jeudi 18 novembre 2021

26°SCO - 20211118

Chart Style
November 18, 2021
14:47 GMT
51° 29' N · 000° 00' E
Greenwich, GB
 – 8° 14' – a
 – 6° 05' – a
 – 0° 12' – ap
 – 2° 32' – s
 – 0° 23' – sp
 – 1° 43' – s
 – 2° 09' – a
 – 5° 22' – s
 – 2° 12' – a
 – 0° 18' – ap
 – 3° 33' – a
 – 0° 03' – ap
 – 1° 11' – a
 – 0° 33' – a
 – 0° 39' – sp
 – 0° 07' – sp
 – 0° 49' – a
 – 0° 47' – a
 – 0° 32' – sp
 – 0° 36' – ap
Ax – 1° 05' – a
 Sun26  28' 40" +1.008300 N 00234° 10'19 S 237
 Moon18 14' 41" +11.91401 S 14046° 08'16 N 051
 North Node01 42  R0.006900 N 00059° 35'20 N 312
 South Node01  42  R0.006900 N 00239° 35'20 S 318
 Mercury20  24 +1.602000 N 27228° 05'17 S 257
 Venus11  41 +0.812403 S 41283° 04'26 S 3610
 Mars12  52 +0.682500 N 18220° 31'15 S 257
 Jupiter23  56 +0.099601 S 04326° 37'14 S 3411
 Saturn08  06 +0.061500 S 49310° 45'19 S 0311
 Uranus12 14  R0.039600 S 25039° 55'15 N 071
 Neptune20  27  R0.007201 S 10351° 41'04 S 5112
 Pluto24  45 +0.020101 S 41297° 01'22 S 5110
 Proserpina17  01 +0.013900 N 50224° 47'16 S 087
 Chiron08 52  R0.026702 N 17007° 14'05 N 3712
 Ceres07 05  R0.223204 S 55066° 07'16 N 392
 Pallas09  22 +0.059403 S 48342° 24'11 S 3512
 Juno01  18 +0.347109 N 41271° 19'13 S 469
 Vesta01  06 +0.539103 N 13239° 39'17 S 148
 True Lilith09 50 +3.636600 N 45068° 04'22 N 412
 Mean Lilith13 39 +0.110701 N 03072° 08'23 N 302
 Selena17  51 +0.140800 N 00289° 21'22 S 1610
House CuspPlanets in House  
As22 26 
200 07 
321 13
IC08  50
528  09
626  24
Ds22  26 
800  07 
921  13 
MC08  50 
1128  09 
1226  24 
Vx07  47Vertex
Ax07 47Anti-Vertex
14  12Part of Fortune
01 50Mean Lunar Node
GMT: 14:47:00 · November 18, 2021
Sidereal Time: 18:38
RAMC: 279° 36' 51"
ΔT: 70.0 sec.

27th Degree of Scorpio
Sabian Symbol:
Scintillating with the flash of the instruments and the colors of banners and uniforms, a military band is marching.

19th Degree of Taurus
Sabian Symbol:
A newly formed continent is seen, fresh and green within its setting of interminable ocean.

21st Degree of Scorpio
Sabian Symbol:
A soldier runs the risk of court-martial in remaining absent without leave, but a lovely miss clings to him.

12th Degree of Capricorn
Sabian Symbol:
A student is lecturing and conjuring up dancing pictures of distant wonders before each listener.

13th Degree of Scorpio
Sabian Symbol:
In a rattle trap old wooden barn an earnest man works in a maze of apparatus; invention at the point of success.

24th Degree of Aquarius
Sabian Symbol:
A man obviously of the world has turned his back on passion and is giving people a deep and undying wisdom.

9th Degree of Aquarius
Sabian Symbol:
A student sits in quiet meditation and before his eyes a flag seems to form and then changes slowly into an eagle.

13th Degree of Taurus
Sabian Symbol:
A man very cheerful in his working clothes is handling a mountain of baggage the best he can.

21st Degree of Pisces
Sabian Symbol:
A child who is strange to rural life has taken violent fancy to a little white lamb and a Chinese servant smiles.

25th Degree of Capricorn
Sabian Symbol:
The little boys are welcomes to the store of the genial oriental rug dealer for rare fun in piled softness.

2nd Degree of Gemini
Sabian Symbol:
A nervous gentleman dressed in an elaborate Santa Clause costume is filling Christmas stockings furtively.

2nd Degree of Sagittarius
Sabian Symbol:
A quick wind is making sport with the sea; through sharp mist as far as sight reaches are scurrying whitecaps.

2nd Degree of Capricorn
Sabian Symbol:
Three stained glass windows in an old cathedral are seen, and the center one has been damaged by bombardment.

15th Lunar Day

People of this day are able to achieve success in trade. They are helped by remarkable working capacity and highly developed intellect. In study and work, they highlight the main thing and are only interested in it, not exchanging for trifles. In any situation, born in the 15th ld, feel themselves internally free. Feel their independence, strive for spiritual harmony, do not tolerate pressure and coercion. Are great lovers and lovers of the opposite sex. On their way of life they meet a lot of temptations and often can not resist them. It is useful for such people to restrain their passions, they act destructively, undermining their health. The main problem of these people is negative emotions. They must be kept under strict control.
Tip: Avoid heavy physical activity, limit communication with unpleasant people.


Lunar birthday is another way to learn the characteristics inherent in the person who was born on this or that lunar day. The Moon is a person's subconscious, his hidden potentialities, instincts, intuition. The knowledge of the day of his birth according to the lunar calendar makes it possible for a person to better build his own way, to understand the nature of regularities repeating in his life. The lunar number of birth will show what to look for, what to avoid and what to strive for.

