabian Symbol:
A vast panorama of sand and time is unfolding; the pyramids and sphinx in their glory rise before the eye.

3rd Degree of Capricorn
Sabian Symbol:
The human soul is visualized as hovering spirit eager and receptive to the lessons to be learned from life.

18th Degree of Sagittarius
Sabian Symbol:
Little children are playing on the sultry beach; but each is protected from the glare by a tiny sunbonnet.

23rd Degree of Capricorn
Sabian Symbol:
The army is erect in a long faultless line as resplendent officers confer upon a private two awards for bravery.

25th Degree of Scorpio
Sabian Symbol:
An x-ray machine is in operation; by means of it a bit of fine diagnosis is made possible, and a life is preserved.

27th Degree of Aquarius
Sabian Symbol:
In the quiet of the afternoon in the cool of an art connoisseur's library is an old pottery bowl with fresh violets.

10th Degree of Aquarius
Sabian Symbol:
A man of stature has been catapulted into ephemeral popularity and unspoiled he plans further achievements.

12th Degree of Taurus
Sabian Symbol:
A quite youthful young couple is walking down a busy street, stopping to peer into every window with joyful glee.

21st Degree of Pisces
Sabian Symbol:
A child who is strange to rural life has taken violent fancy to a little white lamb and a Chinese servant smiles.

26th Degree of Capricorn
Sabian Symbol:
In a little glade never t rod by the foot of man and in the mist of a waterfall dances a care-free water sprite.

12th Degree of Pisces
Sabian Symbol:
A convocation of the Lodge of Initiates has brought the earth's glorious souls in spirit to examine candidates.

12th Degree of Gemini
Sabian Symbol:
A little black slave girl of ante-bellum days, with crinkly hair and saucy eyes, demands her rights of her mistress.

11th Degree of Sagittarius
Sabian Symbol:
An ugly old human figure is the carved representation of a god; near the left side is an ever-burning lamp.



Current Planets
5-Dec-2021, 14:57 UT/GMT

Sun13 Sag 41' 18"
Moon02 Cap 10' 26"
Mercury17 Sag 15' 28"
Venus22 Cap 57' 43"
Mars24 Sco 34' 39"
Jupiter26 Aqu 01' 25"
Saturn09 Aqu 20' 36"
Uranus11 Tau 36' 13" R
Neptune20 Pis 24' 27"
Pluto25 Cap 09' 15"
Chiron08 Ari 31' 38" R
Lilith15 Gem 32' 11"
True Node01 Gem 43' 18" R

December 5th, 2021 (PT)
[S]The Sun is in Sagittarius
[M]The Moon is in Sagittarius
The New Moon is in Sagittarius, Enters Capricorn 12:31 
[Hg]Next Mercury Retrograde Period
Jan 14 - Feb 3

December 5, 2021Su

 VOC 06:09 - 12:30

5 Décembre





Sun, Dec 5, 2021

DIMANCHE05DÉCEMBRESemaine 48 | GéraldBPremier croissant

Sunrise 08:27
Sunset 16:55
Twilight ends 18:51
begins 06:31

Sun Hour08:2509:08Jupiter Hour16:5918:16
Venus Hour09:0809:51Mars Hour18:1619:34
Mercury Hour09:5110:34Sun Hour19:3420:51
Moon Hour10:3411:16Venus Hour20:5122:08
Saturn Hour11:1611:59Mercury Hour22:0823:25
Jupiter Hour11:5912:42Moon Hour23:2500:43
Mars Hour12:4213:25Saturn Hour00:4302:00
Sun Hour13:2514:08Jupiter Hour02:0003:17
Venus Hour14:0814:51Mars Hour03:1704:34
Mercury Hour14:5115:33Sun Hour04:3405:52
Moon Hour15:3316:16Venus Hour05:5207:09
Saturn Hour16:1616:59Mercury Hour07:0908:26

1-day old moon
New Moon


1 day old

2nd Lunar Day  10:00

This Lunar Day is propitious to clarification, compromise, reconciliation but also missed opportunities.

Waxing Moon

A good time for long-term partnership and for starting the implementation of far-reaching plans.

Moon in Capricorn  12:30

Suitable energy for working, planning, seeking employment, building, creating the foundations of something lasting, looking after the oldies, family business, saving, budgeting, studying serious subjects, scholarly work, pursuit of excellence. Important purchases, house, real estate, business, cars, antiques, insurance policies, payment of taxes and government fees.


MoonQuincunxTrue Node0.45
True NodeQuincunxMoon0.45


The Moon continues its transit of free-spirited Sagittarius until 6:32 AM EST, after which it travels through responsible Capricorn. We’re drawn to and appreciate the more unique ideas or viewpoints today with Mercury’s quintile to Uranus. This aspect inspires creative ways to approach technical matters. The Sun forms a quintile to Jupiter, and we’re exceptionally resourceful and confident in our abilities to solve problems. It’s a strong day for devising strategies, not only because of these quintiles but also due to a Mars-Pluto sextile that’s exact tomorrow morning but coming into play today. It’s easier to wait for the right moment to act.

The void Moon occurs from 12:09 AM EST, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a sextile to Jupiter), until the Moon enters Capricorn at 6:32 AM EST.


Mars forms a sextile to Mars this morning, bringing a stronger ability to focus. It feels natural to pursue our goals and satisfy our desires under this influence. We’re better at strategy now, and ambitions and determination increase. We’re getting in touch with what we want and devising plans to pursue it. We benefit from a patient and deliberate approach rather than pushing for immediate action. The Moon spends the day in practical, sensible Capricorn. With this transit, we recognize that reasonable boundaries and rules can reduce worry and chaos. This Moon aligns with Venus and Pluto and harmonizes with Uranus, Neptune, and Mars, and diplomacy and creativity are the routes to take to advance our goals.

The void Moon occurs from 11:43 PM EST, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a sextile to Mars), until the Moon enters Aquarius the next day, Tuesday, December 7th, at 6:49 AM EST.