November 18, 2021  6:00:00 PM  GMT+1:00
48° 52 002° 20 Paris, FR

Sun in Scorpio
You know how to say "No!" and to go without, if need be. Intense and sometimes driven, you are able to cut through to the heart of things. You are seldom interested in refinement. You can be magnetic, even wild at times, and have a sense of power and an instinct for survival. Moody.
Sun in 6th House
You are a good worker, always thinking and caring for things. You are naturally service-oriented and enjoy taking care of the needs of others. You are discriminating and can sort out the good apples from the bad.
Moon in Taurus
You have strong, stable emotions and tend to draw around you the perfect environment for your upbringing. The thing you need is always at hand. In addition, you get much support and good fortune from friends and relatives. You value constancy and security in all things and possess a good business sense. You are, by nature, domestic and enjoy pleasant surroundings.
Moon in 12th House
Psychology – in particular group work – is one area that you can always look to for support and encouragement. You may find yourself counselling or ministering to others, helping them to understand and accept your lives.
Mercury in Scorpio
The original Sherlock Holmes, you are able to ferret out information and all kinds of secrets. You are research-oriented and security minded. A shrewd and penetrating mind, you have great psychological instincts and are able to get at the causes beneath the surface of life.
Mercury in 6th House
You are skilled at using your mind in an analytical manner, always discriminating. An expert at quality control, you can spot the bad apples every time. You may be skilful when it comes to health-related matters (mental or physical).
Venus in Capricorn
You are in love with what's practical, right down to the last detail. You appreciate tradition and ceremony and are a conservative in all things. You are loyal, seldom emotional, and always proper, even too serious. Cool cucumber. You like to be in control.
Venus in 8th House
You don't care much for the superficial. You appreciate getting past the surface and down to the heart-the bare bones of the matter. This could make you a shrewd and discriminating business person. You value passion in a relationship.
Mars in Scorpio
You possess a powerful, persistent drive and are a hard, steady worker. Others may find you deep, with a sense of mission and mystery. You are willing to do work others would not go near, quietly bending things to your will, having it your own way. You have strong sexual energy, too, and enjoy getting down to the point.
Mars in 6th House
You are motivated when it comes to matters of care and service – taking care of details. You are up for any task that requires conservation – separating the wheat from the chaff. An urge to salvage everything.
Jupiter in Aquarius
A true progressive, especially in community or group work, you are democratic to the point of being radical – an idealist. You are cool and impersonal when it comes to being fair or just, with a great interest in new trends and world affairs. You are future-oriented. Application-minded.
Jupiter in 10th House
It is natural for you to put your practical and managerial abilities to work. You can make a career out of your keen organisational skills and clear insight into how things work. Supervision and taking charge are your trademarks.
Saturn in Aquarius
You have an innate distrust of groups or large organizations and could tend to avoid what is new or future-oriented. You are, perhaps, too conservative and need to develop a sense of community and sharing with others. Learn to be independent. Practice impartiality and altruism. Be innovative.
Saturn in 9th House
Religion, philosophy, and truth are essential to your life. You are painstaking and deliberate when it comes to sorting through ideas and values for what is lasting and solid. You may appear to others as too sober or religious.
Uranus in Taurus
You have new insight into home, possessions, and the whole domestic scene. Financial independence and novel ways to earn money and make a living interest you. You get away from it all with gardening, building, and family life. You discover freedom in steady, predictable growth – like a plant growing.
Uranus in 12th House
You could be unconventional in matters of psychology, the psyche, and all that is mystical or spiritual. Unusual ways to help or care for others – insight into accepting life and self-sacrifice – are yours.
Neptune in Pisces
The spiritual is seen as the ideal. Intuition, the occult, religion, and all things mystical are desired. Also music, fantasy, and all of the arts. The psyche, psychology, feelings. Also drugs, dreams, and far-out trips. Out-of-the-body. Trance.
Neptune in 11th House
You dream of a world where unity and harmony are a reality. Group or community work with high aims (great altruism) would be ideal for you. Your imagination drives you to make your dreams and inner vision a reality.
Pluto in Capricorn
Tremendous practical sense and drive cut through all the red tape and exposes the right decisions every time. You may have an ability to organize and manage all that is vulnerable and sensitive in the human psyche... the public mind.
Pluto in 9th House
You are passionate in your search for truth and essence. Nothing superficial or ephemeral holds your attention. Your intense analytical approach to life cuts through to the heart of things. This directness may not always endear you to others.
North Lunar Node in Gemini, South Node in Sagittarius.
You have versatility, adaptability and mental agility, but this a restlessness that can frustrate accomplishment. You must learn to concentrate your energies. Try to establish a 'base camp' before moving on to greener pastures. You may also need to clean up old legal and religious karma. Study great thinkers from the past, then develop your own unique way of thinking.
North Lunar Node in 12th House, South Node in 6th House.
Eradicate self-pity. Recognise that an inferiority complex is often a warped superiority complex. Examine your motives for working and serving. Learn to externalise your anger in an appropriate way.
Chiron in 11th House
Seeking appropriate ideals.
Ceres in 12th House
Keeping your feet on the ground in religious endeavours.
Your intuitive ability is strong, useful rather than mystical. You live your beliefs. You may be found serving in hospitals or institutions.
There may also be protection against being hospitalised for mental or emotional illnesses.
Pallas in 10th House
suggests a strong destiny to accomplish and receive recognition in the professional world. One can use your wisdom-nature to advance your career. With women this position can emphasise the archetypal situation of high professional success at the cost of the denial of your femininity unless integrated with emotional needs. Using your intelligences to invent, integrate or perfect forms of recognition.
Pallas in the tenth house lightens the load of responsibility. This gives self-confidence and patience for leaders.
Juno in 7th House
You place primary emphasis on the value of marital, business or other intimate partnerships. The need to co-operate with others and form lifelong primary relationships becomes a major focus throughout your life.
Vesta in 6th House
A dedication to work and efficient functioning. Your drive for perfection, if not overdone, can lead to doing things very well.
Part of Fortune in 11th House
The 'pot of gold' for you is a sense of wonder and beauty, the knowledge of man's true place and the responsibility of making it manifest. You willingly and joyfully become a channel for truth and evolution for all of mankind.
Gemini Ascendant
The Gemini Ascendant endows you with an inquiring nature fond of study and intellectual debate. With your liking of books and reading and you can apply your mind to a variety of subjects. Ingenuity and inventiveness are inherent qualities that should bring you social or financial success. A good education is important – you have good reasoning powers, a thoughtful mind and the ability for almost any literary pursuit or clerical work: languages and science are your strong subjects. You are also fond of travel. On the negative side you may lack concentration and perseverance. You can be rather irresolute, uncertain, and changeable at times. You are liable to worry and can be easily upset by little annoyances. You are kind, humane and sympathetic, but you know what it is to have fits of shyness, nervousness, and reserve, when you withdraw into yourself. Reason and understanding are your strong faculties, but you are liable to lack continuity and strength of will. An inner restlessness keeps you perpetually employed in research or other work. The danger lies in overstrain, the exacting of too much from body and spirit. You can, on occasion, be irritable and downright rude. Qualities lacking to some degree, which may be found in your partner are generosity, honesty of purpose and true wisdom.
2nd House Cusp in Cancer
You acquire money through your adaptability and your receptiveness to the people around them. You instinctively know what others need for growth and nourishment, and by responding to these needs you are often able to make money. Thus, your emotional and financial affairs are interrelated. Generally, you have something tucked away as a nest egg. You are emotionally tied to this and protect it at all costs.
3rd House Cusp in Cancer
A maternal/paternal attitude prevails toward brothers and sisters and the neighborhood environment. There is much coming and going and fluctuation in communication. You tend to travel in connection with business and financial affairs.
4th House Cusp in Leo
You express your power through the home and family. Generally, your homes are showplaces through which you express your creativity and status. You entertain lavishly, and those who come into your homes are treated with warmth and love.
5th House Cusp in Virgo
Passion in love is not characteristic of you. You derive pleasure from intellectual pursuits and prefer intelligent companions with whom you can establish brother-sister relationships. You can be critical of your loved ones. Your children may have outstanding intellectual ability.
6th House Cusp in Libra
You are able to work effectively with others in matters of service. You seek harmony and cooperation with your co-workers, and this is probably one reason for your financial success. As employers you are just and treat your employees as equals.
7th House Cusp in Sagittarius
You tend to emphasize ethical, religious, and philosophical values when choosing personal affiliations. You are usually lucky in marriage and have good relations with the public.
8th House Cusp in Capricorn
You have to earn your fair share in any sort of partnership or you deprive themselves of fulfillment. If you are lucky enough to get an inheritance, there is generally delay and the inheritance is often tied up in litigation. However, you protect themselves by buying insurance.
9th House Cusp in Capricorn
You are very traditional and conservative in religion and philosophy. Your philosophical outlook is restricted by materialism. Your humanitarian instincts are expressed through your professional work.
Aquarius Midheaven
This placing indicates that your career or area of responsibility in the world relates to gaining knowledge and expertise associated with the development of a broad, tolerant and impartial attitude when dealing with friends and other social groups. Intellectual power is important – original thinking, intuition and an investigative nature need to be developed and given practical application. You are a free soul and a confirmed nonconformist. You will generally do well working with electrical and electronic equipment, or in social work, photography, or any group or organisational work.
11th House Cusp in Pisces
You express your compassion and sympathy by generosity to your friends. You enjoy sharing your aesthetic appreciation with friends. But friends can be a source of disillusionment to you if you are unwise in your choice of whom to be friend.
12th House Cusp in Aries
Impulsiveness and headstrongness can be the cause of your undoing, although courage and decisiveness are your hidden support. You secretly initiate new activities in order to elude competitors.
Sun Opposite Moon
You will find yourself torn between an environment that is very comfortable and supportive versus a real need to grow, progress, and push out on your own. You are always being caught in the middle, forced to choose between surroundings that are supportive (but not progressive) and new directions that bring advancement that may be at the expense of your comfort. Getting these two opposing directions to work together may require some real compromising skills on your part. This could manifest as a love of history versus future trends, older persons versus younger, and so on.
Sun Conjunct Mercury
You communicate with consummate skill, and it is stimulating just being with you. Your high degree of mental concentration makes you an excellent student, able to excel in speaking, writing, and all types of communication skills. Your ambitions go hand-in-hand with communication and using the mind, and the two should never be far apart.
Sun Semisquare Venus
Your cravings get you in trouble now and again. You appreciate things that are not always in your own best interest. Your ambition and drive to grow and progress may sometimes be at the expense of your value system, your sense of beauty, and the like.
Sun Square Jupiter
You tend to be stubborn and unable to make solid career choices. You get carried away and go off in directions contrary to your actual needs. Your judgment in vocational matters is often off, sending you on a wild goose chase. In addition, there is possible difficulty with authorities and the law and/or differences with older people. To use an old adage, you can (at times) be your own worst enemy. The advice of a trusted friend regarding career is to be recommended.
Sun Sextile Pluto
Innate intensity and seriousness are visible to all. A sense of the eternal aspects of life makes authority and leadership positions natural and unavoidable. A gut sense of how to act in stress situations. Lots of charisma. Power.
Moon Opposite Mercury
It may be hard to find support for your ideas, and arguments may arise with those who oppose or challenge your way of thinking. You could find yourself thinking and presenting ideas that are out of place or don't go along with the current mood. Since you don't always pay attention to your own moods and feelings, some of your ideas may not even feel right to you. You could say things that upset or challenge those around you. You may be great at argument.
Moon Square Jupiter
The path or career that you take may go against tradition and thus sometimes be a lonely one. Don't expect much support from those around you. There is also some danger you could overextend, making decisions that go against your own better feelings and instincts. Career choices could be at the expense of home and surroundings. Your approach to solving problems may get you in hot water with others, resulting in frequent debates, if not out-and-out arguments.
Moon Sextile Neptune
A born director and orchestrator of the moods and emotions of a group. A sharp sense of drama and a feeling for spiritual ideas and for art in general. Dreamy. Able to understand the public's mood and what is required to please. Could be deceptive.
Mercury Square Jupiter
You don't spend a lot of time thinking out your problems, considering solutions, and the like. Your thoughts are most often elsewhere, and tend to be impractical much of the time. You can't seem to figure out the right course of action. This is most true when it comes to your career or vocation. Not a good counselor yourself, you are well advised to seek the advice of someone you trust when it comes to matters of your career.
Mercury Trine Neptune
You are expert at working with words that communicate mystical and mythological ideas. You are at home in these realms and can always manage to bring other-worldly ideas into the practical realms. You would make an excellent teacher of philosophy or religion, for you can't help but communicate these subjects and enchant all who come to know you. Your understanding of the unity behind appearances, along with the ability to put these thoughts into words, is a rare and valuable gift. You would make a good director, for you like working with mental images.
Venus Sextile Mars
All heart! Feelings are always out front and entirely natural. Love of action, motion (sports, physical, sex, and the like). An expert at matters of the heart. Children, animals, and all creative work get top billing. Always act on instinct, feelings.
Venus Trine Uranus
Your ability to discriminate real breakthroughs and to spot new trends makes you able to work in areas at the very fringe of technology. You love all that is new and different and are expert at sharing your feelings with others. Electronics, computers, communications (in fact, everything electrical) are right up your alley. You value independence in partners, friends, and love. You are what is called a "free spirit".
Mars Opposite Uranus
You put a lot of energy into maintaining the status quo, voiding whatever is new or different. You go out of your way to stay the same, and you find yourself taking positions against new trends and change in general. These can often take the form of arguments. It seems that you are always taking the role of preserver of tradition. Your desire for what is not different may bring out the rebel in those around you, partners and what-not. Others could demand a little spontaneity from you, especially when it comes to feelings and emotions.
Jupiter Semisextile Pluto
Organizational genius, especially when it comes to managing other people. You understand what motivates others from the point of view of mass psychology and can get at the heart of things in an instant. You have a great talent for social leadership.

Astrology Forecast for Thursday, November 18, 2021
Personal Factors
Love, Dating
Entertainment, Parties
Trips, Travels
Money, Property
Job, Career
Negotiations, Contracts
Education, Science, Literature
Sports, Military service
Extreme situations, Injuries
Health, Diseases
Restriction of freedom
beneficial, favourable influence
destructive, negative influence
probability of diseases, injury, extreme situation
Global Factors
Moon in Taurus
Suitable energy for practical activities, making money, business, building, engineering, woodworking, sculpting, pottery, cooking, massage, healing, meditating, contemplating, being still and content, artistic, sensual. All pleasurable activities. Purchase of beautiful objects, furniture, furnishings, clothes, flowers, art works, jewellery, land.
14th Lunar Day until 15:48 GMT
This Lunar Day is propitious to precision work and compromises, but also losses, break-ups, failures.
15th Lunar Day from 15:48 GMT
This Lunar Day is propitious to friendships, meeting up with people, or common ventures, but also disappointments or disillusions.
Lunar Eclipse of November 19, 2021
This is an unsuccessful time for the beginning of new affairs.