Mercury forms a square to Neptune this morning, and we can find it challenging to follow or clearly communicate facts, directions, and instructions. Perceptions may be confused or overly idealistic, influenced heavily by wishful thinking and imagination. We may be dealing with deception or self-deception, and it can be difficult to be discriminating. Our minds are open to many different possibilities and options, however. A Mars-Jupiter square comes into play today, although it’s exact early tomorrow, and it can really rev us up, possibly convincing us that we can do more or take on more than is possible. There can be “much ado about nothing.” Mars-Jupiter brings hot-headed, dynamic energy to the day. We tend to overdo or jump into action too hastily. We’re easily riled up, enthusiastic, or excited under this influence. We can be excited about our prospects, but perhaps too hasty, counting our chickens before they hatch, putting money into a venture that needs further review, or overestimating what we (or the world) can do. Watch for haughtiness. We may be so focused on what we want to do that we lose sight of what is possible. A feeling of urgency may lead to coming on stronger than we intend. However, if we use common sense, this is a good time to stretch our imaginations and entertain new possibilities. Be watchful of making too much of a matter that doesn’t deserve so much attention. We might consider new ideas, but launches or commitments should probably wait. The Moon continues its transit of Capricorn at 6:49 AM EST, when it enters Aquarius.

The void Moon continues until the Moon enters Aquarius today at 6:49 AM EST.

**Conjunctions to Select Fixed Stars on December 5, 2021.**


Aspects to Mars 24°Sc38 -18°47′

 conjunct 24°Sc05 AGENA The pain of learning

Aspects to Vesta 10°Sg20 -19°10′

 conjunct 10°Sg03 ANTARES *** Success which can be obsessive

Aspects to Ceres 03°Ge07 +16°56′

 conjunct 02°Ge23 MIRFAK Challenge-oriented.

Aspects to North Node 01°Ge43 +20°30′

 conjunct 02°Ge23 MIRFAK Challenge-oriented.

Dimanche 5 Decembre 2021 16h00
dim. 5 dec. 2021 14h TU

Ephemerides astro 5/12/2021 à 14h TU
dimanche 5 décembre 21
St Gérald
Bonne fête Géraldine.

phase de la Lune du jourNouvelle Lune 04/12 07h44
premier quartier 11/12 01h37
Pleine Lune 19/12 04h37
second quartier 27/12 02h26
prochaine lunaison 02/01 18h35
Theme Astral
Horoscope astrologie astroo.com

  • The Moon is in Sagittarius before 6:30 AM, after which the Moon is in Capricorn.
  • A void Moon period occurs today from 12:07 AM to 6:30 AM.
  • The Moon is waxing and in its New phase.
  • The New Moon Solar Eclipse occurred yesterday in the sign of Sagittarius.


The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.

Date & Time: Dec 5 2021  12:30 

Event: Moon enters Capricorn

Description: The Moon in Capricorn

Consolidate. Pay attention to the foundations of life. Repair and restructure. Attend to financial or business matters. Make solid plans and get organized.

Date & Time: Dec 5 2021  6:07 

Event: Moon goes void of course

Date & Time: Dec 5 2021  0:07 am

Event: Tr-Tr Mon Sxt Jup

Description: Transiting Moon Sextile Transiting Jupiter

A great time to take up new feel-good opportunities. Show your confidence and optimism and reap the rewards.

Date & Time: Dec 5 2021  1:09 am

Event: Tr-Tr Mon Sqq Ura

Description: Transiting Moon SesquiSquare Transiting Uranus

We can easily find ourselves all wound up and nervous. Unpredictable responses from others (and ourselves). Emotional eruptions are possible. Not a good time to make permanent decisions, particularly about relationships and family/domestic matters.

Date & Time: Dec 5 2021  6:30 am

Event: Tr-Tr Mon Cnj Cap

Description: Transiting Moon Entering Capricorn

Consolidate. Pay attention to the foundations of life. Repair and restructure. Attend to financial or business matters. Make solid plans and get organized.

Date & Time: Dec 5 2021  9:14 am

Event: Tr-Tr Mon Qnx Nod

Description: Transiting Moon Quincunx Transiting North Node

There may be the need to pause to adjust things before moving plans forward. We could feel at odds with others on an emotional level. Public relations are not as favorable now.

Date & Time: Dec 5 2021  11:27 am

Event: Tr-Tr Mon Qnx Cer

Description: Transiting Moon Quincunx Transiting Ceres

Date & Time: Dec 5 2021  6:26 pm

Event: Tr-Tr Mon Cnj Jun

Description: Transiting Moon Conjunction Transiting Juno

The desire or need to connect with someone is strong now. We are sensitive to what others are thinking, needing, and feeling.

Date & Time: Dec 5 2021  8:02 pm

Event: Tr-Tr Mon Sqr Chi

Description: Transiting Moon Square Transiting Chiron

We may have some difficulty letting go of hurt feelings or resentments. We can be sensitive to what others think of us, and decisions made now may not reflect our hearts, and can be regrettable later on. We might take things the wrong way due to sensitivity. We may not make efforts to be understood. Hurt feelings are opportunities for healing. Now is the time for building bridges, not burning them.

Date & Time: Dec 5 2021  10:17 pm

Event: Tr-Tr Mon SSq Mar

Description: Transiting Moon SemiSquare Transiting Mars

We can overreact and exhibit impatience. However, this can also be a time of self-motivation.

Date & Time: Dec 5 2021  1:22 am

Event: Tr-Tr Mar Pll Sat

Description: Transiting Mars Parallel Transiting Saturn

Date & Time: Dec 5 2021  9:42 

Event: Tr-Tr Plu SSq Ves

Description: Transiting Pluto SemiSquare Transiting Vesta

We can be hell-bent on pursuing our goals, perhaps in a disruptive manner. Commitments to others can weigh on us heavily now. Compromise can be difficult, but may be the best solution to conflicts.


Inspiring, broad vision, enthusiastic, goal seeking, truthful, adventurous. Can be reckless, unrestrained, tactless.


Disciplined, responsible, reliable, industrious, conscientious, practical, achieving. Can be pessimistic, overly conventional, rigid, materialistic, callous.


Today’s Elemental Balance



Earth signs are Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. We are especially in touch with the physical world. We consider what we’ve learned and experienced in the past in order to make the most of the present. We can be cautious, practical, and possibly unimaginative. We are deliberate and can pace ourselves well. We need hands-on experience and are not impressed with theory as much as we are with results. Routines are tolerable and comforting.


We may have a difficult time being objective or detached. We may not be especially communicative.


Today’s Modal Balance


The modes are balanced today.


Today’s Lunar Phase



Moon 0 to 45 degrees ahead of the Sun. 

This is an energetic, impulsive, and subjective period of time. We are looking for new projects and opportunities. 