November 18, 2021Th

Sun26 Sco 28' 02"
Moon18 Tau 07' 11"
Mercury20 Sco 22' 36"
Venus11 Cap 40' 45"
Mars12 Sco 51' 56"
Jupiter23 Aqu 56' 16"
Saturn08 Aqu 05' 56"
Uranus12 Tau 13' 45" R
Neptune20 Pis 26' 60" R
Pluto24 Cap 45' 28"
Chiron08 Ari 52' 02" R
Lilith13 Gem 39' 02"
True Node01 Gem 41' 54" R


Sun enters the next Sabian symbol 19/11 at 04:13 h (chart)
Scorpio 27-28° – Sabian symbol 238
"The king of the fairies approaching his domain"

Thu, Nov 18, 2021

JEUDI18NOVEMBRESemaine 46 - Jour 322 - 43 | Aude@Pleine lune

Sunrise 08:02
Sunset 17:06
Twilight ends 18:58
begins 06:14

14-day old moon
Full Moon


14 days old

14th Lunar Day  16:46

This Lunar Day is propicious to precision work and compromises, but also losses, break-ups, failures.

Lunar Eclipse

This is an unsuccessful time for the beginning of new affairs.

Moon in Taurus  22:12

Suitable energy for practical activities, making money, business, building, engineering, woodworking, sculpting, pottery, cooking, massage, healing, meditating, contemplating, being still and content, artistic, sensual. All pleasurable activities. Purchase of beautiful objects, furniture, furnishings, clothes, flowers, art works, jewellery, land.


Current Planets
18-Nov-2021, 14:46 UT/GMT
Moon18Taurus14' 2"
Chiron8Aries52' 1"r

Jeudi 18 Novembre 2021 15h46
jeu. 18 nov. 2021 13h TU
Ephemerides astro 18/11/2021 à 13h TU
jeudi 18 novembre 21
Ste Aude

phase de la Lune du jourNouvelle Lune 04/11 21h15
premier quartier 11/11 12h48
Pleine Lune 19/11 08h59
second quartier 27/11 12h29
prochaine lunaison 04/12 07h44
Theme Astral
Horoscope astrologie

Novembre 2021


November 18th, 2021 (PT)
[S]The Sun is in Scorpio
phase de la Lune du jourThe Moon is in Taurus
The Gibbous Moon is in Taurus: All day
[Hg]Next Mercury Retrograde Period
Jan 14 - Feb 3

MercuryTrineNeptunein 15 mins
VenusTrineUranusin 14.8 hrs
MoonLunar Eclipsein 17.7 hrs
MercurySquareJupiterin 2.3 days
MercurySextilePlutoin 2.7 days
SunSign IngressSagittariusin 3.5 days
SunOppositionNorth Nodein 5.2 days
MercurySign IngressSagittariusin 6 days
MercuryOppositionNorth Nodein 1 wks
SaturnSextileChironin 1.2 wks
SunConjunctionMercuryin 1.5 wks
MarsTrineNeptunein 1.6 wks
MercuryTrineChironin 1.6 wks
MercurySextileSaturnin 1.7 wks
SunTrineChironin 1.7 wks
VenusSextileNeptunein 1.7 wks
SunSextileSaturnin 1.8 wks
NeptuneStationary Directin 1.8 wks
MercuryQuincunxUranusin 1.9 wks
SunQuincunxUranusin 2.1 wks
SunSolar Eclipsein 2.2 wks

Nov 18 2021 16:21 Jeu
    / 11°

Risque de pluie : 0% - Humi. : 83%

Vent :Nord-Nord-Ouest - 5 km/h

Lever : 08:05 - Coucher : 17:07


Jupiter Hour08:0208:48Moon Hour17:1018:25
Mars Hour08:4809:34Saturn Hour18:2519:39
Sun Hour09:3410:19Jupiter Hour19:3920:54
Venus Hour10:1911:05Mars Hour20:5422:08
Mercury Hour11:0511:51Sun Hour22:0823:23
Moon Hour11:5112:36Venus Hour23:2300:37
Saturn Hour12:3613:22Mercury Hour00:3701:52
Jupiter Hour13:2214:08Moon Hour01:5203:06
Mars Hour14:0814:53Saturn Hour03:0604:21
Sun Hour14:5315:39Jupiter Hour04:2105:35
Venus Hour15:3916:25Mars Hour05:3506:49
Mercury Hour16:2517:10Sun Hour06:4908:04



A Full Moon Lunar Eclipse occurs early today, at 3:58 AM EST, in the sign of Taurus. We take an urgent interest in the physical world and our own sensual needs and desires at this time. While we should watch for stubbornness, we must discover that some self-interest is healthy and necessary now. This eclipse is the first in a set along the Taurus-Scorpio axis that will continue until October 2023. As the first in a sign set, it can serve as the initial prompt, nudge, or push to make improvements in Taurus- and Scorpio-ruled areas of life in our charts, and feelings of discontent can magnify. Its square to Jupiter speaks to the extravagant nature of this time, and its harmony with Pluto suggests we’re determined, ambitious, and ready to see what we need to do to improve. There can be inflated feelings, so it’s wise to sit with them for a bit before taking action.

Full Moons always pit opposite signs of the zodiac against each other and invite us to balance the opposing energies. The contrast between earthy, practical, peace-loving Taurus and emotional, transformative, crisis-oriented Scorpio comes full bloom now. It’s a passionate and creative Full Moon, ripe with possibilities and learning experiences. Intimate relationship matters, such as personal comfort levels, sexuality, and values, figure prominently now. Our feelings about a lingering problem or issue can become very clear now.

While there can be a tug of war between closeness and independence, we might discover ways to interact while honoring both needs. We may need to deal with distractions and feelings of discontent that can lead us along unexpected tangents. Disruptions now may lead to a desire to explore motivations and understand meanings.

With today’s minor square between the Sun and Venus, we might watch for a tendency to go overboard seeking others’ appreciation. What we want to do and think we should do can be at odds now, and we may not be very productive with this kind of discontent. Ideally, we look for creative solutions for dissatisfaction. The Moon continues its transit of Taurus until 9:33 AM EST, when it enters Gemini. The Gemini Moon is curious, interested, and adaptable.

The void Moon occurs from 3:58 AM EST, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (an opposition to the Sun), until the Moon enters Gemini at 9:33 AM EST.


The Moon spends the day in connected, observant Gemini. However, Mercury forms a sesquiquadrate aspect to Chiron and a square to Jupiter today, pointing to some issues with perception. We can be excited and enthusiastic about our ideas and anxious to share them, but also somewhat sensitive to how they’re received. We need room to explore and create, visualize new solutions to problems, and express ourselves freely. However, we are inclined to exaggerate or miss the bigger point. It’s best to watch for a strong tendency to overstate or overestimate in our quest for meaning. Mental anxiety could manifest as we can swing from blind faith to doubt, making it difficult to make good, practical choices. We should also watch for scattering our energies or taking on too many activities at once–we could be looking so far ahead that we forget the important details or disclaimers. Watch for wasting our time on inconsequential matters. Feelings of discontent are temporarily prominent today. Later today, however, we find it easier to focus and strategize with Mercury and Pluto heading into harmony.

The Moon Is Waxing  A waxing Moon occurs from after the New Moon until the Full Moon, when the Moon is increasing in light. When the Moon is waxing, new endeavors are favored, with some exceptions. This is the time for starting projects that we want to last.

First Quarter Moon

The First Quarter Moon phase occurs when the Moon is 90 degrees after the Sun.

This is a time of action. We become aware of differences, and this can be a time of stress, clashing, and discord, but also of great energy, motivation, and growth. We may be feeling especially ambitious and competitive. Things are beginning to take off or to turn a corner. This is a time when we want to get something going, but we may not know the next step or the exact direction we want it/us to take. Most suitable activities now include taking action, pushing forward, making offers, researching more options, meeting new people, and gathering new/additional supplies you may need to further a project. Watch for overconfidence or overshooting the mark. Use the stress generated now to make changes.

Full Moon

The Full Moon phase begins when the Moon is at 180 degrees after the Sun.

This is an "eyes wide open" phase when we're made aware of something that has been previously hidden or not fully acknowledged. Something can come to fruition, culmination, or a turning point. Something finishes or ends now. Emotions are strong. Deadlines occur, imbalances are illuminated, and compromises need to be made. Epiphanies occur, feelings blossom. This is a strong time for expressing feelings, putting on a show, making an announcement, publishing, promoting, publicizing, uniting, making agreements, and finding missing links/objects/information/people.

full moon in astrology

Full Moon

The FULL MOON/LUNAR ECLIPSE occurs on Friday, November 19th, 2021, at 9:57.

A Full Moon occurs early Friday, when the Sun in Scorpio forms an opposition to the Moon in Taurus. The Full Moon is a time of culmination and the promise of fulfillment of that which was started at the New Moon. It is an emotional time – a time of romance, fertilization, and relationships. This Full Moon is a partial Lunar Eclipse.

This phase of the Moon occurs at 27 degrees and 14 minutes of Taurus, opposite the Sun at 27 degrees and 14 minutes of Scorpio. Its square to Jupiter speaks to the extravagant nature of this time, and its harmony with Pluto suggests we’re determined, ambitious, and ready to see what needs to be done to improve. There can be inflated feelings, so it’s wise to sit with them for a bit before taking action.

Note that this is the first eclipse of a set occurring along the Taurus-Scorpio axis. While the next eclipse after this one is in Sagittarius, there will be a Solar Eclipse in Taurus in April 2022, a Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio (Taurus’ opposite sign) in May 2022, a Solar Eclipse in Scorpio in October 2022, a Lunar Eclipse in Taurus in November 2022, a Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio in May 2023, and finally, a Lunar Eclipse in Taurus in October 2023.

As the first in a sign set, it can serve as the initial prompt, nudge, or push to make improvements in Taurus- and Scorpio-ruled areas of life in our charts, and feelings of discontent can magnify.

We take an urgent interest in the physical world and in our own sensual needs and desires at this time. While we should watch for stubbornness, some self-interest is healthy and necessary now. Read more about this eclipse.

Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse Chart: on November 19, 2021, in Taurus

Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse Chart: on November 19, 2021, in Taurus

This eclipse affects people with personal planets and points at 22 to 30 degrees of the Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius) and 0 to 2 degrees of the Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces) most significantly.


Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse (with additional points)

Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Taurus 

This week: The Sun is in Scorpio; Mercury is in Scorpio; Venus is in Capricorn; Mars is in Scorpio.

The Sun is in Scorpio from October 23-November 21. The guiding principle of Scorpio is “I desire.” Scorpio is the sign of depth, intimacy, and extremes of feeling. Superficiality simply will not do with the Sun in Scorpio–we want to get to the bottom of matters. Mediocrity does not satisfy either. All that is hidden, taboo, secret, or suppressed interests us. In Libra, we strived towards equality and fairness. Scorpio, however, instinctively believes that life simply isn’t fair.

Scorpio’s energy is provocative, usually in a quiet way, as well as passionate, strong-willed, and intense. It can be an immensely healing and transformative energy. Jealousy, vindictiveness, beating a dead horse, and manipulative are some of the more negative expressions of Scorpio.

We are more likely to prosper through strategy and knowing the value of keeping some things to ourselves at the right times. Efforts to repurpose, recycle, salvage, and transform can be successful. We’re especially successful at organizing, researching, investigating, and analyzing.

While we can be quite controlled with effort, there is some inclination to extremism. We can be drawn to challenges and crises, and we feel compelled to heal, fix, and direct or manage.

Mercury is in Scorpio from November 5-24. When Mercury is in Scorpio, our thoughts and communications are more probing and intense. While Mercury in Libra urged us to find balance and arrive at reasonable solutions, Mercury in Scorpio instinctively knows that life simply isn’t fair. Mercury in Scorpio seeks truths in all that is hidden and undercover.

We tend to probe, observe, and focus our thoughts under this influence. Looking for motivations–the more deeply buried, the better–satisfies an intellectual need now. Our thoughts are profound. We throw away superficial manners of communicating in favor of deep conversations.

Scorpio is exceptionally sharp, profound, and analytical yet also intuitive. Thinking is inclined to be one-track-minded, focused, and even obsessive.

Mercury-in-Scorpio isn’t shocked by much, or at least keeps its cool even if surprised. During this cycle, our approach is psychological when analyzing, deciding, and studying or observing. We’re not afraid to go places mentally. We get to the heart of a matter or to the bottom line very quickly, usually through instinct. Our resourcefulness and strategy stand out. We’re competitive.

We can be intrigued by motives and secrets or taboos. It’s not easy to take instruction or someone’s word for it–we have to experience it ourselves to draw conclusions. This position of Mercury is one of the most persuasive. It’s an excellent time to research, investigate, troubleshoot, and work on hunches. If left to observe on our own, we do our best thinking, seeking the hidden layers of a situation.

Venus is in Capricorn from November 5, 2021-March 6, 2022. [This is longer than usual due to the Venus retrograde, occuring entirely in the sign of Capricorn, from December 19, 2021-January 29, 2022.] Getting serious about our finances and boosting our relations with business partners and/or co-workers will be easier than usual under this influence. Our talents for creating artistic structure and form are enhanced, and our ability to form connections with people who support our ambitions increases.

We value enduring connections, reliability, and faithfulness. We take expressing our feelings seriously, and we take our time to warm up to others. We generally keep our “cool” in relationships. We’re steadfast and seek genuine, perhaps old-fashioned connections. It’s not a time for PDA, and we can be somewhat guarded and reserved with expressing our feelings or revealing our relationships.

The underdog who works hard can have their time in the sun now. We value slow and steady effort and long-term prospects. Reliability in others is most attractive.

This cycle favors getting along well with higher-ups, conservative business goals and ventures, long-term investments, and matters related to pension.

Mars is in Scorpio from October 30-December 13. In Scorpio, Mars is driven and focused on getting what it wants. We are persevering, single-minded, and strong. The desire to experience our emotional depths, as well as the urge to penetrate the surface of life in order to explore deeper levels of existence, is powerful. We are fascinated with what others tend to repress, and are drawn to experiencing and understanding these things. We are less inclined to avoid important issues now. In some ways, we are attracted to crisis, as we see crisis as transformative and emotionally exciting. We would rather feel extreme emotions than nothing at all, as mediocrity or the “middle road” is felt to be unsatisfying.

Jupiter is in Aquarius from December 19th, 2020, to May 13, 2021, and then from July 28 to December 28, 2021. Read more about the Jupiter in Aquarius transitJupiter is in Pisces from May 13th to July 28th, when it retreats into Aquarius. Jupiter returns to Pisces on December 28th, 2021. There will be another part to this 3-part act in 2022! Read more about the Jupiter in Pisces transit.

Saturn transits Aquarius from March 21 to July 1, 2020, and from December 17th, 2020, until March 7, 2023. Read about Saturn’s transit of Aquarius.

Uranus is in Taurus.

Uranus transits Taurus from May 15, 2018, to November 6, 2018, and then from March 6th, 2019, until 2025/6. We approach money and personal possessions in new ways and learn to free ourselves from certain material constraints. Innovative ways to make ourselves comfortable emerge. We’re less inhibited about expressing sensuality, self-love, body love, and pampering. Above all, we’re challenging what we previously valued during this cycle.

There can be abrupt changes with money, valuables, possessions, and income that lead to a reshuffling of priorities or values. Income might come from non-traditional sources or ventures. In general, we’re bringing progressive ideas to the world of business. New ways of doing business, as well as making, viewing, and handling money, are likely. Our income and the energy we put into making money can be variable.

Romance & Relationships

Venus is in Capricorn from November 5, 2021, to March 6, 2022. Venus in Capricorn is a cycle in which security and stability in our relationships are paramount. We are more cautious with our emotions and somewhat skeptical of both our own feelings and others’ expressions of affection. Longevity is important to us under this influence.

On Sunday, we have a hard time seeing through our insecurities to recognize value or our true feelings. It’s best to wait things out before making judgments or drawing conclusions. On Thursday,

Void-of-course Moon on Sunday, November 14th, from 12:41 AM EST, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a sextile to Pluto), until the Moon enters Aries at 10:49 AM EST.

VOC Moon on Tuesday, November 16th, from 10:51 AM EST, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a square to Pluto), until the Moon enters Taurus at 9:18 PM EST.

VOC Moon on Friday, November 19th, from 3:58 AM EST, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (an opposition to the Sun), until the Moon enters Gemini at 9:33 AM EST.

November 2021:

Void Moon Dates & Times: Table for November 2021

Void Moon Dates & Times: Table for November 2021

It’s important to note that there are more factors to consider besides the windows listed below. The following windows are starting points. For example, you generally don’t want to elect a new venture when a very challenging aspect is applying, and it’s preferable to elect a time when a particularly positive aspect hasn’t yet perfected (is applying).

The Moon is waxing this week until the Full Moon on the 19th, which is generally considered favorable for new beginnings, with exceptions. The Moon is waning this week after the Full Moon on the 19th, which is generally considered unfavorable for new beginnings, with exceptions. (See Best Time to Start a Business for more details).

According to principles of timing with the Moon, a window of opportunity occurs this week from approximately 3:00 AM EST on Friday, November 12th, to Sunday, November 14th, at approximately 12:35 AM EST, while the Moon is in Pisces.

When the Moon is in Taurus

MoonTaurusWe are motivated by the desire for serenity, security, peace, and comfort. The Moon is at her most sensual and constant in Taurus. Our basic impulses are to relax, resist change, and "stop to smell the roses". Life slows down a little, and we get comfortable. We may also be inclined to stubbornness and materialism under this influence.

The Moon in Taurus generally favors the following activities: Substantial and material actions that yield solid results. Financial activities, and those involving personal possessions, applying for a loan, beginning a potentially long-term relationship, music, home decor.

Sun in Scorpio Who owes what, who owns what, and who decides these things: these are some of the major issues for you at the dawn of the cycle that now begins in your life. The only thing we really own is our consciousness; the only master who is never overthrown is oneself. These are lessons best learned early in this cycle. Master them, and you master everything. Dodge these issues, and the great strength that could be yours will remain just out of reach. Understanding inner motivations, seeing through to the core: that’s your real path of power and enlightenment now.

Mercury in Scorpio A pronounced curiosity about taboos and mysteries plays a greater part in your life now. Your mind is on cutting through the nonessentials and penetrating to the core is where your mind is at now; you want to know who (or what) pulls the strings. Sex, taxes, investments, and others of life’s most compelling phenomena may captivate your interest more than ever before.

Venus in Capricorn Marry for money and then learn to love ’em: that’s what your heart tells you now, as a new cycle gets underway in your life. Does that sound cynical? Maybe so – but it does reflect the yearning you feel for security and stability now, and it suggests the kind of compromises you may be willing to make to accomplish these objectives.

Mars in Scorpio Tear it down and build it up again, reach in and pluck out the offending element: that’s what the new cycle you have entered is like. Power becomes a compelling idea, perhaps even an aphrodisiac – and you’ve got a stronger than usual supply of it now. Use it, don’t abuse it – or you might find that it’s a two-edged sword!

Jupiter in Aquarius Innovation, reform, and idealism are your paths to growth and gain now. New, futuristic ideas are part of this, but it’s much more than that: putting them into practice is essential because this is much more than empty idealism. A break from the past, a willingness to flaunt convention.

Saturn in Aquarius Ideals are in for a period of testing, as a new phase begins in your life. What are principles worth, unless they are put into practice? That’s an important question for you now. This could mean you may be disappointed by causes you believe in – but if you abandon your principles, you lose.

Uranus in Taurus Practicality and ingenuity combine as powerful drives in your life now that you have begun a new cycle. Taking innovative concepts and making them real and practical is your strong suit; getting stuck in the mud is to be avoided at all costs. Financial savvy, inventiveness, worldly genius.

Neptune in Pisces Things spiritual and psychic take the driver’s seat of your imagination as you begin a new cycle. The fine arts and all manner of fantasies assume a larger-than-life importance. Surrendering to fate, karma, and other powers greater than merely mortal may be seen as the ultimate liberation. If all is Maya (illusion), what is the reality that gives rise to the world of appearances?

Pluto in Capricorn As this new phase dawns for you, the pursuit of social/political power and status has a way of seeming necessary and inevitable – and let nothing stand in its way. It starts out small but has bigger consequences than you’d think. Ambition, responsibility, a place for everyone, and everyone in their place…

This Week in Astrology: November 14 to 20, 2021

VenusSemi-squareJupiter Venus semi-square Jupiter. We might take great strides to get noticed. Avoid impulsive buying. Problems in our personal life likely won’t get resolved under this influence. Avoid hasty (or haughty!) decisions. We might overstate our feelings or promise more than we can deliver, and the tendency to overdo is strong.

VenusSquareChiron Venus square Chiron. Blocks to intimacy, learning from one another, and commitment can be experienced now. Insecurities on a social level can be magnified.

SunSquareJupiter Sun square Jupiter. We may feel vague restlessness and discontent with life as it is. We want more, but perhaps too much. Overestimation and exaggeration. Elevated moods, but unstable ones, as they may not be based on reality. Channeled well, this energy can represent creative power.

SunSesquiquadrateChiron Sun sesquiquadrate Chiron. The desire to learn and grow through experiences and through others is strong, but may be hampered by a lack of confidence or a fear of being different.

SunSextilePluto Sun sextile Pluto. Research brings rewards. We benefit now from strategy and keeping things to ourselves for the time being. Opportunities to find or renew something we had lost, and to gain some power are available now.

MarsOppositionUranus Mars opposition Uranus. This can be a time of much restlessness, rebellion, and impatience. We have a tendency to take risks and to act on sudden impulses without considering consequences. We assert our wills and individuality powerfully, and we are ready to fight for freedom. There may be changes in work schedules, or life’s circumstances could challenge us in such a way that we need to change our goals or actions. This can also be a time when we tend to resist others and challenge them if they are trying to hold us back. Arguments and confrontations are likely. Technology may be a source of irritation, electrical appliances may break down or not work up to par. Energy fluctuates now. Anger can erupt seemingly from nowhere. If we aren’t too rash or impulsive, we might be able to free ourselves from restrictive circumstances. We could also have more courage than usual to do things that break the routine, and confrontations engaged in now could clear the air and help us to move forward.

JupiterSemi-squareChiron Jupiter semi-square Chiron. This can be a time when we are hungry for meaning and understanding, but it can be difficult to align ourselves with a personal philosophy or belief system that truly reflects our core. We might be led astray by beliefs and ideas now, or we might experience some form of crisis of faith. It is important to look within and come to a greater understanding of what we truly need or believe, rather than blindly following something that doesn’t truly serve our purpose. New business endeavors may require a closer look before pushing forward.

MercuryTrineNeptune Mercury trine Neptune. Imagination and intuition run high, and are involved in decisions made today. We are in the right place at the right time. We may easily sense the thoughts and feelings of others. We express ourselves with subtle flair. Favors photography, the arts, poetry, fiction, spirituality, advertising, and promotion.

VenusTrineUranus Venus trine Uranus. We lose our fear of taking risks at this time, and we happily embrace all that is new, unusual, and out-of-the-ordinary with regards to romantic involvements as well as financial undertakings. We are ready to experiment, but not ready to commit. Creative inspiration can be had. We have an offbeat, pleasant attitude and people are more willing to socialize. A good time for financial undertakings involving electronics, technology, the internet, metaphysics, and the arts, as well as group activities.

VenusSemi-squareSun Venus semi-square Sun. Irritations that seem to stem from others could be the reflection of our own inner uneasiness. Do your best to control yearnings for more and search for a creative solution for your inner dissatisfaction.

MercurySesquiquadrateChiron Mercury sesquiquadrate Chiron. Communications may be careless, hurtful or perceived as hurtful under this influence. It can be hard to read the intention behind the words used to communicate now. There may be impatience with rules, worry or guilty feelings, and conflicting viewpoints now.

MercurySquareJupiter Mercury square Jupiter. Information overload is possible today. It is all too easy to miss or neglect important details. We may exaggerate, have a hard time putting our ideas to practical use, or overstate under this influence. This is an unfavorable transit for travel. Our ideas and plans may be too grandiose just now. We could have a hard time convincing others of our point of view, and we could too easily jump to conclusions. There could be a lot of talk about nothing. Lack of clear mental focus, but we may make measurable progress if we can concentrate.

  • The Moon is in Taurus.
  • There is no void Moon period today.
  • The Moon is waxing and in its Waxing Gibbous phase.
  • The First Quarter Moon occurred on the 11th, and the Full Moon will occur early tomorrow.


The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.

Date & Time: Nov 18 2021  5:00

Event: Moon in Taurus

Description: The Moon in Taurus

This is a time for settling in, establishing and maintaining routines, and consolidating existing projects. We are building and developing. We crave predictability, stability, and security. This time favors ongoing projects and activities more than new ones.

Date & Time: Nov 18 2021  6:36 

Event: Tr-Tr Mon Cpl Jup

Description: Transiting Moon ContraParallel Transiting Jupiter

Date & Time: Nov 18 2021  9:29

Event: Tr-Tr Mon Pll Ura

Description: Transiting Moon Parallel Transiting Uranus

Date & Time: Nov 18 2021  10:45

Event: Tr-Tr Mon Sqq Jun

Description: Transiting Moon SesquiSquare Transiting Juno

There may be clinging or controlling behavior if we are driven by our fears. Hypersensitivity and moodiness are possible. Tread lightly with tricky emotional issues. 

Date & Time: Nov 18 2021  10:56 

Event: Tr-Tr Mon Cpl Mar

Description: Transiting Moon ContraParallel Transiting Mars

Date & Time: Nov 18 2021  19:57

Event: Tr-Tr Mon Pll Cer

Description: Transiting Moon Parallel Transiting Ceres

Date & Time: Nov 18 2021  18:13 

Event: Tr-Tr Mon Sxt Nep

Description: Transiting Moon Sextile Transiting Neptune

This is a feel-good time if we allow ourselves to relax and tune into the subtle aspects of life – art, nature, beauty, dreams, and spiritual realms. We absorb things easily, our senses are in good form, and we more naturally accept things and people as they are. There is no need to look for definite answers right now.

Date & Time: Nov 18 2021  18:47

Event: Tr-Tr Mon Opp Mer

Description: Transiting Moon Opposition Transiting Mercury

Relationships can be somewhat strained as responses to one another can be too intellectual/logical or too emotional, swinging between the two.Nervous energy, hypersensitivity. How we feel and what we think can be at odds.

Date & Time: Nov 18 2021  21:32 

Event: Tr-Tr Mon Cpl Ves

Description: Transiting Moon ContraParallel Transiting Vesta

Date & Time: Nov 18 2021  23:31

Event: Tr-Tr Mon Cpl Mer

Description: Transiting Moon ContraParallel Transiting Mercury

Date & Time: Nov 19 2021  3:06 

Event: Tr-Tr Mon SSq Chi

Description: Transiting Moon SemiSquare Transiting Chiron

Hurt feelings may be opportunities for healing. Now is the time for building bridges, not burning them.

Date & Time: Nov 19 2021  3:22

Event: Tr-Tr Mon Sqr Jup

Description: Transiting Moon Square Transiting Jupiter

We may not be very realistic right now – there can be some exaggeration. Minor annoyances are possible now. Contrariness or disagreements. This is not an ideal time for publicity, promotion, or legal matters. We can experience injustices. We are less inclined to consider the consequences of over-eating, over-drinking, or overdoing in general. This is a time to show some restraint. Grandiosity is not appreciated right now, and excess doesn’t go over well either. With a little self-control we can learn about what truly makes us happy.

Date & Time: Nov 19 2021  3:57

Event: Tr-Tr Mon Tri Plu

Description: Transiting Moon Trine Transiting Pluto

This can be a good time for getting loans, for taking care of business, and for dealing with money matters. It’s also good for getting in touch with feelings and managing them effectively. There can be a boost to our intimate life, creative impulses, and self-understanding. Events occurring now might involve some kind of karmic repayment or benefit. We could discover new information, hidden information, or a lost item. This is a time for recycling – seeing new uses for old items. True feelings come to the surface.

Date & Time: Nov 19 2021  8:37 

Event: Tr-Tr Mer Tri Nep

Description: Transiting Mercury Trine Transiting Neptune

Our words and thoughts can be more imaginative and colorful, subtle or creative. We can experience a sense of knowing and understanding with minimal explanation or instruction. Intuition is highlighted or awakened.


Stable and enduring, strong values, unyielding, earthy, acquisitive, strong desires. Can be stuck, stubborn, overly possessive, self-indulgent.


Intense, magnetic, penetrating perception, the power to confront. Can be destructive, vengeful, jealous, dramatic.


Disciplined, responsible, reliable, industrious, conscientious, practical, achieving. Can be pessimistic, overly conventional, rigid, materialistic, callous.


Today’s Elemental Balance



We are not very goal-oriented right now, or motivation to pursue our goals may be waning/lacking. Changes feel overwhelming. Enthusiasm may be low, we argue less, and we think more than we take action.


Earth signs are Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. We are especially in touch with the physical world. We consider what we’ve learned and experienced in the past in order to make the most of the present. We can be cautious, practical, and possibly unimaginative. We are deliberate and can pace ourselves well. We need hands-on experience and are not impressed with theory as much as we are with results. Routines are tolerable and comforting.


We may have a difficult time being objective or detached. We may not be especially communicative.


Water signs are Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. We are more compassionate, emotional, and intuitive than usual, and we may react emotionally to situations, possibly at the expense of logic or practicality. 


Today’s Modal Balance



The Fixed signs are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. We are thinking about the long view, seeking out security and stability rather than change. We may be committed, focused, resistant to making changes, and stubborn.


We can have a hard time adapting to changes and to others’ agendas.


Today’s Lunar Phase



Moon 135 to 180 degrees ahead of the Sun. 

We are looking to attach value and meaning to our goals. This is a time for analyzing, questioning, perfecting, and improving.

**Conjunctions to Select Fixed Stars on November 18, 2021.**


Aspects to Mercury 20°Sc32 -17°27′

 conjunct 19°Sc39 ZUBEN ELSCHEMALI– Negative social reform

Aspects to Mars 12°Sc56 -15°25′

 conjunct 12°Sc35 ALPHECCA Fruitfulness

 conjunct 12°Sc09 ACRUX Focused on the physical world.

Aspects to North Node 01°Ge41 +20°29′

 conjunct 02°Ge23 MIRFAK Challenge-oriented.