We’re seeking out more structure and working hard to achieve some measure of security with the Moon in Capricorn. We’re able to tone down our emotional needs so that we can focus on material or practical priorities.


Part of Body: Cutaneous nerves of lower leg 

Sabian Symbol: A party entering a large canoe.


SQUARE CHIRON  Orb 5°03′ Applying

We could be dwelling on hurt feelings or resentments. We can be sensitive to what others think of us, and decisions made now may not reflect our hearts and can be regrettable later on. We might take things the wrong way due to sensitivity. We may not make efforts to be understood. Hurt feelings are opportunities for healing.



You are a sunny and adventurous individual. You are optimistic and philosophical, and may tend to bluntness.


Part of Body: Cutaneous vessles of the thighs 

Sabian Symbol: The pyramids and the sphinx.


CONJUNCTION MERCURY  Orb 3°36′ Separating

Thoughts and communications about ourselves and our goals. We are expressing ourselves confidently, directly, and clearly.

SQUARE NEPTUNE  Orb 6°37′ Applying

This a time for dreaming rather than important decision-making. It’s a good time to pay special attention to dreams and inspiration. Clarity may not be with us, but we probably don’t need it right now. It’s difficult to know for certain what we want, as we may be wavering.

TRINE CHIRON  Orb 5°14′ Separating

We find it easier to bounce back from criticism, rejection, or feelings of insecurity; to humble ourselves. We can be filled with a sense of purpose. We more easily cooperate with others.



You seek knowledge to expand your worldview. You are a born philosopher, enjoying any information that helps you see the big picture. For instance, you may enjoy a religious debate. You place importance on freedom of speech and thought.


Part of Body: Right femur 

Sabian Symbol: Tiny children in sunbonnets.


SQUARE NEPTUNE  Orb 3°00′ Applying

Our minds can wander and communications can be unclear. We may not be seeing the obvious, and instead are imagining more complicated scenarios. Business and mechanical matters may suffer.



There can be some reticence about forming new connections, but when we do form them, they are longterm. Getting serious about our finances and boosting our relations with business partners and/or co-workers can be in focus. We value reliability. We take expressing our feelings seriously, and we take our time to  warm up to others. Our tastes are traditional.


Part of Body: Muscle insertions of upper to lower legs 

Sabian Symbol: A woman entering a convent.


SEXTILE MARS  Orb 1°38′ Separating

You have the opportunity to blend your charm and assertion. You can be both gentle and strong.

CONJUNCTION PLUTO  Orb 2°09′ Applying

You want intensity and drama in your personal relationships.  You are consumed with love and passion and expect your partner to feel the same way. You are disappointed when others fail to soar to great emotional heights and plummet the emotional depths by your side. On a more positive note you are fiercely loyal and committed with an ability to fight any injustice.



You are a passionate warrior. You are dramatic, and may have strong sexual urges. You may make a vengeful opponent.


Part of Body: Coccyx, Fallopian tubes 

Sabian Symbol: An x ray.


SQUARE JUPITER  Orb 1°23′ Applying

Our fighting, defending spirits are strong. We might be on a crusade. We could be too quick to take offense or to make judgments. Avoid unnecessary conflict and overreaching. Direct excess energy  into positive enterprises for positive results rather than adding more to your agenda.

TRINE NEPTUNE  Orb 4°13′ Separating

Inspiration might be found now, and our intuition is strong. There can be letting go of anger, or a softening of the disposition. Creative arts, particularly physical ones, are favored.

SEXTILE PLUTO  Orb 0°31′ Applying

You are able to use your energy constructively and feel a call to serve society.


You may experience difficulty being assertive and finding the drive to succeed, or alternatively you may have a tendency to misdirect your energies. Your current life lesson to express your energy positively and assertively. Your talent for independent action needs to be developed.



You are a seeker of the new and inspirational. You hold racially-inclusive values, and are a humanitarian.


Part of Body: Left fibula 

Sabian Symbol: An ancient pottery bowl filled with violets.



You have an ability to work well in groups. Your work is often original and innovative.


Part of Body: Skin of left lower leg 

Sabian Symbol: A popularity that proves ephemeral.


SQUARE URANUS  Orb 2°15′ Applying

You work to overcome a feeling of inadequacy about your abilities. You have problems with authority figures and need to learn to compromise. When you have done this you will succeed, particularly in large organisations.

SEXTILE CHIRON  Orb 0°49′ Separating

You have the opportunity through perseverance to face emotional pain in your life and discover your own natural sense of authority.



(1934 – 1942) We approach money and personal possessions in new ways and learn how to free ourselves from certain material constraints. Innovative ways to make ourselves comfortable emerge. We’re less inhibited about expressing sensuality, self-love, body love, and pampering. We’re challenging what we previously valued. There can be abrupt changes with money, valuables, possessions, and income that lead to a reshuffling of priorities or values. Income might come from non-traditional sources or ventures. We’re bringing progressive ideas to the world of business. New ways of doing business, as well as making, viewing, and handling money are likely. Income and the energy we put into making money can be variable. (May 15, 2018, to November 6, 2018, then March 6, 2019, to July 7, 2025, and then November 7, 2025, to April 25, 2026). 


Part of Body: Cervical and brachial plexi 

Sabian Symbol: A young couple walk down main-street, window-shopping.



A long-term influence in which fantasy, imagination, compassion, and spirituality are in stronger focus. (April 4, 2011, to August 4, 2011, then February 3, 2012, to March 30, 2025, then October 22, 2025, to January 26, 2026)


Part of Body: Left fibula muscle 

Sabian Symbol: A little white lamb, a child, and a servant.



Tests of our boundaries; breaking down and rebuilding structures and rules. (From January 25, 2008, to June 14, 2008, then November 26, 2008, to March 23, 2023, then June 11, 2023, to January 20, 2024, then September 1, 2024, to November 19, 2024).


Part of Body: Connections between femur and tibia 

Sabian Symbol: A water sprite.

This week: The Sun is in Sagittarius; Mercury is in Sagittarius; Venus is in Capricorn; Mars is in Scorpio.

The Sun is in Sagittarius from November 21-December 21. With the Sun in Sagittarius, our focus shifts from the need for an intimate connection with a person and with ourselves, to the desire to reach out to the world and connect with something larger than ourselves. While the Sun moves through this fiery, mutable sign, we can take steps to increase our understanding and awareness of the world around us. We are more able to muster up the courage to expand our horizons and branch out into new ways of thinking.