This is a time for settling in, establishing and maintaining routines, and consolidating existing projects. We are building and developing. We crave predictability, stability, and security. This time favors ongoing projects and activities more than new ones.


Part of Body: Occiput 

Sabian Symbol: Wisps of clouds, like wings, are streaming across the sky.


OPPOSITION THE SUN  Orb 7°13′ Applying

Discrepancies between our actions and emotional needs can reach a head. This is a time for acknowledging our feelings, but there is also a need for some self-control.

OPPOSITION MERCURY  Orb 1°11′ Applying

There can be disagreement between logic and feeling, the heart and the head. Relationships can be somewhat strained as responses to one another can be too intellectual/logical or too emotional, swinging between the two. Nervous energy, hypersensitivity. 

OPPOSITION MARS  Orb 6°24′ Separating

We may be acting on impulse now, and if we’ve been holding back our feelings, they might burst up and out now. There can be touchiness, we can be temperamental, but also courageous. There could be domestic conflict or a conflict within ourselves (whether or not to express something, or to act upon a desire).

SQUARE JUPITER  Orb 4°36′ Applying

We may not be very realistic right now, which can lead to moodiness, as we are more invested in our dreams and expectations.

CONJUNCTION URANUS  Orb 7°07′ Separating

This can be a time when we feel a need to make a change, however big or small, and we may feel compelled to experiment or improvise. We don’t want to feel restricted by routine or convention now.

SEXTILE NEPTUNE  Orb 1°06′ Applying

This is a feel-good time if we allow ourselves to relax and tune into the subtle aspects of life – art, nature, beauty, dreams, and spiritual realms. We absorb things easily, our senses are in good form, and we more naturally accept things and people as they are. There is no need to look for definite answers right now.

TRINE PLUTO  Orb 5°24′ Applying

We can be quite focused now, driven by our goals and ambitions and motivated to put problems behind us. We might happily pour ourselves into a current passion or interest, and could find it easy to get to the bottom of things.



You are a passionate and intense individual. You may gain attention through creating dramatic situations. You may also be secretive.


Part of Body: Anus 

Sabian Symbol: A military band on the march.



Thoughts and communications about ourselves and our goals. We are expressing ourselves confidently, directly, and clearly.

SQUARE JUPITER  Orb 2°37′ Separating

There can be exaggerated good moods or a tendency to go over the top now. Clashes of ego can occur.

TRINE NEPTUNE  Orb 6°07′ Separating

We are able to see matters, and people, from a perspective  that allows for, and finds beauty in, differences. We may be recognizing our more charitable, altruistic, and compassionate urges.

SEXTILE PLUTO  Orb 1°48′ Separating

You will be able to express your power in a positive manner. You will also have the opportunity to renew your vitality when necessary.


In past lives you have not expressed yourself to your greatest potential. In this life you are being challenged to use these talents. You have been given a second chance.



We’re resourceful, perceptive, and probing. Communications and thoughts tend to take on a serious overtone. We don’t take much at face value.


Part of Body: Sphenoid sinus 

Sabian Symbol: A soldier derelict in his duty.


SQUARE JUPITER  Orb 3°24′ Applying

You have many so many ideas and plans that you are not sure which ones to follow. You make promises you can’t keep, although your intentions are good.

TRINE NEPTUNE  Orb 0°05′ Separating

Our words and thoughts can be more imaginative and colorful, subtle or creative. We can experience a sense of knowing and understanding with minimal explanation or instruction. Intuition is highlighted or awakened.



There can be some reticence about forming new connections, but when we do form them, they are longterm. Getting serious about our finances and boosting our relations with business partners and/or co-workers can be in focus. We value reliability. We take expressing our feelings seriously, and we take our time to  warm up to others. Our tastes are traditional.


Part of Body: Right knee joint 

Sabian Symbol: A student of nature lecturing.


SEXTILE MARS  Orb 1°10′ Applying

You have the opportunity to blend your charm and assertion. You can be both gentle and strong.

TRINE URANUS  Orb 0°27′ Applying

We are open to new or unusual experiences. Our intuition for making changes serves us well now, and there can be good business sense, particularly for tapping into current or future trends. There is a healthy level of detachment experienced now that opens us up to new ideas, methods, art forms, and ways of relating.

SQUARE CHIRON  Orb 2°53′ Separating

You experience emotional pain in your relationships. You have difficulty experiencing the joy and beauty of intimate relationships. You need to face early childhood feelings of rejection and develop empathy for others close to you.



You are a passionate warrior. You are dramatic, and may have strong sexual urges. You may make a vengeful opponent.


Part of Body: Vulva, Labia minora, glans penis 

Sabian Symbol: An inventor inventing.


SQUARE SATURN  Orb 4°49′ Separating

We can feel thwarted, blocked, or slowed down. Enthusiasm wanes. Delays are possible, but might lead to important edits and adjustments.

OPPOSITION URANUS  Orb 0°42′ Separating

You enjoy the excitement of conflict and challenge. You can be arrogant or charming and do well in selling. Be careful with dangerous sports as you can be accident prone.



You are a seeker of the new and inspirational. You hold racially-inclusive values, and are a humanitarian.


Part of Body: Right tibialis anterior muscle 

Sabian Symbol: A man turning his back on his passions and teaching from his Experience.



You have an ability to work well in groups. Your work is often original and innovative.


Part of Body: Skin of right lower leg 

Sabian Symbol: A flag turned into an eagle.


SQUARE URANUS  Orb 4°07′ Applying

You work to overcome a feeling of inadequacy about your abilities. You have problems with authority figures and need to learn to compromise. When you have done this you will succeed, particularly in large organisations.

SEXTILE CHIRON  Orb 0°45′ Applying

You have the opportunity through perseverance to face emotional pain in your life and discover your own natural sense of authority.



(1934 – 1942) We approach money and personal possessions in new ways and learn how to free ourselves from certain material constraints. Innovative ways to make ourselves comfortable emerge. We’re less inhibited about expressing sensuality, self-love, body love, and pampering. We’re challenging what we previously valued. There can be abrupt changes with money, valuables, possessions, and income that lead to a reshuffling of priorities or values. Income might come from non-traditional sources or ventures. We’re bringing progressive ideas to the world of business. New ways of doing business, as well as making, viewing, and handling money are likely. Income and the energy we put into making money can be variable. (May 15, 2018, to November 6, 2018, then March 6, 2019, to July 7, 2025, and then November 7, 2025, to April 25, 2026). 


Part of Body: Cervical and brachial plexi 

Sabian Symbol: A man handling baggage.



A long-term influence in which fantasy, imagination, compassion, and spirituality are in stronger focus. (April 4, 2011, to August 4, 2011, then February 3, 2012, to March 30, 2025, then October 22, 2025, to January 26, 2026)


Part of Body: Left fibula muscle 

Sabian Symbol: A little white lamb, a child, and a servant.



Tests of our boundaries; breaking down and rebuilding structures and rules. (From January 25, 2008, to June 14, 2008, then November 26, 2008, to March 23, 2023, then June 11, 2023, to January 20, 2024, then September 1, 2024, to November 19, 2024).


Part of Body: Connections between femur and tibia 

Sabian Symbol: An oriental rug dealer.


Your sense of being has been violated in some way and you may fear asserting yourself. You may also over-compensate by attempting to be the first at everything. Physically you may suffer head wounds. You may become a pioneer in a way that will be of service to humanity.


Part of Body: Lens of eye 

Sabian Symbol: A crystal gazer.


You have the ability to work relentlessly for a cause in which you believe. You need to make sure you do not exclude other people’s points of view. You have visions and enjoy the adventure of discovery in your work.


Part of Body: Pelvic girdle 

Sabian Symbol: The ocean covered with whitecaps.


You have a meditative mind, the ability to merge in your mind with the universe. You desire to heal the world through words, and may be involved in some form of artistic expression.


Part of Body: Left metatarsals 

Sabian Symbol: An aviator in the clouds.


You want a partner who you can respect, and who respects you. You seek long-term commitment, and may marry later in life.


Part of Body: Left patella 

Sabian Symbol: Three stained-glass windows, one damaged by bombardment.


You like those close to you to share their feelings and thoughts and to listen to you. You share information with your loved ones to show them you care. You will suffer when others refuse to talk.


Part of Body: Bronchi 

Sabian Symbol: Around a closed-down factory strikers mill defiantly.



Part of Body: Clavicle 

Sabian Symbol: Two people, living far apart, in telepathic communication.



Part of Body: Zygomatic muscle 

Sabian Symbol: An open window and a net curtain blowing into a cornucopia.



This is a quest to learn to see life from other people’s point of view and to become adept in the art of communication. You have a tendency to be restless and scattered. You need to develop focus and the ability to communicate your ideas in a way that helps the many people in your life.


Part of Body: Oesophagus 

Sabian Symbol: Santa clause filling stockings furtively.



This is a quest to learn to see life from other people’s point of view and to become adept in the art of communication. You have a tendency to be restless and scattered. You need to develop focus and the ability to communicate your ideas in a way that helps the many people in your life.


Part of Body: Pelvic girdle 

Sabian Symbol: The ocean covered with whitecaps.

Sabian Symbols
PlanetSabian Symbol
Sabian symbol 237 - A military band on the marchScorpio 26-27° - Sabian Symbol 237
"A military band on the march"
Sabian symbol 49 - A newly formed continentTaurus 18-19° - Sabian Symbol 49
"A newly formed continent"
Sabian symbol 231 - A soldier derelict in dutyScorpio 20-21° - Sabian Symbol 231
"A soldier derelict in duty"
Sabian symbol 282 - A student of nature lecturingCapricorn 11-12° - Sabian Symbol 282
"A student of nature lecturing"
Sabian symbol 223 - An inventor  experimentingScorpio 12-13° - Sabian Symbol 223
"An inventor experimenting"
Sabian symbol 324 - A man turning his back on his passions and teaching from experienceAquarius 23-24° - Sabian Symbol 324
"A man turning his back on his passions and teaching from experience"
Sabian symbol 309 - A flag turned into an eagleAquarius 8-9° - Sabian Symbol 309
"A flag turned into an eagle"
Sabian symbol 43 - A man handling baggageTaurus 12-13° - Sabian Symbol 43
"A man handling baggage"
Sabian symbol 351 - A little white lamb, a child, and a Chinese servantPisces 20-21° - Sabian Symbol 351
"A little white lamb, a child, and a Chinese servant"
Sabian symbol 295 - An oriental-rug dealerCapricorn 24-25° - Sabian Symbol 295
"An oriental-rug dealer"
Sabian symbol 62 - Santa Claus filling stockings furtivelyGemini 1-2° - Sabian Symbol 62
"Santa Claus filling stockings furtively"
Sabian symbol 74 - A conversation by telepathyGemini 13-14° - Sabian Symbol 74
"A conversation by telepathy"
Sabian symbol 9 - A crystal gazerAries 8-9° - Sabian Symbol 9
"A crystal gazer"
Sabian symbol 229 - A parrot listening and then talkingScorpio 18-19° - Sabian Symbol 229
"A parrot listening and then talking"
Sabian symbol 204 - A third wing on the left side of a butterflyLibra 23-24° - Sabian Symbol 204
"A third wing on the left side of a butterfly"
HouseSabian Symbol
1. ASC
Sabian symbol 57 - A squaw selling beadsTaurus 26-27° - Sabian Symbol 57
"A squaw selling beads"
4. IC
Sabian symbol 119 - A muse weighing twinsCancer 28-29° - Sabian Symbol 119
"A muse weighing twins"
Sabian symbol 237 - A military band on the marchScorpio 26-27° - Sabian Symbol 237
"A military band on the march"
10. MC
Sabian symbol 299 - A woman reading tea leavesCapricorn 28-29° - Sabian Symbol 299
"A woman reading tea leaves"
 Sun - Self, individuality, personality
The Sun symbolises a personal identity. It shows us areas where the person should learn to be independent, where he should fulfill his potential, differentiate himself from others and shine. The position of the Sun may tell us which profession would best suit the character of a person.
 Scorpio 26-27° - Sabian Symbol 237
"A military band on the march"
Sabian symbol 237 - A military band on the march
 Moon - Emotions, instincts, roots, mother
Place in the horoscope where the Moon is tells us what gives the person a sense of security, and where to find it. It describes how sensitive we are and how we instinctively interact with our surroundings. The Moon also tells us about our childhood and our experiences with our mother.
 Taurus 18-19° - Sabian Symbol 49
"A newly formed continent"
Sabian symbol 49 - A newly formed continent
 Mercury - Thinking, communication, intellect, learning
Mercury is the planet that brings us interest in intellectual things, about teaching and learning. It also indicates into what depth we want to study things. It gives us natural intelligence and the ability to analyse and reproduce.
 Scorpio 20-21° - Sabian Symbol 231
"A soldier derelict in duty"
Sabian symbol 231 - A soldier derelict in duty
 Venus - Sensuality, love, harmony, pleasure
Venus symbolises attractivity. Sign in which Venus is tells us what we are attracted to and this enables us to give or receive love and affection, beauty and happiness, values and principles. The negative side is that it represents weakness and shallowness.
 Capricorn 11-12° - Sabian Symbol 282
"A student of nature lecturing"
Sabian symbol 282 - A student of nature lecturing
 Mars - Activity, energy, courage, assertiveness
Mars symbolises the need to get what we want. This means our driving force which includes sex drive, initiative and courage. Mars tells us about our desires, sensuality, courage and will. It also tells us about how we are able to overcome obstacles and how active we are.
 Scorpio 12-13° - Sabian Symbol 223
"An inventor experimenting"
Sabian symbol 223 - An inventor  experimenting
 Jupiter - Happiness, optimism, expansion
Jupiter symbolises growth, expansion, laws, faith and ethics that guide it. It represents a sense for development and support, which can lead to opportunities, wealth and faith. However, if Jupiter is damaged, the person becomes immoral and extremist.
 Aquarius 23-24° - Sabian Symbol 324
"A man turning his back on his passions and teaching from experience"
Sabian symbol 324 - A man turning his back on his passions and teaching from experience
 Saturn - Restriction, order, maturity, time
Saturn is our strict teacher who is able to ruthlessly examine our maturity. However, it is not only the despot, but also the archetype of the sage who uses pain as a means to get our attention on what we should focus on and what we should continue to develop.
 Aquarius 8-9° - Sabian Symbol 309
"A flag turned into an eagle"
Sabian symbol 309 - A flag turned into an eagle
 Uranus - Originality, freedom, revolution
Uranus is the power of awakening, which often means that there will be some disruption and change. Events under the influence of Uranus are unexpected or unpredictable, forcing us to do things in a new way and face the truth about this or that issue.
 Taurus 12-13° - Sabian Symbol 43
"A man handling baggage"
Sabian symbol 43 - A man handling baggage
 Neptune - Fantasy, illusion, spirituality, imagination
Neptune is called the Lord of the Invisible Empire, which is a mysterious name of a mysterious planet. Perhaps we could describe it as a dimension of life that cannot be experienced by our five senses and we can only understand and perceive it in our imagination.
 Pisces 20-21° - Sabian Symbol 351
"A little white lamb, a child, and a Chinese servant"
Sabian symbol 351 - A little white lamb, a child, and a Chinese servant
 Pluto - Transformation, regeneration, power
Pluto is the planet of death and rebirth. It is the end of all things, it is the Judgment Day. It can give rise to obsessions or convictions. On the dark end of its spectrum it can manifest as "succumbing to the urge," or it can create an individual who has the ability to get to the core of things, destroy negative things and bring on healing and transformation.
 Capricorn 24-25° - Sabian Symbol 295
"An oriental-rug dealer"
Sabian symbol 295 - An oriental-rug dealer
 Lunar Nodes - North Node and South Node
The Lunar Nodes aren’t planets, but rather astrology mathematical points, that are directly opposite each other in the chart. It is said, that your life purpose is encoded between them - in the line between North Node and South Node. The South Node indicates your comfort zone, your habitual place, while your North Node shows life lessons and what you’re striving for in this lifetime. Both Lunar Nodes are almost always retrogade.
 Gemini 1-2° - Sabian Symbol 62
"Santa Claus filling stockings furtively"
Sabian symbol 62 - Santa Claus filling stockings furtively
 Lilith - Black Moon - Fascination and Denial
Lilith is a fictional point - the second empty focal point of elliptical orbit of the Moon around the Earth.
In mythology, Lilith refused to submit to Adam, rebelled against the connection between Adam and Eve, decided to escape from the world of people and made a connection with Satan.
In astrology, Lilith symbolises either fascination or refusal of topics with which she is connected with. Both, the fascination or the rejection of the given topics, can eventually engulf the person and take him "away" from the human world.
 Gemini 13-14° - Sabian Symbol 74
"A conversation by telepathy"
Sabian symbol 74 - A conversation by telepathy
 Chiron - Wounded Healer, inner teacher
Chiron is an asteroid between Saturn and Uranus. Its orbit is very unusual and represents a bridge between material and spiritual worlds.
According to mythology, Chiron was a great healer, wise teacher and one of the immortal Centaurs. Unfortunately, he was "deadly" injured by a poisonous arrow by Heracles, his favourite disciple. He was suffering in great pain but he could not die. Finally, he gave up his immortality for the benefit of Prometheus who was also suffering, and Chiron was sent to the underworld. In the underworld Zeus had mercy for him and he raised him to the heaven.
In astrology, Chiron symbolises our unhealable injuries and incurable trauma. However, if a person, instead of drowning in his own trauma, is able to accept the trauma and help others who are also suffering, and accept that suffering is part of life, then Chiron may be the key to wisdom, or even to some sort of "Initiation Gate".
 Aries 8-9° - Sabian Symbol 9
"A crystal gazer"
Sabian symbol 9 - A crystal gazer
1st house
1st house - Ascendant (ASC)
Physical personality
Ascendant (ASC) - Symbolises basic personality traits such as physical appearance, temperament, behaviour, relationship to life and the first impression the person gives.
 Taurus 26-27° - Sabian Symbol 57
"A squaw selling beads"
Sabian symbol 57 - A squaw selling beads
4th house
4th house - Immum Coeli
Home, Soul
Immum Coeli - Symbolises home and tradition, mother, family background, emotionality, inheritability and property. It shows characteristics that are hidden inside.
 Cancer 28-29° - Sabian Symbol 119
"A muse weighing twins"
Sabian symbol 119 - A muse weighing twins
7th house
7th house - Descendant
Partner and intimate relationships
Descendant - Symbolises other people, relationships, cooperation, marriage, partnership, contracts, open hostility.
 Scorpio 26-27° - Sabian Symbol 237
"A military band on the march"
Sabian symbol 237 - A military band on the march
10th house
10th house - Medium Coeli (MC)
Career, prestige and reputation
Medium Coeli (MC) - Symbolises social status, career, reputation, honours, fame, success, authoritative personality, father.
 Capricorn 28-29° - Sabian Symbol 299
"A woman reading tea leaves"
Sabian symbol 299 - A woman reading tea leaves

Author of Sabian paintings is Ruby Fumizki from Japan.
You can follow her work on her website or Instagram


Love & Money Calendar™

November, 2021

The dates below are the best (and worst) astrological days in November 2021 for the 17 important activities described (to read about the criteria we use in selecting these dates click here).

There are no really good astrological days in November 2021; the days we list as “best” are not really “best” but are actually “barely good enough” – but none are good enough for any crucial natalizations.

As always, please make certain you are having good transits when you make crucial natalizations.

Our MagicalOracle Mobile Web App is the easiest way to know what kind of transits you have on any day and you can check it anywhere in the world at any time by using your Iphone or Android.

As for the best and worst days this month for money, they are:

Best: November 21, 28
Worst: November 12, 13, 14, 15

And the best and worst days this month for love and sex are:

Best: November 9, 10, 22, 23
Worst: November 3, 12, 13, 14, 15

Please also always remember that in addition to selecting good astrological days for crucial natalizations, you need to have good transits at the same time in order to create a natalization that will work very well for you.

If you are a member of the Magi Society, you may log onto our Members Only Website and view in advance an EXTRA MONTH of the Magi Society Love & Money Calendar. This allows our members to use the stars to plan ahead by an extra month. Members of the Magi Society may click here to begin the process of logging onto the new Members Only Website.
[Editor's Note: These days were chosen specifically as the best and worst days for the activities specified and you should not assume that a good day for one activity is a good day for anything and everything else. For example, a good day to get married is not a good day to get divorced.