We can gain more confidence and optimism by focusing on the “big picture” as we move away from our focus on the details of mundane existence. Although we may be prone to overdoing our expectations, we have the opportunity to nurture our faith, hope, and vision under this influence.

Mercury is in Sagittarius from November 24-December 13. When Mercury is in Sagittarius, our thinking shifts from a need to plumb the depths of any given situation to the desire to learn about a wide range of topics. We seek ideals, our thinking is more optimistic, and our faith increases. We are more equipped to believe and to persuade. What is fair and unfair concerns us most now. However, we are not always very precise under this influence.

We’re more inclined to ask questions and seek answers during this forward-looking cycle. We might often wax philosophical, and we enjoy wrapping our minds around new concepts and ideas. Still, the details are not as interesting to us now, as we prefer to envision the big picture.

On the downside, we can be inconsistent and lack attention to details. While frank and open, we can also be tactless during this period. We’re generous with our communications and input, and we’re humorous and friendly at this time.

Venus is in Capricorn from November 5, 2021-March 6, 2022. [This is longer than usual due to the Venus retrograde, occurring entirely in the sign of Capricorn, from December 19, 2021-January 29, 2022.] Getting serious about our finances and boosting our relations with business partners and/or co-workers will be easier than usual under this influence. Our talents for creating artistic structure and form are enhanced, and our ability to form connections with people who support our ambitions increases.

We value enduring connections, reliability, and faithfulness. We take expressing our feelings seriously, and we take our time to warm up to others. We generally keep our “cool” in relationships. We’re steadfast and seek genuine, perhaps old-fashioned connections. It’s not a time for PDA, and we can be somewhat guarded and reserved with expressing our feelings or revealing our relationships.

The underdog who works hard can have their time in the sun now. We value slow and steady effort and long-term prospects. Reliability in others is most attractive.

This cycle favors getting along well with higher-ups, conservative business goals and ventures, long-term investments, and matters related to pension.

Mars is in Scorpio from October 30-December 13. In Scorpio, Mars is driven and focused on getting what it wants. We are persevering, single-minded, and strong. The desire to experience our emotional depths, as well as the urge to penetrate the surface of life in order to explore deeper levels of existence, is powerful. We are fascinated with what others tend to repress, and are drawn to experiencing and understanding these things.

We are less inclined to avoid important issues now. In some ways, we are attracted to crisis, as we see crisis as transformative and emotionally exciting. We would rather feel extreme emotions than nothing at all, as mediocrity or the “middle road” is felt to be unsatisfying.


Jupiter is in Aquarius from December 19th, 2020, to May 13, 2021, and then from July 28 to December 28, 2021. Read more about the Jupiter in Aquarius transitJupiter is in Pisces from May 13th to July 28th, when it retreats into Aquarius. Jupiter returns to Pisces on December 28th, 2021. There will be another part to this 3-part act in 2022! Read more about the Jupiter in Pisces transit.

Saturn transits Aquarius from March 21 to July 1, 2020, and from December 17th, 2020, until March 7, 2023. Read about Saturn’s transit of Aquarius.

Uranus is in Taurus.

Uranus transits Taurus from May 15, 2018, to November 6, 2018, and then from March 6th, 2019, until 2025/6. We approach money and personal possessions in new ways and learn to free ourselves from certain material constraints. Innovative ways to make ourselves comfortable emerge. We’re less inhibited about expressing sensuality, self-love, body love, and pampering. Above all, we’re challenging what we previously valued during this cycle.

There can be abrupt changes with money, valuables, possessions, and income that lead to a reshuffling of priorities or values. Income might come from non-traditional sources or ventures. In general, we’re bringing progressive ideas to the world of business. New ways of doing business, as well as making, viewing, and handling money, are likely. Our income and the energy we put into making money can be variable.

Romance & Relationships

Venus is in Capricorn from November 5, 2021, to March 6, 2022. Venus in Capricorn is a cycle in which security and stability in our relationships are paramount. We are more cautious with our emotions and somewhat skeptical of both our own feelings and others’ expressions of affection. Longevity is important to us under this influence.

There is a formality to Capricorn that can make personal expressions seem awkward and forced. However, this cycle offers us the opportunity to consider some of the practical issues of our relations and to work on making our partnerships work in the real world. A dose of realism in our personal lives can help us to feel more grounded and secure in the long run.

This week: On Friday and Saturday, our desires are complex and deep. We demand much from our relationships and pleasures, perhaps wanting to take them to a new level. Feelings are intense, insistent, and motivating.

Venus, the Goddess of Love: Highlights in the Coming Week:

Venus in Capricorn Marry for money and then learn to love ’em: that’s what your heart tells you now, as a new cycle gets underway in your life. Does that sound cynical? Maybe so – but it does reflect the yearning you feel for security and stability now, and it suggests the kind of compromises you may be willing to make to accomplish these objectives.

Venus semi-square Mercury November 25. We experience a strong desire for more pleasure in our lives, which can be excessive. Take care not to overstate your feelings or to set up unrealistic expectations in your partnerships.

Venus sextile Neptune November 30. Unusual attractions that add imagination, inspiration, and emotional “color” to our lives may occur now. We are attuned to the subtleties of human interaction, and we are more inclined to naturally cooperate with others. An imaginative, romantic time.

Venus conjunct Pluto December 10-11. An extraordinarily passionate time for relationships. We are focused and confident. There is a tendency to want–and to demand–a lot from a partnership or friendship. Powerful and uplifting time for romantic/sexual relationships. New insights into relationships and love. Strong attractions. Relationships begun under this influence are intense and passionate, deep and far from superficial, and can be quite possessive as well.

Void-of-course Moon on Sunday, December 5th, from 06:09  with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a sextile to Jupiter), until the Moon enters Capricorn at 12:32 .

VOC Moon on Monday, December 6th, from 11:43 PM EST, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a sextile to Mars), until the Moon enters Aquarius the next day, Tuesday, December 7th, at 6:49 AM EST.

VOC Moon on Thursday, December 9th, from 5:00 AM EST, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a square to Mars), until the Moon enters Pisces at 9:54 AM EST.

VOC Moon on Saturday, December 11th, from 2:40 PM EST, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a trine to Mars), until the Moon enters Aries at 4:46 PM EST.

December 2021:

Void of Course Moon Dates: Table for December 2021

Void of Course Moon Dates: Table for December 2021

Timing with the Moon – Better Periods this Week for Electing New Initiatives

It’s important to note that there are more factors to consider in addition to the windows listed below. The following windows are starting points. For example, you generally don’t want to elect a new venture when a very challenging aspect is applying, and it’s preferable to elect a time when a particularly positive aspect hasn’t yet perfected (is applying rather than separating).

The Moon is waxing this week, which is generally considered favorable for new beginnings, with exceptions. (See Best Time to Start a Business for more details).

According to principles of timing with the Moon, a window of opportunity occurs this week on Saturday, December 4th, from approximately 4:00 PM, to Sunday, December 5th, at approximately 12:05 AM EST. Caveats: It’s generally not a good idea to schedule new beginnings in the days (or perhaps week) surrounding an eclipse, and the Solar Eclipse occurs early on the 4th. This window is too close to the New Moon/eclipse.

Another window occurs from Sunday, December 5th, at approximately 6:35 AM EST, until Monday, December 6th, at approximately 11:40 PM EST, while the Moon is in Capricorn.

Still another window occurs on Saturday, December 11th, from approximately 11:35 AM to 2:35 PM EST, while the Moon is in Pisces.

MarsSextilePluto Mars sextile Pluto. We are able to successfully focus on our goals, to take decisive action, and to go after what we want without stepping on others’ toes under this influence.

MercurySquareNeptune Mercury square Neptune. We find it hard to follow facts, directions, and instructions. Difficulties concentrating on hard, cold facts are likely; and we may question facts altogether or avoid being pinned down for answers. This is a bad time for signing on the dotted line. Perceptions are confused, unrealistic, or too idealistic to carry weight in the real world. Conversations may be vague.

MarsSquareJupiter Mars square Jupiter. Although we may have much enthusiasm for life and for new projects, over-confidence and over-estimation of what we can do is likely. We can be impatient if results of our efforts don’t materialize right away, and we can also be too focused on what we think should be and lose sight of what is possible. We are ready and willing to fight for our beliefs. We may be excitable and competitive. Jumping ahead without considering the consequences is the inclination, but can be costly. This energy is also associated with lawsuits or struggles involving differences in personal philosophies and principles. A feeling of urgency may make us come on stronger than we intend. The inclination towards taking risks is strong, and patience is short.

MercurySemi-squareSaturn Mercury semi-square Saturn. Red tape, re-doing tasks we thought we had finished, problems getting from point A to point B, delays in communication, negative thinking, hyper-sensitivity and criticism–these are all potentials now. The energy is best used for focusing on fixing errors rather than harping on how irritating they are!

MercurySesquiquadrateUranus Mercury sesquiquadrate Uranus. We can have flashes of insight, but tend to be scatterbrained. Our ideas and communications may not be well-received because they don’t seem to others to carry weight. Our minds are not peaceful or harmonious under this influence, and irritable tempers, sarcastic speech, and dogmatism are negative expressions of this energy. However, fresh and creative ideas may come to us now.

VenusConjunctionPluto Venus conjunct Pluto. This is an “all or nothing” energy. We have the power of attraction at our disposal. Things shouldn’t be forced, even though the desire to sway, coerce, and manipulate others may be present. Passions are strong and intense. There is a tendency to want–and to demand–a lot from a partnership or friendship. This is a time when we can be focused and confident, especially when it comes to handling business and finances, as well as with regards to love and partnership.

MercurySextileJupiter Mercury sextile Jupiter. Positive thinking, new insights, and cooperation are themes now. This influence favors short trips, writing, teaching, studying, submitting applications and forms, test taking, and making diagnoses and observations. This is a time when we more readily exercise good judgment, take a more philosophical approach to thinking, and are more open to learning.