Although the good and bad dates we provide you are applicable for everyone, just how good or bad each day is will vary depending on your individual transits. For example, if you are having several Cinderella Transits on one of our good days, then the day can be fabulous for you. Or if you are having Cinderella Transits on one of our bad days, then the day will not be as bad for you as it will be for most people because your transits are better than most.]

1. The best and worst astrological days this month to get married (Make sure your transits are also good!)November 1, 9. 10, 19, 21, 22, 23, 28November 3, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16
2. The best and worst astrological days this month to buy something simple like a toaster or clothesNovember 1, 9. 10, 19, 21, 22, 23, 28November 3, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16
3. The best and worst astrological days this month to pay a bill for anything, such as rent, credit cards, utilities, department stores, etc.November 1, 9. 10, 19, 21, 22, 23, 28November 3, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16
4. The best and worst astrological days this month to sign a financial contract like a lease, tax return, car loan, etc.November 9, 10, 21, 28November 3, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16
5. The best and worst astrological days this month to make a business proposal and opening bank or brokerage accountsNovember 9, 10, 21, 28November 3, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16
6. The best and worst astrological days this month to deposit money into financial accounts like your bank accountNovember 9, 10, 21, 28November 3, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16
7. The best and worst astrological days this month to ask for a promotion or raise, go on a job interviewNovember 9, 10, 21, 28November 3, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16
8. The best and worst astrological days this month to meet anyone new for financial purposes like a prospective clientNovember 9, 10, 21, 28November 3, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16
9. The best and worst astrological days this month to go out on a first dateNovember 9, 10, 22, 23November 3, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16
10. The best and worst astrological days this month to enjoy an especially romantic eveningNovember 9, 10, 22, 23November 3, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16
11. The best and worst astrological days this month to look for or meet with that special person who will fulfill your dreamsNovember 9, 10November 3, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16
12. The best and worst astrological days this month to ask for a commitment from a loved one, such as a promise to be more understandingNovember 9, 10November 3, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16
13. The best and worst astrological days this month to ask for forgiveness and rekindle a relationship gone awryNovember 9, 10, 22, 23November 3, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16
14. The best and worst astrological days this month to start a new medication or begin anything new related to your health, including having any dental work done.November 9, 10November 3, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16
15. The best and worst astrological days this month to initiate a new contact like emailing or calling someone you do not know and laying the groundwork for making a proposal later on, or having the first meeting with someone new like a doctor, lawyer, broker, etc.November 1, 9. 10, 19, 21, 22, 23, 28November 3, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16
16. The best and worst astrological days this month to install a new APP or update an operating system on your Smart Phone.November 1, 9. 10, 19, 21, 22, 23, 28November 3, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16
17. The best and worst astrological days this month to start a new job.November 1, 9. 10, 19, 21, 22, 23, 28November 3, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16

Philippines accuses Chinese vessels of firing water cannon at its boats

Map showing disputed claims in the South China Sea.

Manila (AFP) - The Philippines on Thursday accused Chinese Coast Guard vessels of firing water cannon at boats delivering supplies to Filipino marines in the disputed South China Sea, and ordered Beijing to “back off”.

Foreign Secretary Teodoro Locsin said he had expressed “outrage, condemnation and protest” to Beijing over the incident, which he said happened Tuesday as the Philippine boats were travelling to Second Thomas Shoal in the contested Spratly Islands.

“Fortunately, no one was hurt; but our boats had to abort their resupply mission,” Locsin said in a statement on Twitter, describing the three Chinese vessels’ actions as “illegal”.

Locsin described the Philippine boats as “public”, suggesting they were civilian vessels, and said they were covered by a mutual defence pact with the United States.

“China has no law enforcement rights in and around these areas,” he added. “They must take heed and back off.”

China’s foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said two Filipino supply boats entered waters near the shoal “without China’s consent” and its coast guard acted lawfully to “safeguard China’s sovereignty”.

“Currently, the area around the Second Thomas Shoal is generally peaceful, and China and the Philippines are maintaining communication on this,” Zhao said, without confirming if water cannons had been used.

Tensions over the resource-rich seas spiked this year after hundreds of Chinese vessels were detected at Whitsun Reef, which is also in the Spratly archipelago.

China claims almost all of the sea, through which trillions of dollars in trade passes annually, with competing claims from Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan and Vietnam.

The contested waters also have valuable fishing grounds and are believed to sit atop vast oil and gas deposits.

Beijing has ignored a 2016 ruling by The Hague-based Permanent Court of Arbitration that its historical claim over most of the sea to be without basis.

-‘We do not ask permission’ -

China controls several reefs in the South China Sea including Scarborough Shoal – which Beijing seized from Manila in 2012 – and is just 240 kilometres (150 miles) west of the main Philippine island of Luzon.

It has asserted its stance by building up small shoals and reefs into military bases with airstrips and port facilities.

After China occupied Mischief Reef in the mid-1990s, the Philippines marooned a derelict navy vessel atop the nearby Second Thomas Shoal to assert Manila’s territorial claim. Members of the Philippine Marines are based there.

Locsin said the shoal was within the Philippines’ Exclusive Economic Zone, and warned China’s “failure to exercise self-restraint threatens the special relationship” between the two countries.

“We do not ask permission to do what we need to do in our territory,” he said.

Outgoing President Rodrigo Duterte has sought to pivot away from the United States, the Philippines’ former colonial master, towards China since taking power in 2016 and has appeared reluctant to confront Beijing.

But facing growing domestic pressure to take a harder line, Duterte has insisted Philippine sovereignty over the waters is not negotiable.

Cabinet Secretary Karlo Nograles said Thursday: “We will continue to assert our sovereignty… over our territory.”

In July, Duterte walked back on a decision to axe a key military deal – the Visiting Forces Agreement – with the United States during a visit by Pentagon chief Lloyd Austin.

In a joint statement issued this week, the two countries reaffirmed “our treaty commitments” that include “obligations to respond to an armed attack in the Pacific Area on either the United States or the Philippines.”

Agence France-Presse

AFP journalists cover wars, conflicts, politics, science, health, the environment, technology, fashion, entertainment, the offbeat, sports and a whole lot more in text, photographs, video, graphics and online.

© 2021 AFP

Canada death toll set to rise as floods ravage Pacific coast

Downpours in British Columbia forced thousands of people to flee their homes

Abbotsford (Canada) (AFP) - Canada is sending the military to help evacuate and support communities hit by “catastrophic” flooding, with the death toll expected to rise after record rainfall on the Pacific coast triggered a state of emergency Wednesday.

Officials said downpours in British Columbia this week trapped motorists in mudslides that left at least one dead and four missing, forced thousands of people to flee their homes, and cut off Vancouver and its port.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, in Washington ahead of meeting with his US and Mexican counterparts, said the heavy rains caused “historical and terrible flooding that has disrupted the lives and taken lives of people across BC.”

“I can confirm there are hundreds of Canadian Armed Forces members currently headed to British Columbia to help with everything from supplies to evacuation to whatever is needed,” he said.

British Columbia Premier John Horgan declared a state of emergency and imposed a travel ban, telling reporters “catastrophic” rains, winds and flooding “have devastated entire communities of our province.”

“We expect to confirm even more fatalities in the coming days,” he added.

This week’s extreme weather comes after British Columbia suffered record-high summer temperatures that killed more than 500 people, as well as wildfires that destroyed a town.

“These events are increasing in regularity because of the effects of human-caused climate change,” Horgan commented, just days after world leaders met in Glasgow for the COP26 climate conference.

- Airlifted to safety -

Hundreds of farmers were ordered to evacuate the flooded Sumas Prairie area of Abbotsford, with many having to leave livestock behind

By Tuesday afternoon the torrential rains had let up. An estimated 300 motorists trapped on highways by mudslides have been airlifted to safety and a few evacuation orders have been rescinded.

But Henry Braun, mayor of hard-hit Abbotsford east of Vancouver, told a briefing: “We’re not out of this yet.”

“If we have another weather event like we just went through, we are in deep doo doo,” he said.

Meanwhile, searches continue for more possible victims, after a woman’s body was recovered from a mudslide near Lillooet, 250 kilometers (155 miles) northeast of Vancouver.

Motorist Kathie Rennie told public broadcaster CBC she witnessed “the whole side of the mountain coming down and taking out these cars… everything just being swept away. Just complete panic.”

Canadian police, Staff Sergeant Janelle Shoihet told AFP late Wednesday, “have received a fourth missing person report related to the Lillooet mudslide.”

As the season’s first snow flurries started falling over inland towns covered in mud and partially inundated, residents scrambled for food, heat and water.

Many grocery store shelves were empty, as supply chain disruptions led to panic buying.

Horgan urged citizens not to hoard: “You do not need 48 eggs. A dozen will do, and leave the rest for somebody else.”

On the outskirts of Vancouver, livestock were pulled from hundreds of flooded farms on the Sumas Prairie – including a cow towed behind a jet ski through a meter of water to higher ground.

“We have thousands of animals that have perished,” with many more in “difficult situations,” said British Columbia Agriculture Minister Lana Popham.

Overnight almost 200 people were airlifted from the area to safety.

- Vancouver cut off -

Key highways remain closed. As a result, motorists wanting to travel to or from Vancouver have to go south to the United States and back up into Canada.

Landslides also cut off rail traffic to and from Vancouver – one of Canada’s busiest freight sea ports.

“We’re working diligently to assess the damage and make sure that we can get those supply roads back in shape as quickly as possible,” Horgan said. “But the conditions are severe.”

Environment Canada said up to 250 millimetres (almost 10 inches) of rain – what the region normally gets in a month – fell Sunday and Monday in and around Vancouver, which was also hit last week by a rare tornado.

Meteorologists blamed an “atmospheric river,” or narrow strip of moisture carried from tropical regions toward the poles, for the deluge.

Agence France-Presse

AFP journalists cover wars, conflicts, politics, science, health, the environment, technology, fashion, entertainment, the offbeat, sports and a whole lot more in text, photographs, video, graphics and online.

© 2021 AFP

18°PIS - 20250308

  Ils sont nés un 8 mars Ren� Allio, Jean Bretonni�re, Cyd Charisse, George Coleman, Max De La Giraudi�re, Denys De La Patelli�re, Yves Gall...