PlanetSabian Symbol
Sabian symbol 254 - The pyramids and the sphinxSagittarius 13-14° - Sabian Symbol 254
"The pyramids and the sphinx"
Sabian symbol 273 - The human soul receptive to growth and understandingCapricorn 2-3° - Sabian Symbol 273
"The human soul receptive to growth and understanding"
Sabian symbol 258 - Tiny children in sunbonnetsSagittarius 17-18° - Sabian Symbol 258
"Tiny children in sunbonnets"
Sabian symbol 293 - Two awards for bravery in warCapricorn 22-23° - Sabian Symbol 293
"Two awards for bravery in war"
Sabian symbol 235 - An X-rayScorpio 24-25° - Sabian Symbol 235
"An X-ray"
Sabian symbol 327 - An ancient pottery bowl filled with violetsAquarius 26-27° - Sabian Symbol 327
"An ancient pottery bowl filled with violets"
Sabian symbol 310 - A popularity that proves ephemeralAquarius 9-10° - Sabian Symbol 310
"A popularity that proves ephemeral"
Sabian symbol 42 - Window-shoppersTaurus 11-12° - Sabian Symbol 42
Sabian symbol 351 - A little white lamb, a child, and a Chinese servantPisces 20-21° - Sabian Symbol 351
"A little white lamb, a child, and a Chinese servant"
Sabian symbol 296 - A water spriteCapricorn 25-26° - Sabian Symbol 296
"A water sprite"
Sabian symbol 61 - A glass-bottomed boat in still waterGemini 0-1° - Sabian Symbol 61
"A glass-bottomed boat in still water"
Sabian symbol 76 - A woman suffragist oratingGemini 15-16° - Sabian Symbol 76
"A woman suffragist orating"
Sabian symbol 9 - A crystal gazerAries 8-9° - Sabian Symbol 9
"A crystal gazer"
Sabian symbol 58 - A woman pursued by mature romanceTaurus 27-28° - Sabian Symbol 58
"A woman pursued by mature romance"
Sabian symbol 217 - Deep-sea diversScorpio 6-7° - Sabian Symbol 217
"Deep-sea divers"
HouseSabian Symbol
1. ASC
Sabian symbol 77 - The head of health dissolved into the head of mentalityGemini 16-17° - Sabian Symbol 77
"The head of health dissolved into the head of mentality"
4. IC
Sabian symbol 135 - A pageantLeo 14-15° - Sabian Symbol 135
"A pageant"
Sabian symbol 257 - An Easter sunrise serviceSagittarius 16-17° - Sabian Symbol 257
"An Easter sunrise service"
10. MC
Sabian symbol 315 - Two lovebirds sitting on a fenceAquarius 14-15° - Sabian Symbol 315
"Two lovebirds sitting on a fence"
 Sun - Self, individuality, personality
The Sun symbolises a personal identity. It shows us areas where the person should learn to be independent, where he should fulfill his potential, differentiate himself from others and shine. The position of the Sun may tell us which profession would best suit the character of a person.
 Sagittarius 13-14° - Sabian Symbol 254
"The pyramids and the sphinx"
Sabian symbol 254 - The pyramids and the sphinx
 Moon - Emotions, instincts, roots, mother
Place in the horoscope where the Moon is tells us what gives the person a sense of security, and where to find it. It describes how sensitive we are and how we instinctively interact with our surroundings. The Moon also tells us about our childhood and our experiences with our mother.
 Capricorn 2-3° - Sabian Symbol 273
"The human soul receptive to growth and understanding"
Sabian symbol 273 - The human soul receptive to growth and understanding
 Mercury - Thinking, communication, intellect, learning
Mercury is the planet that brings us interest in intellectual things, about teaching and learning. It also indicates into what depth we want to study things. It gives us natural intelligence and the ability to analyse and reproduce.
 Sagittarius 17-18° - Sabian Symbol 258
"Tiny children in sunbonnets"
Sabian symbol 258 - Tiny children in sunbonnets
 Venus - Sensuality, love, harmony, pleasure
Venus symbolises attractivity. Sign in which Venus is tells us what we are attracted to and this enables us to give or receive love and affection, beauty and happiness, values and principles. The negative side is that it represents weakness and shallowness.
 Capricorn 22-23° - Sabian Symbol 293
"Two awards for bravery in war"
Sabian symbol 293 - Two awards for bravery in war
 Mars - Activity, energy, courage, assertiveness
Mars symbolises the need to get what we want. This means our driving force which includes sex drive, initiative and courage. Mars tells us about our desires, sensuality, courage and will. It also tells us about how we are able to overcome obstacles and how active we are.
 Scorpio 24-25° - Sabian Symbol 235
"An X-ray"
Sabian symbol 235 - An X-ray
 Jupiter - Happiness, optimism, expansion
Jupiter symbolises growth, expansion, laws, faith and ethics that guide it. It represents a sense for development and support, which can lead to opportunities, wealth and faith. However, if Jupiter is damaged, the person becomes immoral and extremist.
 Aquarius 26-27° - Sabian Symbol 327
"An ancient pottery bowl filled with violets"
Sabian symbol 327 - An ancient pottery bowl filled with violets
 Saturn - Restriction, order, maturity, time
Saturn is our strict teacher who is able to ruthlessly examine our maturity. However, it is not only the despot, but also the archetype of the sage who uses pain as a means to get our attention on what we should focus on and what we should continue to develop.
 Aquarius 9-10° - Sabian Symbol 310
"A popularity that proves ephemeral"
Sabian symbol 310 - A popularity that proves ephemeral
 Uranus - Originality, freedom, revolution
Uranus is the power of awakening, which often means that there will be some disruption and change. Events under the influence of Uranus are unexpected or unpredictable, forcing us to do things in a new way and face the truth about this or that issue.
 Taurus 11-12° - Sabian Symbol 42
Sabian symbol 42 - Window-shoppers
 Neptune - Fantasy, illusion, spirituality, imagination
Neptune is called the Lord of the Invisible Empire, which is a mysterious name of a mysterious planet. Perhaps we could describe it as a dimension of life that cannot be experienced by our five senses and we can only understand and perceive it in our imagination.
 Pisces 20-21° - Sabian Symbol 351
"A little white lamb, a child, and a Chinese servant"
Sabian symbol 351 - A little white lamb, a child, and a Chinese servant
 Pluto - Transformation, regeneration, power
Pluto is the planet of death and rebirth. It is the end of all things, it is the Judgment Day. It can give rise to obsessions or convictions. On the dark end of its spectrum it can manifest as "succumbing to the urge," or it can create an individual who has the ability to get to the core of things, destroy negative things and bring on healing and transformation.
 Capricorn 25-26° - Sabian Symbol 296
"A water sprite"
Sabian symbol 296 - A water sprite
 Lunar Nodes - North Node and South Node
The Lunar Nodes aren’t planets, but rather astrology mathematical points, that are directly opposite each other in the chart. It is said, that your life purpose is encoded between them - in the line between North Node and South Node. The South Node indicates your comfort zone, your habitual place, while your North Node shows life lessons and what you’re striving for in this lifetime. Both Lunar Nodes are almost always retrogade.
 Gemini 0-1° - Sabian Symbol 61
"A glass-bottomed boat in still water"
Sabian symbol 61 - A glass-bottomed boat in still water
 Lilith - Black Moon - Fascination and Denial
Lilith is a fictional point - the second empty focal point of elliptical orbit of the Moon around the Earth.
In mythology, Lilith refused to submit to Adam, rebelled against the connection between Adam and Eve, decided to escape from the world of people and made a connection with Satan.
In astrology, Lilith symbolises either fascination or refusal of topics with which she is connected with. Both, the fascination or the rejection of the given topics, can eventually engulf the person and take him "away" from the human world.
 Gemini 15-16° - Sabian Symbol 76
"A woman suffragist orating"
Sabian symbol 76 - A woman suffragist orating
 Chiron - Wounded Healer, inner teacher
Chiron is an asteroid between Saturn and Uranus. Its orbit is very unusual and represents a bridge between material and spiritual worlds.
According to mythology, Chiron was a great healer, wise teacher and one of the immortal Centaurs. Unfortunately, he was "deadly" injured by a poisonous arrow by Heracles, his favourite disciple. He was suffering in great pain but he could not die. Finally, he gave up his immortality for the benefit of Prometheus who was also suffering, and Chiron was sent to the underworld. In the underworld Zeus had mercy for him and he raised him to the heaven.
In astrology, Chiron symbolises our unhealable injuries and incurable trauma. However, if a person, instead of drowning in his own trauma, is able to accept the trauma and help others who are also suffering, and accept that suffering is part of life, then Chiron may be the key to wisdom, or even to some sort of "Initiation Gate".
 Aries 8-9° - Sabian Symbol 9
"A crystal gazer"
Sabian symbol 9 - A crystal gazer
1st house
1st house - Ascendant (ASC)
Physical personality
Ascendant (ASC) - Symbolises basic personality traits such as physical appearance, temperament, behaviour, relationship to life and the first impression the person gives.
 Gemini 16-17° - Sabian Symbol 77
"The head of health dissolved into the head of mentality"
Sabian symbol 77 - The head of health dissolved into the head of mentality
4th house
4th house - Immum Coeli
Home, Soul
Immum Coeli - Symbolises home and tradition, mother, family background, emotionality, inheritability and property. It shows characteristics that are hidden inside.
 Leo 14-15° - Sabian Symbol 135
"A pageant"
Sabian symbol 135 - A pageant
7th house
7th house - Descendant
Partner and intimate relationships
Descendant - Symbolises other people, relationships, cooperation, marriage, partnership, contracts, open hostility.
 Sagittarius 16-17° - Sabian Symbol 257
"An Easter sunrise service"
Sabian symbol 257 - An Easter sunrise service
10th house
10th house - Medium Coeli (MC)
Career, prestige and reputation
Medium Coeli (MC) - Symbolises social status, career, reputation, honours, fame, success, authoritative personality, father.
 Aquarius 14-15° - Sabian Symbol 315
"Two lovebirds sitting on a fence"
Sabian symbol 315 - Two lovebirds sitting on a fence

Author of Sabian paintings is Ruby Fumizki from Japan.
You can follow her work on her website rubyfmzk.com or Instagram

BELIER La lunaison se fait dans votre neuvi�me maison solaire et c'est sans doute l'occasion de participer � un voyage, tout du moins � un week end prolong�.BALANCE Cette lunaison met en exergue vos capacit�s intellectuelles et votre fa�on de communiquer. Profitez-en pour planter des graines, qui fleuriront aux environs de la Pleine Lune.
TAUREAU Cette lunaison dans votre huiti�me maison solaire met en lumi�re les questions d'argent ou de sexe. Ce que vous semez aujourd'hui sortira de terre � la Pleine Lune.SCORPION Cette nouvelle lune dans votre seconde maison solaire met l'accent sur vos qualit�s et vos dons particuliers. R�sultat visibles aux alentours de la prochaine pleine lune.
GEMEAUX Cette lunaison dans votre septi�me maison solaire vous permet de planter quelques graines d'amour dans votre coeur et dans celui de votre partenaire. Floraison � la Pleine Lune!SAGITTAIRE Cette nouvelle Lune vous place de nouveau sous les projecteurs, aussi veillez � soigner votre look et � mettre en relief vos qualit�s. Qui ne tente rien n'a rien!
CANCER Cette nouvelle lune dans votre sixi�me maison solaire vous permet de mettre le turbo dans votre travail, mais votre sant� s'en ressent. L�chez prise!CAPRICORNE Cette lunaison dans votre douzi�me secteur solaire vous permet de vous recentrer autour de votre �tre essentiel. Profitez-en pour faire du yoga, prier ou m�diter...
LION La nouvelle Lune se forme dans votre cinqui�me maison solaire, ce qui vous permet de planter des graines dans les domaines de l'amour et de la cr�ation. Eclosion vers la Pleine Lune...VERSEAU Cette nouvelle Lune dans le onzi�me secteur solaire vous incite � d�velopper l'esprit d'�quipe ou de groupe, tout en conservant un r�le de leader. Restez modeste...
VIERGE Cette lunaison, qui se passe dans votre quatri�me maison solaire, vous permet d'accorder un peu de temps � votre maison ou � des travaux de r�novation ou de jardinage. Un d�ner en famille?POISSONS N'ayez crainte de semer des graines en ce moment, surtout dans le domaine socioprofessionnel, elles sortiront probablement aux environs de la prochaine Pleine Lune...

'Metaverse' hype fuels booming digital property market

Analysts say virtual land on websites like Decentraland is already functioning as an asset, much like real land

Paris (AFP) - The idea of spending millions on non-existent land may sound ludicrous – but feverish predictions of a virtual reality future are pushing investors to bet big on digital real estate.

This week, New York-based company Republic Realm announced it had spent a record-breaking $4.3 million on digital land through The Sandbox, one of several “virtual world” websites where people can socialise, play games and even attend concerts.

That came hot on the heels of a $2.4-million land purchase in late November on a rival platform, Decentraland, by Canadian crypto company Tokens.com. And days before that, Barbados announced plans to open a “metaverse embassy” in Decentraland.

Such websites bill themselves as a prototype of the metaverse, a future internet where online experiences like chatting to a friend would eventually feel face-to-face thanks to virtual reality (VR) headsets.

“Metaverse” has been a Silicon Valley buzzword for months, but interest soared in October after Facebook’s parent company renamed itself “Meta” as it shifts its focus towards VR.

The Facebook rebrand “introduced the term ‘metaverse’ to millions of people a lot faster than I would have ever imagined,” said Cathy Hackl, a tech consultant who advises companies on entering the metaverse.

According to crypto data site Dapp, land worth more than $100 million has sold in the past week across the four largest metaverse sites, The Sandbox, Decentraland, CryptoVoxels, and Somnium Space.

For Hackl, it’s unsurprising that the market is booming, spawning an entire ecosystem around virtual real estate, from rents to land developers.

“We’re trying to translate the way we understand physical goods into the virtual world,” she told AFP.

And while it may be some time before these sites operate as true metaverses, transporting us elsewhere with VR goggles, digital land is already functioning as an asset just like real land, said Hackl.

“They can build on it, they can rent it out, they can sell it,” she said.

- ‘Fifth Avenue of the metaverse’ -

Tokens.com has bought a prime patch in Decentraland’s Fashion Street district, which the platform hopes to develop as a home for luxury brands’ virtual stores.

Enthusiasts say the metaverse would eventually allow online experiences, like meeting a friend, to feel face-to-face thanks to virtual reality headsets

“If I hadn’t done the research and understood that this is valuable property, it would seem absolutely crazy,” admitted Tokens.com CEO Andrew Kiguel.

Kiguel spent 20 years as an investment banker focused on real estate. He insists the Decentraland plot makes exactly the same kind of business sense as it would in the real world: it’s in a trendy area with high footfall.

“That is advertising and event space where people are going to congregate,” he explained, pointing to a recent virtual musical festival in Decentraland which attracted 50,000 visitors.

Luxury brands are already venturing into the metaverse – a Gucci handbag sold on the Roblox platform in May for more than the real version – and Kiguel hopes Fashion Street will become a shopping destination akin to New York’s Fifth Avenue.

As for how the land could be used to make money, “it can be as simple as having a billboard, or it can be as complex as having a storefront with an actual employee,” he said.

“You could walk in with your avatar and have 3D digital representations of a shoe that you can hold, and ask questions.”

- Second Life, rebooted -

As far back as 2006, a real estate developer made headlines after making $1 million from land sold on the virtual world site Second Life.

While Second Life remains active, proponents of its next-generation rivals point out a key difference.

In Decentraland, everything from land to virtual artwork comes in the form of a non-fungible token, or NFT.

Some people have spent tens of thousands of dollars on these digital items, and the concept has generated scepticism as well as excitement.

Facebook chief Mark Zuckerberg has emerged as a key proponent of the metaverse, renaming the parent company to Meta

But Kiguel predicts this form of digital ownership will become widespread in the coming years, because the blockchain technology behind it creates trust and transparency when making transactions.

“I can see the ownership history, what’s been paid for it and how it’s been transferred around,” he said.

But the investment is not without its risks – particularly given the volatility of the cryptocurrencies used to buy NFTs.

And while virtual concerts on sites like Roblox and Fortnite have drawn tens of millions of viewers, the sparse data available suggests traffic on metaverses like Decentraland lags far behind that of established social media sites like Facebook and Instagram.

Ultimately the value of the land investments depends on whether people start flocking to these sites.

“I know it all sounds quite ludicrous,” said Kiguel. “But there’s a vision behind it.”

Agence France-Presse

AFP journalists cover wars, conflicts, politics, science, health, the environment, technology, fashion, entertainment, the offbeat, sports and a whole lot more in text, photographs, video, graphics and online.

© 2021 AFP

Indonesia volcano eruption death toll rises to 13

The eruption of Java's biggest mountain caught locals by surprise on Saturday, sending thousands fleeing

Lumajang (Indonesia) (AFP) - Rescuers in Indonesia raced to find survivors in villages blanketed by molten ash Sunday after the eruption of Mount Semeru killed at least 13 people and left dozens injured, officials said.

The eruption of the biggest mountain on the island of Java caught locals by surprise on Saturday, sending thousands fleeing and forcing hundreds of families into makeshift shelters.

At least 11 villages of Lumajang district in East Java were coated in volcanic ash, submerging houses and vehicles, smothering livestock and leaving at least 900 evacuees seeking shelter in mosques, schools and village halls.

“We did not know it was hot mud,” said Bunadi, a resident of Kampung Renteng, a village of about 3,000 people. “All of a sudden, the sky turned dark as rains and hot smoke came.”

Dramatic footage showed Semeru pumping a mushroom of ash into the sky, looming over screaming residents of a nearby village as they fled.

“The death toll is now 13 people. Rescuers found more bodies,” national disaster mitigation agency spokesman Abdul Muhari told AFP, without specifying the cause of death.

Two of the victims have been identified, he said in a later statement.

At least 57 people including two pregnant women were injured in the eruption, of whom 41 suffered burns and were hospitalised, the agency said in a press release.

Lava had already destroyed at least one bridge in Lumajang, preventing rescuers from immediately accessing the area

President Joko Widodo on Sunday ordered a rapid emergency response to find victims after the scale of the disaster became clear, said state secretary Pratikno, who like many Indonesians goes by only one name.

As many as 10 trapped people were rescued from areas surrounding Lumajang, according to Muhari, as villagers and rescuers worked through the night to find anyone trapped or retrieve bodies.

Local broadcaster Kompas TV reported those rescued were local workers at a sand mining site.

But the rescues efforts have been hindered by hot ash and debris with evacuations temporarily suspended on Sunday due to hot ash clouds, Indonesia’s Metro TV reported, highlighting the difficulty of the rescue operation.

There is also a risk of heavy rain causing ash sediment to form a new river of hot lava, the country’s top volcanologist Surono told the station.

Most of those burnt in the immediate aftermath misunderstood the hot mud flow for floods so had stayed in their villages, Lumajang Public Order Agency spokesman Adi Hendro told AFP.

“They did not have time to run away,” he said.

- ‘Still alive’ -

At least seven people remain missing after the eruption, Hendro said, including two who authorities believe are still alive.

Map of Indonesia locating Mount Seberu, which erupted on Saturday

“There were signs they are still alive as there were lights maybe from their cellphones,” he said.

“But we cannot go there as the ground is still very hot.”

Lava mixed with debris and heavy rain had already destroyed at least one bridge in Lumajang, preventing rescuers from immediately accessing the area.

But emergency services footage on Sunday showed a desolate scene in the village of Kampung Renteng with rescue workers toiling surrounded by buckled buildings and fallen trees.

“There were 10 people carried away by the mud flow,” said Salim, another resident of Kampung Renteng.

“One of them was almost saved. He was told to run away but said ‘I can’t, who will feed my cows?’”

- Wrecked homes -

In other areas, villagers desperately tried to salvage their belongings from wrecked homes, carting mattresses and furniture on their shoulders while others carried goats in their arms.

The rescue teams were using heavy loaders to remove debris and clear roads, Muhari said.

Evacuees take shelter at a mosque in Lumajang after the eruption of Mount Semeru

Locals have been advised not to travel within five kilometres (3.1 miles) of Semeru’s crater, as the nearby air is highly polluted and could affect vulnerable groups, he added.

Officials have sent aid to shelters, including food, tarpaulins, face masks, and body bags.

Ash spewed by the volcano travelled up to four kilometres away, Indonesia’s geological agency said, reaching as far as the Indian Ocean in the southern part of Java.

The volcano’s alert status has remained at its second-highest level since its previous major eruption in December 2020, which also forced thousands to flee and wrecked villages.

The head of Indonesia’s centre for volcanology said it warned officials on Thursday about increased volcanic activity.

Indonesia sits on the Pacific Ring of Fire, where the meeting of continental plates causes high volcanic and seismic activity, and has nearly 130 active volcanoes.

In late 2018, an eruption in the strait between Java and Sumatra islands caused an underwater landslide and tsunami killing more than 400 people.

Agence France-Presse

AFP journalists cover wars, conflicts, politics, science, health, the environment, technology, fashion, entertainment, the offbeat, sports and a whole lot more in text, photographs, video, graphics and online.

© 2021 AFP

19°PIS - 20250309

  Ils sont nés un 9 mars Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf, Samuel Barber, Marianne Basler, Juliette Binoche, John Cale, Marie Cardinal, Jean-Pierre Chev�n...